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Rocksmith 2014 Championship Week 497


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4 minutes ago, Rodman said:

Yeah - that´s the Championship 😉

Was the same for me - you really must have a play on WM - Dimension!!! Was a total mindopener for me. One of the coolest things here is i get to know bands i absolutely love not that i would have never had a listen to else including Muse, A7x, Gloryhammer, Ghost, Gojira, Metric, Rob Zombie and many more.

Rock! Rod.

Thanks for organizing it man!

My coworker left early so I was listening to WM Sundial in my office precisely when I got your message! 🤣

I'll definitely try WM Dimension! 👍

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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer



On 4/29/2023 at 3:51 PM, jellisjenius said:


@ Rodman  You are not making any sense at all. CF has a number of great charters who do primarily or only bass charts (jamesprestonuk, SlickWilly, djpavs, etc). It sounds to me like you are claiming that those CDLC are bad because they have guitar parts that are not charted...that's ridiculous. As a bass player, my experience with RS would not even come close to what it is, if all those great bass only CDLC were not available. 

Are you are claiming that we should exclude songs with "missing" charts from the Championship? 


On 4/29/2023 at 5:40 PM, cacahuate51 said:

first thanks for claryfying the rng in previous post!


2nd) is it not possible to just use the bass charted path only songs to be fillers? example song A gets picked and has 3 paths however the bass path isnt that good so to avoid a good guitar path being wasted or to avoid a capo week you rng a song with only a bass path tabbed. 

"3.2 if rhy and bass arrangements cannot match all 4 classes - choose from songs from spare arrangements, the past (songs played), from bass only songs or as above give next higher arrangment to the lower class too."

i mean thats what i thought 3.2 meant?

I know its not ideal to have bass charted path only songs as like you said it can clutter someones library .. But if you are participating for the bass category then i think thatd mean you want to play a decent bass chart. I find sometimes cdlcs with 2/3 paths might just simple chord function it in eof, which can work sometimes but othertimes the bass may do more fills and variations than which is tabbed. Also in general its just harder /rarer for all 3 paths to be perfect.

Usually songs by creators like burntmilk dellboy coldrampage or the ones jelly mentioned above spend more time/ have more accurate bass paths if its the only one tabbed. 

I mean the only people who will have a cluttered library  issue would be the bass players/owners. ("cluttered" in the sense that you are not playing bass you are playing guitar). What i personally do is just save bass path songs only in a seperate folder that way if i dont want to play bass that day and speed the rearranging process at the start of every session then i just take that folder out. I think you can also do this with cfsm. So maybe an option is to just put a side warning of bass path only chart  if they get picked

if the answer is still no, then ig i need to visit ssl to erase some of my suggestions as i was not aware bass path only songs were not a thing 😄


Now... take a deep breath and through the deep stuff 😉

First - thanks for your comittment! It´s been years since there were serious discussions or even deep questions about rules and that´s the only way the system can progress.

The main goal of the organisation of the Championship is and must always be to keep players motivated or in other words anything that drives players away must be avoided. We are living in times of milk and honey here now. That has not always been the case in the past. Players leave easily. And they leave for good. Players have left for being insulted (i will never tolerate such), for unfairness in selection - like a MC lead song has been selected from the same person proposing it. And that brings me to my first point ...

- selecting songs using a random system. Whenever possible - we really should do that yielding in some degree of objective fairness. Our friendly contest is called championship, there are leaderboards and winner awards, and i remeber gear has been destroyed by sadly not no more participating players because a battle was closely lost. So our goal is to provide serious contest to anyone who likes that. Participating in a contest as the selector of the songs to be played is always a thin line. Knowing the songs from testing for the selection is an advantage that is evened by the disadvantage of the time consumed for testing and doing the selection in the week before. If we choose songs per hand that can definitely be interpreted as advantage - and really should be the exception.

Second - what also sadly drives away players (like e.g. our man @ Milo ) is poor quality files. Major major major issue. We are fighting hard and constantly to have appropriate files every week and there have even been taskforces with a quality rating system... image.png

... but as long as we are like 3-4 orgas really working on setting up weeks that is not possible due to time issues. For me the Champs is about an hour a day, @ Mikson does even more (THX!!!!!!!!!), also @ jellisjenius , @ nlbsmglsk , @ kayteck and @ avastreg help so much that we are getting along that fine. But there are no ressources for extra steps regarding quality control. What´s left is the QC by the player suggesting the song and the tester (most of the time during selection process). Because everybody is doing as good as his/her time allows the quality is sufficient most of the time but only because we keep minimal standards a file must meet. Next to serving motivational competition to everyone the second goal of the CS is to create a list of tested, diff rated qualitiy files so everyone can just pick fitting songs exactly their playing level - that can nowehere else be found on customsforge. So the aim we set is a file should at least meet the quality of official RS14 on disc and dlc files - thus it must have good sync, custom tones, working RR, and AT LEAST ONE GUITAR AND ONE BASS TRACK, if a guitar/bass is played in the song. Otherwise it leads to deterioration of the library. If a song has a bassline and you cannot play it - it is incomplete (same for guitar). If you have it in your library and you play multiplayer and it gets chosen it´s a mess if a player is on the missing instrument. We have had discussions about that with charters also and we fixed a lot of files with charters adding the missing parts. Files that are missing the basstrack or the guitartrack, but are of great quality regarding the tracks that have been charted may be great to play for anyone who doesn´t care for the missing part, and everyone is free to do so, but we do not force all CS players to put those in their libraries - those files are not BAD (they often are great!!!), they are INCOMPLETE and thus not suitable for the CS as long as we have enough files that apply. I hope i make sense now. Bad files in quality and incomplete files make the CS worse.


Pers. note: fxxx do i hate to have to be a damn naysayer here. brrrr thats 180° against my attitude.


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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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Hey, I just wanted to share that posted something in the "WEEK 500" topic.

10 minutes ago, aNDESmASAMUNE said:

Hi @ Rodman  and hi fellow Championship mates!🤟🎶

I just wanted to throw some ideas apart from which songs to play:

1. If there is enough data from the past, there could be an announcement of the top three trophy winners. It could be only about the last year or the last XX weeks, because that is already too much info. In the other hand, it could be a competition from the week 500 to the week 520. 

2. I saw the list and we are almost 180 members. So I think would be good to make a collective invitation directed to all the 180 members, to participate in the week500 celebration. There is already a list, so it is a matter of copy-paste adding @ to each name. The risk with this is actually being successful and having too many competitors, which would be a burden to organize.  

3. Last week @ Razrshred  posted a score playing in multiplayer, and actually I thought that was cool! I do enjoy playing in multiplayer myself, but only have done a few times because I don't have many people around that play guitar/bass. So there could be a tournament in multiplayer, with a simple rule of just adding the accuracy of both players as the score. I think this category should be a bit informal and free of level of difficulty, thinking that it could be already difficult to find someone to play with (at least for me it is!). This competition would be only to have people playing together and having fun. 

These are just some random ideas and may be a burden to organize, so whatever the organizers decide, I will be happy and celebrating.






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6 hours ago, Rodman said:

and AT LEAST ONE GUITAR AND ONE BASS TRACK, if a guitar/bass is played in the song. Otherwise it leads to deterioration of the library. If a song has a bassline and you cannot play it - it is incomplete (same for guitar).

You know this is controversial. In general, I understand that adding too many songs with only bass/guitar chart is not necessary, but most CDLCs with harder guitar paths have an easier bass path, so we always need some CDLCs with a difficult (7.5-9.5) bass in the suggestions to compensate.

The screen you posted is interesting. I didn't know that CDLCs used to be rated on different criteria.

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11 hours ago, Rodman said:

  . Next to serving motivational competition to everyone the second goal of the CS is to create a list of tested, diff rated qualitiy files so everyone can just pick fitting songs exactly their playing level - that can nowehere else be found on customsforge. So the aim we set is a file should at least meet the quality of official RS14 on disc and dlc files - thus it must have good sync, custom tones, working RR, and AT LEAST ONE GUITAR AND ONE BASS TRACK, if a guitar/bass is played in the song. Otherwise it leads to deterioration of the library. If a song has a bassline and you cannot play it - it is incomplete (same for guitar). If you have it in your library and you play multiplayer and it gets chosen it´s a mess if a player is on the missing instrument. We have had discussions about that with charters also and we fixed a lot of files with charters adding the missing parts. Files that are missing the basstrack or the guitartrack, but are of great quality regarding the tracks that have been charted may be great to play for anyone who doesn´t care for the missing part, and everyone is free to do so, but we do not force all CS players to put those in their libraries - those files are not BAD (they often are great!!!), they are INCOMPLETE and thus not suitable for the CS as long as we have enough files that apply. I hope i make sense now. Bad files in quality and incomplete files make the CS worse.

Pers. note: fxxx do i hate to have to be a damn naysayer here. brrrr thats 180° against my attitude.

So thanks for sharing your thoughts in detail. I was with you up until this section. In my opinion you can't have the Championship be about competition and fairness and quality...but also about curating songs for people's libraries. Those two things are often at cross purposes with each other.  No one is being forced to keep a CS song in their library just because they played it that week. I regularly dislike CS songs and delete them after I record my scores for the week. I don't complain that my library is "deteriorating" because of those bad Championship organizers selecting songs I don't like. Saying we can't include songs with "missing tracks'" is eliminating a huge chunk of high quality DLC, especially for bass. You also mention multiplayer but you're the only one here I can recall posting about playing multiplayer.

You mentioned not wanting to do anything that would cause people to leave...well, I don't think any of the above quoted stuff is keeping people around. At least with regard to only using "complete" files. You are making a lot of assumptions about what people want here.

I'm going to take any further discussion of this to our organizer chat as I feel like the details of how I/we select songs is better suited there. 

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phhh... i did bad here (8)





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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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that is not easy, i´m not quick enough





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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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a lil + here





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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

great rhy mc (8)





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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

+ rhy





-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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On 5/1/2023 at 3:12 AM, Rodman said:

Just put it in the Song selection list, it will be played.

Win is yours 😉

Nooo! Don't put in the ssl hahah I'd much rather a new song be played. Not a fan of capo weeks (songs that have already been done in previous weeks) since theres so many good songs out there. Still I appreciate the comment and congrats on the victory!! 🙂 @ aNDESmASAMUNE

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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

lil +





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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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19 hours ago, Rodman said:


Now... take a deep breath and through the deep stuff 😉


 Yea fair enough, its been years since ive played multiplayer on rocksmith(i even forgot that was possible) so i had no clue of it crashing if it didnt have atleast a lead and bass.
I'm guessing this is also an issue if its only lead and rhythm if you're a bassist and guitarist? 

Recentley, just been blindsided by people doing single paths in r+ (pretty sure even some of the officials have been single paths).. or the people i follow on here cause we share similar taste of music do that and admitidely ive done that aswell.

After doing a quick filter of lead and bass songs its narrows the 64k to 52k so there is a loss of atleast 12,000 songs tbh its not as much as i thought it would be..that being said its still more songs than what rocksmith + has in their database in some countries hahah. 

I agree with mikson in that theres lots of higher difficulty songs which have simple basslines (hence a well done single path with a hard bassline could fit the week better/be funner/morechallenging) and with jelly in deleting the cdlcs you dont like after the week has ended (although i do know you collect them all and appreciate it, the pack you sent was nice)

In the end of the day it goes back to the first point which is an issue im personally not affected by but others in this competition might be so i understand the issue now.

Anyways again thanks @ Rodman for clarifying, its always good to know what's up.

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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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after only ... let´s see ...



408 weeks in advanced



i level up to Rhy MC

hell yeah!!!

Hi nlb, Raz, ava, coldi and MaZ - honor to share a class with you!

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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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9 hours ago, Rodman said:


after only ... let´s see ...



408 weeks in advanced


i level up to Rhy MC

hell yeah!!!

Hi nlb, Raz, ava, coldi and MaZ - honor to share a class with you!

I wasn't sure if the rhythm path of the Ghost song deserved a difficulty of 7, because it seemed like too much the last time I played it, but if you think so then I won't argue. 😉

P.S. If you achieved 99+ on a song with arpeggios, that would be a real promotion! 😀

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11 hours ago, Rodman said:


after only ... let´s see ...



408 weeks in advanced


i level up to Rhy MC

hell yeah!!!

Hi nlb, Raz, ava, coldi and MaZ - honor to share a class with you!

you're welcome!! prepare to be nicely asphalted by Raz, nlb and the others!! but, no pain no gain, right??

talking about mc rhythm


and for lead, a little improvement


I like the ghost song a lot, playing mostly for pleasure than for the sake of the competition!



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Thought I'd try the Masterclass. Probably still not quite there but I did okay this time.

Hey @ MaZtoR , since you mentioned practicing at 90% speed... Did you play the Ghost Twenties song with 100% speed? It's just weird that I got a 207 longest streak with 92% accuracy and ended up with 92% whereas you got 76 longest streak with 92% accuracy and ended up with 92.1%.

Oh well.


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