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aNDESmASAMUNE last won the day on November 21

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    Tokyo, Japan
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  1. I never liked headless guitars... but after watching this, I really want a Strandberg so bad!!!
  2. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!!! YEEAAHH!!! ---- Didn't have much time to practice everything, but I really liked Haken - In Memoriam, so I wanted to try to master it so badly!! This song has quickly become a personal soundrack for this season!!! Great song. This song is rated 7, meaning it is a HUGE challenge for me!! Fortunately the lead part actually doesn't have a difficult solo... After RRing like crazy for a couple of days, I did survive the Score Attack and reached more than 90%!!! YEEAAHH!! The time signature is very difficult to follow, and apparently it is mainly 7/8, combined with 8/8 and 6/8 depending on the part of the song... https://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/haken-in-memoriam-tab-s402658
  3. My wife and I are big fans of Sheena Ringo and have seen her live a couple of times... Here is the video for this weeks' song, in case you are interested. I think it is very cool.
  4. ROCKSMITH NIGHT!!!!!!!!!! YEEAAHHH!!! Thanks @ cacahuate51 for setting up a great week and saving the day!!! I wish everyone a happy week! I was actually pretty tired, but couldn't resist the temptation... --- Return to Dust was one band I discovered here in CF and liked this year. However, @ cacahuate51 didn't let me include it in my 2024 selections! (I'm just kidding of course) --- Wow this song is so cool!!! I'm looking forward to play the guitars, but sounds like its going to be VERY DIFFICULT for me!!! --- I like this song but again, I must be a masochist to propose this and impose this challenge to myself... Hopefully I have time to practice and reach a decent score this week...
  5. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!!!! YEEAHH!! --- It is really a miracle I won last week in bass-masterclass! I can't even reach the 90s here!!! At 95% speed I still feel in control, but at 100% speed everything crumbles... Very hard song for me but having fun! If it weren't for the Championship, I wouldn't even had dreamed to reach to this point one year ago! Still a lot of work to do!!!
  6. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!!! YEEAAH!!! Thanks @ cacahuate51 for hosting another great week! --- The bass-masterclass challenge for this week is perfect for practicing, since it is difficult but short! By the way, in my very very humble opinion (IM2VHO) , I think peak difficulty deserves to be rated 9. I am happy I survived the score attack after the first night of a RR-ing session. (Since it is difficult for me, I didn't even bother to do the first sightreading...)
  7. Thanks man! It means a lot to me coming from you! But the week isn't over, so I will enjoy my 5 minutes of glory until it last!
  8. MORNING SESSION I never play in thee morning, but here I am! --- Microscopic improvements! These "cowboy chords" as @ Satinuke calls them are so freaking difficult! Cannot even get to the 90s! At least I survived the score attack...
  9. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!! YEEAAH!!! ---- Bass upgrades. I am very biased, but I think this is a very fun week for bass as well!! This last one went way better than expected!
  10. Great score!!! You just got an upgrade and are on the track to win again!
  11. Winners list for w577 updated! Congratulations @ Goan Peng ! You won Bass-Advanced last week! It was a fierce battle, so great job!! I upgraded you in the players list as well. And congratulations @ loudly ! You won Bass-Intermediate last week! *Note> I did updated the winner's list here but didn't reset the leaderboard, since I couldn't find out how to do it and didn't want to mess anything!
  12. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!!! YEEAHH!! --- I think I must be a masochist to impose those guitar challenges to myself!!! Specially The Black Keys - Fever Tree is soo difficult for me!!! This is the best I can do for today.. . I got tired and cannot concentrate anymore...
  13. Testing scores and others... I think I missed to take some screenshots.
  14. After feedback from @ Mikson @ cacahuate51 and @ Rodman , I made the following changes in ratings: LEAD The Cure - A Fragile Thing 3.5^ > 2.5 Intermediate: 311 - Need Somebody 5* > 4.5 Advanced: The Black Keys - Fever Tree 7.5^ > 6.5 BASS Telula - Never Enough 8 > 8.5 Comments. -I take note that, in the case of Lead guitar, you can't rate it to the highest difficulty in that level if it doesn't have a solo that deserves it. -I have been doing this for a while, but still can't tell the exact boundaries for each class, specially for beginner, since it seem that the ratings vary wildly from my point of view... I rated begginner songs too low before, and now I made the opposite mistake! -For the "The Black Keys - Fever Tree" I rated 7.5 cause it was meant to be rhythm guitar, but I allocated to Lead because I struggled to fill all the posts... I was going to lower it but I forgot!
  15. TO EVERYONE: Week 577 winner's list updated! @ Goan Peng > You are allocated in Bass-Intermediate, but you actually won Bass-Advance, in case you want an upgrade!! Please confirm it to make the changes accordingly.
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