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  1. Past hour
  2. I'm working on my first ever project and for the life of me I can't sync the darn thing. This was the fourth time I had to abandon and start new. I'm hoping someone could give me pointers or better yet if I can send you the working project and somebody can finish or at least look at it and tell me what the hell is wrong with the whole thing. Its not letting upload EOF file Please let me know. Thank you in advance
  3. Yesterday
  4. Same on Mac. All I'm doing it just turning Rocksmith on and it's crackling, popping, slow motion. I've noticed the Gain override has been set to 10+ which I don't do so I'm going to try that later. Edit: I did turn the Input Audio Game off and back on. Reset the application and when it came back on it was working fine.
  5. Good Afternoon, I'm no expert I'm just going of the experiences I've had with Rocksmith so far. You should be able to get tuning with the Direct Mode on the MAC as I use it myself sometimes, you won't hear your guitar playing but tuning will work. I got horrible feedback yesterday whilst playing first time it's happened on my Macbook M1 but try a different USB port? Also if you have an older MAC device IE 2019 Macbook or an old iMac try and use Bootcamp, Rocksmith works so much better on PC than it does on the Macbook
  6. Here are some specific scoring discrepancies to help @ kayteck and @ avastreg with troubleshooting - and thanks for all your great work on this. Maybe some scores from week 560 might not have been completely cleared out before starting week 561, but rather copied over? For an example, my bass score on Blind Guardian is incorrectly recorded as 100 and my streak incorrectly as 638. Those numbers (as well as the score) seem to have been copied over from my Zero 7 record for week 560. Similarly my numbers on Gojira bass for week 561 are copied over from my Metallica numbers from week 560. But not all scores are wrong in week 561 as far as I can tell.
  7. Last week
  8. Ogorgohrogrohgrohrorrgo some random unbelievable unclear unfair uncool unfunny misses started chasing me I know my hands are not far perfect but those misses... ok so the best result so far:
  9. Scores are recognized using OCR and automatically added to the leaderboard. Apparently there was an error in the system, because previously if the screen was recognized, then score was correct. Please provide examples of some incorrect scores and have @ kayteck or @ avastreg look into it.
  10. Hi Here is a dummy question: is that Championship worksheet being updated? Because, sorry if I'm wrong, but for what I'm seeing here in prints, those scores in that sheet are different. Once again, sorry if I'm wrong.
  11. The bass scores on the spreadsheet seem to have a fair number of mistakes this week. Three of my four posted bass scores are incorrectly reported (all three higher than I deserve, I wish I could have played those). I haven't systematically compared all the other scores - have other bass players noticed errors too? My lead and rhythm guitar scores look okay though.
  12. this one is brutal... you miss one hand position and you miss like 20 notes
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