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  1. Today
  2. Unfortunately I still don't have a solution to build EOF in 64 bit. However.... The latest hotfix (1-14-2025) is in the first post. Changes are as follows: *Improved new chart wizard so that OGG metadata can be imported when the OGG comment field names aren't in all capital letters. *Fixed the 3D rendering non-SP, non-barre, GHL black/white slider gems to work with custom resources. *Increased the number of events that can be handled during Rocksmith import from 200 to 300. *Improved Sonic Visualizer import to support timings that define only a timestamp and no tempo. *Fixed a bug with the previous hotfix where RS phrases, sections and events that were imported were deleted at the end of import. *Adds a MIDI export addition from RoscoeSmith to export Clone Hero enhanced open notes for tracks that have a "[ENHANCED_OPENS]" text event. *Adds an experimental "Beat>Export beat timings" that will create a timings.txt file defining beat positions as either milliseconds or 1/# intervals of a second, for cases where this may be useful in another application. *Corrected the behavior of the "Click to change dialog focus" preference. *Improved paste so that arpeggio/handshape phrases that are created will reflect the copied phrases' lengths.
  3. Thanks for the words of encouragement @ Vodka ! Question! Does anyone have tips for how to play the double stop/power chords when it switches from 10 to 12 to 13 fret on the low E (D) and A strings? I mute with finger 2 when I play 10 with finger 1 barred, mute with finger 4 when I play 12 with finger 3 barred, then I play 13 and ...just pray? What am I missing?
  4. yesterday i got it fixed. since i realized the audio output y default only grabs only 48kHz and i had my headphones with a 96kHz so it dodnt recognized the output but now the game aletrs methat it doesnt have exclusive audio outpput and sometimes it glitches and every soud turn into a scratch ....sometimes.
  5. Do not forget to re-enable any antivirus, firewall, windows defender, etc that you disabled.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Managed to sort it all. Playing songs I like and never managed to figure them out. So much fun, and I think this will improve my stagnating playing massively. Shoutout to chainbrain for randomly popping onto my YouTube feed and reminding me of this game and its possibilities. All you folk helping and putting up songs and patches are legends.
  8. You are going to have to give more information. Are you getting an error message, how are you trying to put the .dll file into the folder, are you putting it into the Rocksmith 2014 folder in the Steam directory, is your Steam folder on the C drive, etc etc?
  9. My rocksmith file doesnt let me put the .dll file in its file Can someone help me please fix this
  10. A little better. Random misses. And a few at the end. Lead
  11. If something is (still) telling you it is a virus, you missed something.
  12. I turned off everything and it still wouldnt allow it. Windows settings all.off and in browser too. Will try again later but I may just have to wait. Glad I got it working at the minute though! Thanks for the response. I might just be an idiot again so will defo double check
  13. Alright, I misunderstood the question.
  14. CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!!!!! Bass night, YEEAHH!! ---
  15. TO EVERYONE: - Advanced Lead (Bring Me The Horizon - a bulleT w/ my namE On) changed to (7), after the advice from @ Rodman and @ Mikson .
  16. Yeah, I understood. But after adding silence a song duration incorrectly displaying in Rocksmith. If original duration is 5:00 then after convert it looks as 5:10.
  17. I am assuming you are meaning the Enabler; turn off Windows Defender and any antivirus you have for a minute to download and install it. Then Re-enable Defender and your antivirus. It is a known issue, and they are trying to get it rectified, but for the time being, that is the solution.
  18. It is done in Editor of Fire, not the converters (DLC Builder) How to Create CDLC: Song (Button): Leading Silence, Add Milliseconds, 10000, Adjust Notes Beats, Re-encode.
  19. If I understand DLC Builder changes original audio duration after adding Leading Silence (+10 seconds) and it shows incorrectly in Rocksmith. As I remember previous tool (rstoolkit) didn't have same problem or maybe I do something wrong.
  20. I managed to sort it. The .ini file I was looking for was just the file labelled rocksmith and is a configuration file. I plugged my focusrite in and made sure it was selected as the in and out on my sound settings, copied the asio files into the rocksmith files and booted it up. Got a couple of "is this set to *this* you dummy" messages on launch, changed what the dialogue box said to and it finally works. Now I just need to get my laptop.to allow me download the custom songs file as it thinks its a virus and won't even let me sniff it :')
  21. i was wondering the same, i have my audio outputs via usb and it doesnt recognize unless im with the audio jack plugged or the default realteck speakers but i want to use my headphones with the game DAC and i cant get to recognize any of my audio channel outouts besides the one previously mentioned ....so...i was wondering if anyone has a tool or mod or something that can fix that issue to have a easy acces to this same problem.
  22. Hey everyone. I figured out what was wrong but I don't know how to fix it. I was using a focusrite scarlet 414 to play rocksmith with minimal lag. For what ever reason, now the game won't start while I have the audio interface plugged into the pc. I unplug it and everything boots just fine. I do want to use the interface and have had zero issues until recently. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  23. Opeth song. Not that will make any difference, but is good to have a register Time to work on the songs now
  24. Last week
  25. Have a good week! Lead scores first. Another cool song by this band! Difficulty around 3.5/4. LP has never been in my musical interests, but I wonder if this new LP has anything from the old band, probably not much? @ aNDESmASAMUNE I confirm this is 7. The riffs seem really difficult at first glance. More Opeth always appreciated!
  26. First real result. @ drand give a try to LP. It's not such a hard actually. Just 2.5 patterns
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