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Daz40 last won the day on July 5

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  • Interests
    Guitar. Bass . Drums. Piano
  • Guitar
    Yamaha Pacifica. Yamaha Rgx. Ltd MH-53. Fender squire. Ibanez rg
  • Bass
    Peavey zodiac exp
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. Think green day bass may be a little higher rating maybe even a 6 advanced. maybe wait to see some more scores. I could just be sucking at It sure feels like i'm doing better at guitar also , maybe have a go at SA see where it's going wrong
  2. bass update should of played this in SA as i tried after and just got worse
  3. More bass more a beginner I think Interesting little Bass line had to slow this for a while first
  4. Rhythm is harder than the lead I believe maybe a 7 And the lead nice song
  5. Can't remember exactly as i'm a newbie at charting myself But i'm sure you would add a handshape think its under Note-Rocksmith-Handshapes.
  6. Alive In chains - Lovely Stuff rhythm a little tricky could be an xtra 0.5
  7. Haj Haj cookies are romantic, good beginner on all paths
  8. great lead by Hammett learnt this sort of years ago probably helped with this score better inter lead
  9. Some more scores Lead an rhythm Great song hit and miss with detection (It's not me). This was fun not sure what I was playing along too but still fun Overplayed yes But still a classic will play again and again and again
  10. Not sure what's going on with the scores, but I have not posted scores for Unforgiven lead and Evanescence rhythm But I have scores In the scoreboard??
  11. some bass scores enjoyed this too much fun right. beautiful song most know the other versions over the original always great to play the masters
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