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Mikson last won the day on July 12

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    Silesia - Poland
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    Squier Bullet (first guitar - still gives advice), Vintage V100
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    Ibanez SR500
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  1. Scores are recognized using OCR and automatically added to the leaderboard. Apparently there was an error in the system, because previously if the screen was recognized, then score was correct. Please provide examples of some incorrect scores and have @ kayteck or @ avastreg look into it.
  2. Rhythm Oh this is quite fast, I would give this a little high diff rating (5.5-6 maybe). This is a little faster, but not much harder than the BD song. I think 6.5 is the max diff. @ Rodman I don't think there is such a big difference in difficulty between BD and Gojira songs that the rating would differ by 2 (5 vs 7). I think 5.5 vs 6.5 would be more appropriate (or 6 BD vs 7 Gojira, because Lead and Rhythm charts of the Gojira song are almost the same, so they should have the same rating).
  3. I tested lead paths first. 3, I agree. Difficult intermediate. I would say 5.5, but this could even be 6. Nice song by Johnny Cash. I haven't played too many of his songs here, probably only this cover recently. When it comes to Gojira, I join to @ MaZtoR and @ avastreg club. It's not my cup of tea either. Their charts don't have what I like, i.e. any melodic riffs, solos, etc. It's hard for me to rate such a chart, I would give this maybe 6.5, but I this can also be 7 because of the speed. Here's the best explanation of what I meant above. There are some nice melodic riffs here that I like. However, this CDLC including default tones that are terrible and cannot be heard at all... I don't understand CDLC creators who can't add any normal-sounding tone to the CDLC they create. I will have to improve this in DLC Builder. As for the rating, I think this is a clean 8.
  4. I'm sorry that you perceived my post as an attack on you and your ratings. I just wanted to express surprise that you rated this chart so high, because you are a good bass player and so far, from what I remember, you rated bass paths correctly. The fact that this was your first song suggestion for the championship and you used a different rating scale explains the situation.
  5. I picked up bass quite late, but in my opinion, unfortunately, the ratings for two songs are wrong. This is ok, 4 yes. Ok here's the first one. I haven't been following this week closely, but did anyone notice that it was too difficult for a 5 rating? The chart has some really fast licks, including one on the high frets, definitely 6 for me. And here is the opposite situation. Rating 7, which is the maximum for an advanced level with a really not difficult chart. While playing this, I thought there would be a difficult section, but no. The entire chart was repeatable, quite comfortable to play, even if not very fast. I see in the spreadsheet that @ aNDESmASAMUNE rated it 7.5, why? @ Rodman lowered the rating a bit, but I think this is max 6 or even 5.5 because I think this is easier than Green Day song. A look at the leaderboard confirms my belief. A few 100% scores, a few 99+, this may result in several undeserved levels up to masterclass... 8, totally agree. A bit crazy but funny chart.
  6. Rhythm time Too many stupid mistakes, need to improve. Another crazy Japanese chart. Fortunately, this one is possible to keep up with.
  7. Time to start! Nice song for beginners, but I feel that the final parts are out of sync unfortunately. Hard intermediate, a lot of uncomfortable chords. I didn't know much about this Metallica song, but it's quite good, the solo is a challenge. Nice chart, I like these melodic licks. I thought I played better than my accuracy showed, but I had to lose on a solo.
  8. And some bass. Unfortunately I didn't have time to play everything.
  9. Lead improvements I'm glad I finally achieved over 90% here.
  10. Rhythm @ aNDESmASAMUNE I just looked at the ratings and I have to agree with @ Daz40 that Rhythm is more difficult than Lead, and it's rated lower. Rhythm path is definitely 7 and Lead maybe 6.5.
  11. A nice score for a first attempt. It looks like you handled the final more difficult section very well. I can agree that this is a 7.5 because the rest of the song is easier and only the ending is more challenging.
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