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    Schecter CR-6 Aquaburst
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    Ibanez miKro GSRM20
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  1. Happy Saturday everyone! Special place in my heart for Three Days Grace
  2. This week’s beginner song is nooot beginner friendly IMO! Have you noticed on the pause menu there is a chord book of the songs that appear in the song? That could help and also you can use the arrow keys (not in Riff Repeater (RR) settings menu, it’s in the regular menu oops) to scroll around slowly. I have been working through these books because I heard good things and they have some online resources, maybe some of these shapes look like the ones you need? https://www.dummies.com/article/academics-the-arts/music/instruments/guitar/rock-guitar-for-dummies-cheat-sheet-2-296650/ https://www.dummies.com/article/academics-the-arts/music/instruments/guitar/guitar-for-dummies-cheat-sheet-207443/ From E Standard to Eb Drop Db, you can first do the transition to Eb Standard: E-A-D-G-B-E becomes Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-Bb-Eb. Then add the Drop Db: Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-Bb-Eb becomes Db-Ab-Db-Gb-Bb-Eb. In terms of the chords you can do this in reverse, “shift” the notes a half-step and don’t forget to account for the drop on the 6th string which adds a whole-step to the one string. Someone please correct me if I made any mistakes, hope this helps. Also, I found this website for identifying chords last week, just make sure you have a basic understanding of what you’re doing and “check your work”: https://jguitar.com
  3. I still don't really get it but it's better!
  4. Thanks for the words of encouragement @ Vodka ! Question! Does anyone have tips for how to play the double stop/power chords when it switches from 10 to 12 to 13 fret on the low E (D) and A strings? I mute with finger 2 when I play 10 with finger 1 barred, mute with finger 4 when I play 12 with finger 3 barred, then I play 13 and ...just pray? What am I missing?
  5. Happy Monday everyone! This is not my week, everything is hard
  6. This week is humbling me lol
  7. Happy Thursday everyone! Is this what Intermediate Lead is like? Uh-oh...
  8. I’ll move up to intermediate if you do @ Vodka , I’m always looking for your score as the one to beat because I think we are around the same level most of the time
  9. Happy 2025! (Also, I changed my name from aand14).
  10. I thought there used to be a way to convert the file from p_psarc to m_psarc so that you could play on Mac even if there wasn't a Mac file posted on Ignition? Unless, do y'all mostly practice these songs by pulling up the tab instead of using Riff Repeater?
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