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Everything posted by drand

  1. Every week I mess up my fingers on day 1 why lawd I didn't even know I needed calluses there ow
  2. Broke 90%! Have all Intermediate songs for the past three weeks been in F# minor? I like this channel for tutorials when I can find them so it is nice this song is so popular And this video of live performance with guitar
  3. Too old maybe but too slow let's see about that!! We going advanced 2025 let's get it
  4. Haha talk about hating a song, thank god it's over... But I think I learned some things. Yes, please!
  5. @ Satinuke with the hammer!! I can't beat your score! Well played
  6. Satisfying af
  7. Facts, the bends always get me! Like is this a pre-bend up two semitones? It works like 50% of the time. Idk it’s the same with the mutes, I always get confused by the Rocksmith notation, is it a palm mute or a frethand mute? I have to look it up often and it’s still sketchy.
  8. Dusting off the bass why not?
  9. I might've gotten blisters but it's worth it
  10. My fingers are so sore from all this high string action lol "Why does it hurt so bad?" is right
  11. Great alternate picking practice to pick up some speed by the end of the week
  12. Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks for hosting @ Mikson What a different vibe from the last couple weeks
  13. I understand the rhythm a little better now but still sounds like dogwater
  14. Some techniques are over my head, the pinch harmonic & octave slides section is nuts. RR been sitting at 1% all week on that part. Haven't built up to get the fast parts right in full speed yet either, better luck next time..!
  15. Thanks for the tips, I usually do Learn a Song so I can hop on Riff Repeater faster but that’s fair points Have yet to see @ Willyam post over on the Rhythm green but up to him if he wants to dip his toes
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