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kayteck last won the day on August 7 2023

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  • Guitar
    Yamaha electric guitar
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. kayteck

    Synch issues

    OK, I found the issue... I will answer my own question When adding leading silence in EOF, use re-encode, not Stream copy It DLC Creator doesn't like it
  2. @ aNDESmASAMUNE please correct title/artist and redo the week sheets thanks
  3. kayteck

    Synch issues

    I have very strange issue (strange for me, anyway). When making a bitmap and setting notes and synching the song in EOF, everything seems perfect (on all playback speeds). However, after creating psarc and opening in Rocksmith, the bitmap seems to slow down and it goes like half a bit after the audio. did anybody experience similar issue? it happened to my last two songs i was trying to make. I didn't change anything in my system Any ideas? I can't publish the cdlc until it plays in synch in Rocksmith
  4. LOL.. Plini & Kiko adv. rhythm is completely out of my reach to go over 60%...
  5. i believe these two should be swapped Advanced: Breaking Benjamin - Diary Of Jane (6.5) (C Drop Bb) selected by cacahuate51 Advanced BONUS: Wenn die Bayern feiern -Die Mayrhofner (7) (Estandard) selected by cacahuate51 wenn die seems much more difficult than BB
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