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Everything posted by cacahuate51

  1. No worries, we all excell and struggle with diffferent things! What counts is that you gave it your best. Maybe you'll have better luck with the new weeks songs ! Edit @ drand beat me to it xD
  2. @ drand Hey! Guess it wasnt a "waste of time" for you since you got the highest score, congrats!! You are now able to move to Intermediate Rhythm! Do you wish to be promoted?
  3. Since valentine's day is coming this week, I decided to pick songs that could fit that theme! Hope you all enjoy at least one song and have a great week! I do have to say, I didn't test all of them as I officially had to bury my pc this monday(you will be missed, pc). But they should be ok. Like always feel free to give your ratings and leave any comments on ignition (where you download the cdlc) if you liked it or any other feedback for those creators. Heaven- This song was suggested as a beginner song, i found it a bit hard hence the ratings of 4 (intermediate). I tried my best to find an easy one @ Willyam but wasn't able to before the disintegration of my pc. Is there any chance you’ve tried emulated bass? That may be easier to get used to rocksmiths interface as it's usually just single notes. I think you just need to press the tab button while in the tunner page of the bass path. I did notice you got a decent score last week so grats keep it up! Taylor Swift this is me trying- I don't really watch american football but the superbowl is this weekend. That means taylor swift will appear alot since she is dating the football player of the chiefs (GO CHIEFS!!!) I just picked this song out of all of her songs so I could make the pun “This is me trying to” host a week without a pc. Die with a Smile- Has the same chords for a song i never released so i have a soft spot for it/ enjoy it. Good tab as well. Men I Trust show me how- Love the band. Neat fact about them you can download all their music for free on bandcamp (if you are still collecting mp3s and not using a streaming platform) https://menitrust.bandcamp.com/ This song was one of the first songs I could 100% consistently. Now it's a bit easier because the chords have the sustains which makes it so you can hit the chord pretty late. There's not that many notes like 116 or so but since its has a little more complex chords i'll leave it at 4 for now and as a backup incase you guys think heaven is harder Magdalena Bay- their music videos are always interesting to watch lol Steel panther- gotta have some laughs or cringe..both are good. I didn't test this one recently..i did have it noted in one of my excel sheets from the phone that the notes were not on the grid (so if you convert to gp it'll look weird) but note wise it should be ok? Brazilian love affair george duke- Just a recommendation by mystic Helix - I didn't really see any masterclass love songs so I chose a random capo song with a love themed title. Hopefully its ok. Rodman gave it a 7.5 for rhythm so i guess it might be an easier song this week. Joe bonamasa blues- This song should be a bit easier than freeze pop? It was mostly pentatonics and lots of bends. It does last more than 7 mins so that's why i did it for gog.
  4. Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship! -= Week 590 =- => How and Why join the Championships? => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules Previous' week Winners are:Lead: - Beginner: @Willyam (93.09) - Intermediate: @Satinuke (100) - Advanced: @Mikson (97.19) - Masterclass: @shaggy_malagy (97.47) - God of Guitar: @shaggy_malagy (90.14) Rhythm: - Beginner: @drand (99.52) - Intermediate: @Vodka (99.5) - Advanced: @Satinuke (97.39) - Masterclass: @RaZrShReD (97.68) Bass: - Beginner: LOST TROPHY - Beginner Bonus: LOST TROPHY - Intermediate: @MaltaSoron (99) - Advanced: @Mikson (98.86) - Masterclass: @shaggy_malagy (98.67) - God of Bass: @JobwanMojo (98.58) Congrats to all winners. Well done! This week's songs are: Lead Path: Beginner: Bryan Adams - Heaven (4^) (E Standard) selected by Hameron Intermediate: Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile (4.5) (E Standard) selected by Daz40 Advanced: Steel Panther - Girl From Oklahoma (6) (Eb Standard) selected by nlbsmglsk Masterclass: The Helix Nebula - Passionflower (Instrumental) (8) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate51 God of Guitar: Joe Bonamassa - Blues Deluxe (9) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 [Week 1 of 2] Rhythm Path: Beginner: Bryan Adams - Heaven (4^) (E Standard) selected by Hameron Intermediate: Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile (4) (E Standard) selected by Daz40 Intermediate Bonus: Men I Trust - Show Me How (4) (E Standard) - Lead path!!!! selected by cacahuate51 Advanced: Steel Panther - Girl From Oklahoma (6) (Eb Standard) selected by nlbsmglsk Masterclass: The Helix Nebula - Passionflower (Instrumental) (7.5) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate51 Bass Path: Beginner: Bryan Adams - Heaven (3*) (E Standard) selected by Hameron Beginner Bonus: Taylor Swift - this is me trying (1.5) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 Intermediate: Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile (4.5) (E Standard) selected by Daz40 Intermediate Bonus: Men I Trust - Show Me How (5*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 Advanced: Magdalena Bay - Secrets (Your Fire) (6) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 Masterclass: George Duke - Brazilian Love Affair (8) (E Standard) selected by Mystic530 Masterclass Bonus: The Helix Nebula - Passionflower (Instrumental) (8) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate51 (N) - difficulty rating (N*) - highest difficulty rating for the class (promotion to higher class possible) (N^) - difficulty rating higher than the highest for the class (promotion possible) Check current week Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here NEW! - easly add songs even on your mobile!: Add Song Suggestion Song Suggestions List available to view here: Google Sheets Spreadsheet Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). Do you want to host a week? Join the Championship organizing team!!! The process is smooth and there is a tutorial as well. If you are interested, send a personal message to Rodman.
  5. Posting new week in 43 mins!
  6. 95 first try is pretty impressive! i'll still be here waiting for the day you decide you want to be promoted xD
  7. ty for the week mikson
  8. seemed more leady than the lead path
  9. bass Theres something about this song that i dont like not sure what it is. I'll just stick to the 3 songs i know from her... dont leave ( and the remixes of griffins and ekalis) After watching The Dirt (Motley Crues Documentary) yesterday and all the other musician documentarys coming out (queens robie williams etc) I'm surprised metalica hasnt milked their own movie. Maybe when they become a bit more irrelevant since they are still touring. my fav out of the bunch will practice it more sometime
  10. kinda cool that all the albums have either white or black backgrounds (atleast the ones on spoti)
  11. Welcome back! Based off your scores looks like the wrist surgery went well! I honestly dreaded when people would pick tool, which was very comon, in ghworldtour because i played the drums and 7mins gets tiring for me. Since it became a merory though or trauma lol i picked one of the songs from them . Glad to see some of you guys liked tool (even if its not your favorite song). anyways yeah, there is possibilities for future gh weeks or maybe rock band weeks? although imo guitar hero was the better game/ liked the drums more as it actually had seperate cymbals. It won't be anytime soon (on my end) but we'll see
  12. @ Willyam were you able to try the artic monkeys song? that one might be easier cause its more single notes.
  13. tiny improvementsin a way kinda reminds me of the disk song blood and thunder by mastodoon in the sense that the chord slides make it kinda hard to get a good score
  14. Something is better than nothing! Glad you had enough time to play atleast one
  15. here are my test results: (some might have more than one play because i played it sometime before)
  16. ah thanks for pointing that out! I have updated the main post, Its alt lead. Alt Rhythm is actually a 5 string bass path so @ MaltaSoron can play if he wanted to. (thats why its tuned to B) Do not attempt to tune with a guitar on that path unless you want spaghetti strings.
  17. I'll try to get a drop d version later today hopefully it helps. pedal / multi fx proccesor is nice/usefull i linked guide to a way to do it via software bellow main post and theres also thicker strings option
  18. Only fair that i give it a try since you played it! It's weird that it wasnt in my collection had to buy it on steam. I feel like i buy dlcs multiple times cause im sure i had it before. Can't find through the fire and the flames or my curse either? maybe i just practiced on yt, I did find cliffs of dover tho. Ill leave link to gh gameplay here yea i'm pretty rusty, sucking is the first step to learning though It is odd the main riff doesn't have handshapes on either path, makes it a bit hard to sight read. Glad they didnt use the arpeggio function though. If i practiced it maybe i could pass as their bass player! i still have hope. Open strings always confuse me in rhythm games. What is pretty insane about this song is that they were all under 17 when they made it. Who knows if its a situation like avril lavigne where they hire people to write their songs but even if thats the case its still impressive that they were able to play it live . I do wonder where all the new young bands are. The only one I am aware of is south arcade . They are a bit older though i imagine early 20s. (funny enough while writing this i checked the singers ig and she has the blonde character from gh3 as profile pic...so maybe not that young?) I used to find indie bands / artists on tiktok but its been a couple of years since ive used the app, maybe its time to revisit that rabbit hole. These are the ones i had found when I was looking back then (its been 4 years... time flies make it stop lol) They were mostly mid 20s+ though. Good to see some of them grew a following.
  19. I got a low 90s on smells so i feel you lol. It is an unfair song for the championship. I just picked it cause its used to be the first song a band would learn but shouldve just picked a blink song. I have a feeling you might hate r u mine now. Just a tip for this song and for future songs: Play score mode. The standard mode we don't take consideration the decimal points but we do with score attack as its more accurate. On top of that in score mode you will notice where you goof up. If it were'nt for score mode i would have never noticed the slide to 14 has a bend when you reach to 14. So another tip would be slide past 14 if you want to cheese it lol. hard parts imo are the "solo" , a part in the end and yea the slides to 14 with bends so i would rr it. I used to also just restart the song as soon as i goofed up on score attack cause i was going for the 100... that might be usefull for when you mess up early so you dont have to play the whole thing again. ---- The lead path is exactly the same as the rhythm and which is why initially i didnt add it. Would you and other begginers rather just play the rhythm for Feel Good or should we leave as is? also curious @ Willyam
  20. Yep it might be the same. That's why I had it alternating between freya and tool so that you wouldnt "have to" play the same thing twice. thanks @ craxed and @ shaggy_malagy for letting me know you have drop pedals. I'll also still take it into consideration that you have issues lower than eb without it. I know my brother has a guitar that never stays in tune regardless of tunning and he had another with a floyd pickup which was a pain to tune lol.
  21. bass playthroughs: feels good - Its a good song and tab. I know im usually against capo weeks but i think 80 ish weeks is ok? thats a bit over a year / (we have more new players but ill try to not recommend capo) also it was a last minute pick. Surprised it was rated a 3 ...i have a feeling its cause the slides were pitched before but i would have to go to the week to confirm. Seems pretty easy like a 2 for me but i kept it what it was rated before Nirv- I moved this to a 4 cause alll the slides make it a bit tricky but originally had it as a 3 its v6 cause i was struggling to make the drop d tuning i thought cfsm did it automatically? so i had to put a pitch tone and yea.. I recommend just playing the real version if you can ngl. But if you want to play the pitched version its in the 1st post bellow the main post. freya- might have overrated this one tbh..can see an intermediate playing it not too sure why this was rated a 9 in bass in week 237.Im guessing cause back then there wasnt much love for bass and now it seems like theres lots of bass charts. I placed it at 7 (might be still too high imo) cause even though some sections are not economical (spoke with firekorn thats how they play it so thats why he tabbed it that way) its not the hardest riff. i goofed up here, this one is actually not that hard only the intro is. Meant the impulse to be gog for bass atleast. yea harder.
  22. yoo! what a good unexepected surprise to see you here participating I have placed you in masterclass category since I know you are a better bass player than me (kinda odd since im almost certain you have participated before but owell) . I will get your scores to count for this time but in the future if you do post more scores try posting with a "streak count" as that is one of the things that determines the winner. Yea some of those sections are crazy. I do feel like they couldve been charted easier, regardless the speed in it is still pretty intense. I wonder if @ pedropmf can pull it off
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