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lowender last won the day on March 6

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  • Guitar
    squire strat , Tanglewood LP
  • Bass
    ibanez BTB 670, Ibanez SRX360
  • Favorite Bands
    led zeppelin, pink Floyd, Metallica, deep purple, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, The Specials
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. First scores for this week!! I'll definitely be able to improve on these scores this week!
  2. First scores for this week!! I've been really busy again this week and not had much time to play. Its frustrating as I love playing but next week i'll have more time!
  3. I've been really busy this week so I haven't had much chance to play.
  4. Final scores for this week!! slightly better percentage but worse score!
  5. congratulations on 10 years @ Rodman !!!!!! First scores for this week on guitar.
  6. I dont know how I managed to get this score!!!!! Its quite similar to the bass line so maybe that helped.
  7. First bass scores for this week!!! I found the George Harrison song slightly more difficult that the bodom song. The masterclass song is going to need a lot of RR this week!
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