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lowender last won the day on March 6 2024

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  • Guitar
    squire strat , Tanglewood LP
  • Bass
    ibanez BTB 670, Ibanez SRX360
  • Favorite Bands
    led zeppelin, pink Floyd, Metallica, deep purple, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, The Specials
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. Just an old laptop. It was on it's way out for a while. My new one has win 11 and I had quite a few problems getting RS to work, it took 4 days and all I needed to do was to turn off exclusive audio in the sound settings.
  2. Hey guys, I'm back!!!!! My laptop died on me over xmas and I've only just managed to get a new one this week. It's good to be back and i'll be posting scores in a couple of days.
  3. Merry Xmas everyone!!! I've been really ill all week with the flu so I haven't really had a xmas or a chance to play Hopefully next week will be better!
  4. A bit better!!
  5. First scores for this week!! Love floyd!! Went to their last ever concert they played together at earl's court on the division bell tour. I was there the night the stands collapsed , so they put on an extra night replacement show for the monday and that was their last ever concert together. must work on my pitched slides Wow, that was a wild ride! but great fun! Never heard of this band but I enjoyed playing this. Surprisingly good score!
  6. final scores for this week!!
  7. First scores for this week!! Nearly finished the house now, so hopefully i'll have more time to play next week.
  8. Not been able to play much this week as we are redecorating the house so just the one score for me .
  9. Final scores for this week!! Very difficult bass lines this week! No advanced bass score for me this week though as I just can't do another j-pop / K-pop song (3 weeks out of 4 is enough for me) Nothing wrong with it but its just not for me.
  10. slightly better! is it just me or does it sound a bit out of tune when playing on the 5th and 6th frets?
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