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pedropmf last won the day on August 27

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About pedropmf

  • Birthday 04/04/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    São Gonçalo / Rio de Janeiro
  • Guitar
    Ibanez GIO Mod with two dimmarzio humbuckers
  • Bass
    4 string Condor BX12 / Yamaha TRBX305 (5-string)
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. Hi (I thought it so dificult to be intermediate...)
  2. Hi, coud not use postimg.cc
  3. And I want to be "downgraded" to rithm advanced level... after past weeks, despite I have won one or two master rithm weeks, I think Im not prepared yet to play this level with a clean and precision sound... and also i neither have time to pratice those songs...
  4. Hi, at the 11th hour, as always....
  5. Sorry, dude. I'm having no much time to play along the week. If you see, Im only posting bass master. Weeks ago I play every song on every path (lead Rithm and bass), but now, as I said, I'm having no much time. Im going to try to post my scores along this week, but, (please, don't misunderstood me) until the 11th hour, as you said, I think I still can post my scores here, but it's up to organizers to accept or not and according to rules, of course. Weeks ago, I saw members wining me at guitar paths even he/she posting scores much after Saturday 8pm, I shall say, almost at Sunday 8pm. When I was bass advanced, years ago, I was very happy on hit 100% at a song. Then, when the next week started, I thought: "this week, I'm going to win indubitably!" , but when look at winners list, I saw another member that hit 100%, but more SA points than me. It's very frustrating, I know. But I have to play several times yesterday morning to beat you and @ JobwanMojo , despites that counter shown at my prtscr.
  6. @ cacahuate51 And @ JobwanMojo Score atack on Night Terror bonus Rithm is not showing to me. What am I doing wrong?
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