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Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship!



-= Week 399 =-

Theme Week - Pandemic Vibes

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Last week's winners:




  •     Beginner: no participants
  •     Intermediate: @Banjoclan
  •     Advanced: @Mikson
  •     Masterclass: n/a



Congrats to all winners. Well done!


Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard



This week's songs are:


Lead Path:

Beginner:  Queens of the Stone Age - Kalopsia (3.5) 

Intermediate:  Vampire Weekend - This Life (4.5)

Intermediate Bonus:  Dreamshade - Stone Cold Digital (5) D Standard

Advanced:  Judas Priest - Jawbreaker (7)

Masterclass:  Avenged Sevenfold - Buried Alive (8.5)

God of Guitar:  Metallica - Master of Puppets Full Album (week 2 of 4)


Rhythm Path:

Beginner:  Vampire Weekend - This Life (3)

Intermediate:  Queens of the Stone Age - Kalopsia (4)

Advanced:  Dreamshade - Stone Cold Digital (6) D Standard

Masterclass:  n/a

God of Rhythm:  Metallica - Master of Puppets Full Album (week 2 of 4)


Bass Path:

Beginner:  Queens of the Stone Age - Kalopsia  (3.5)

Intermediate:  The Smashing Pumpkins - Suffer (6)

Intermediate bonus: Avenged Sevenfold - Buried Alive (6) Drop D

Advanced:  Vampire Weekend - This Life (7)

Masterclass:  Dreamshade - Stone Cold Digital (8) A standard 

God of Bass: Metallica - Master of Puppets Full Album (week 2 of 4)


Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police:

Let us know your opinions on the accuracy of the difficulty scores (1-10) for this weeks songs.


  • Thanks 4

I hope everyone enjoys this week. It's a theme based on some of the frustrations and feelings that the pandemic has brought me. I didn't get to thoroughly test all the lead and rhythm parts so let me know if you have any feedback. I'm not 100% sure about Stone Cold Digital given the tuning but the bass part is fun if your bass can get down to A std (I have a 5-string).


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I really am stuck.. I keep winning Intermediate but im not good enough for advanced, last week's song was just too fast for me to pick. I'll try this week too

3 hours ago, Anitomer said:

I really am stuck.. I keep winning Intermediate but im not good enough for advanced, last week's song was just too fast for me to pick. I'll try this week too

Let me know how you find Stone Cold Digital...I'm not convinced it's advanced level. If I get feedback to that effect I have a backup advanced song for lead. 

8 hours ago, ShankD said:


The end of this one is surprising, to say the least

Yes, fair warning to everyone else - Kalopsia lulls you to sleep with like 3+ minutes of difficulty 2-ish and then goes more like int/adv level at the very end. 

  • Like 1

From this week songs, I've only tested Kalopsia before, so I'll give you my difficulty ratings. Lets go!








Okay, I have a problem with this, the riffs parts are more difficult, but then we have relatively easy doubles-stop parts. But I think it's 5-5.5 and intermediate class song.



8 or 9 for solos


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  • Thanks 1

im really bad at sight reading but i gave it a go 😅


guess with some practice it will be much better



'we live in a society'-the song wasn't that hard either, I think this will go better than last week

  • Like 2

Thanks @Miksonfor sharing your ratings. It seems Stone Cold Digital fits clearly at Intermediate instead of Advanced on lead, so I will move that one to Intermediate Bonus and unveil my backup.....


JAWBREAKER (see OP for update)

  • Like 1

I guess this leans my style abit, first attempt. Avenged Sevenfold has few I really like!


I like some of Smashing Pumpkins, guess not this one too much, first attempt


Not very familiar with this group, but I could hear more, first attempt


I thought I was gonna improve last weeks songs and I did Friday night, thinking I would play again and post Saturday. But ended up on the lake with a beautiful sky and Greatly Loved Family. 




  • Like 5

I suppose I'll enter for my own song, FCs on all paths:


Pro (?) tip, you can totally cheat the Bass ending by not playing the slides as intended and instead just strumming the start and end notes (which helps especially if you move the starting note up a string)




  • Like 3

Game doesn't like those octave slides much. Not bad song tho.

Doesn't even use the low A smh.
Played on my 4 string in D standard and detection was still ass. Maybe the low bass fix does something funky or I just need thicker strings.

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Ea3cCUQ.png                                                                   「愛こそすべて ,ギルティキス」                                         Gh59blB.png

Utsu-P Discography                                           Modding thread (dead)                                        1000 songs hype


Very honored to have one of my customs featured here! If anyone finds anything that can be improved, please let me know on the CDLC post with a comment and I will do my best


A few initial tries for me, all from today:


First, this lovely and eccentric tune from what is IMO the best QOTSA album...this one was written by Josh Homme to his daughters about "saying goodbye to dark days" which is hopefully what we will be doing as the world continues to recover from the pandemic:


Another great track from a really strong Vampire Weekend album. This one has some incredible, poetic lyrics about coming to grips with suffering and pain (some of it self-caused, some not) when you thought maybe it wouldn't happen to you:



And Stone Cold Digital, which has a very different vibe but in its own way hits at some of the frustration with being stuck in a sort of virtual, screen-driven daze, which the pandemic has definitely exacerbated:


More to come with Suffer and Buried Alive...


  • Like 3

Finally I got time to play this weeks song. I'll probably don't have much time (again) with exams and such.

Based on my scores from first play throughs, the beginners song is the second most difficult one!?! (to be fair, I practiced a bit during Suffer). Especially the end was crazy, and quite out of the difficulty level of the songs... I think that leads to another discussion. Should the difficulty be based on the hardest part, the average or what? If based on an average, you can risk meeting song at your level, where half of it is way too difficult and another that are too easy...


After a little practice on a single part, I got the idea of this song. It's a nice one, and not that difficult.


The bonus intermediate on the other hand is (according to my first play through) the easiest... Though it didn't feel like that. I enjoyed it a lot though.


My league was the most difficult one, and I didn't really like the either. It's gonna be a tough one to be inspired to play...


And finally... the masterclass. There was a lot of guessing, but somehow I managed to pull off a whooping 95%! But... Why the hell should I bee tuning for Standard A, when the A-string never came in use? Standard D would suffice... I have a 5-stringed, so it was not a problem, but still kind a stupid. Furthermore... Whats wrong with the other strings? Everything was on a low D-string (as yellow), and a little on the next (blue), but my hand was moving up 12th position and down again many times... in rather high speed (and I would think i missed more notes than Rocksmith thinks I did). It would have made a sense to use all strings... 😉


But it's a nice collection of very different songs. Thank you for that!

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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer
On 6/15/2021 at 12:16 AM, Orkkongen said:

Finally I got time to play this weeks song. I'll probably don't have much time (again) with exams and such.

Based on my scores from first play throughs, the beginners song is the second most difficult one!?! (to be fair, I practiced a bit during Suffer). Especially the end was crazy, and quite out of the difficulty level of the songs... I think that leads to another discussion. Should the difficulty be based on the hardest part, the average or what? If based on an average, you can risk meeting song at your level, where half of it is way too difficult and another that are too easy...


But it's a nice collection of very different songs. Thank you for that!

Absolut classic and evergreen discussion point. My pov is that clearly the hardest part must determine the diff rating. In most cases that will be the solo. Let´s take Iron Maiden for example - they will be usually riffing on low adv level through the song, the solos usually will be at least 8, rather 9 - so unplayable for adv players, even if short.
That song is clearly a MC song then because if it is called 7 a player who is even on XP Level 75 will (even on hard RR training) not be able to achieve 99% which is kind of the definition of the real level. Exception seldomly might apply on very short hard passages (like 8 notes) in easy songs. Luckywise for bass most of the time it´s easier as the patterns normally are more recurrent and solo-like sections are a bit rarer, but of course basically it´s the same situation.

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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



@OrkkongenYou have to consider note density when determining which songs are "easiest". Buried Alive has a ton of notes so it's not too difficult to score in the high 90s but it has enough challenge to be in the 5/6 intermediate category IMO.

As for Kalopsia, I struggled initially with rating its difficulty for bass. The song is basically two thirds easy beginner difficult, then there are two short sections that I would consider intermediate level, and the one very short section at the very end that is more advanced. So to me it's borderline between beginner and intermediate, but with the new change to bass class being 1-4 for beginner I think it was a much easier call. 





Last two first runs for me - Intermediate and Intermediate Bonus:

This one is from the first Smashing Pumpkins album...the lyrics touch on suffering as a sort of mirror and a way to both see who you really are and to grow as a person:


And Buried Alive from A7X - generally typical murky/quasi-horror themed lyrics from this band but captures the tedium and grappling with death that came with the pandemic:


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