I understand all that's involved with selecting songs and rating them. Yes it does take time and a lot of effort! Credit to all who are involved with those things!!! That doesn't mean I have to play or post a song. I have been discouraged from the past postings of songs, some had won first place, while others where 2-4, and my score did not change in the player rankings. If you need weeks I'll be glad to show you, I have them all saved. I even asked to be bumped up to the next level of player, cause I was feeling guilty about staying in a level, and winning occasionally. I'm not here to win, but to learn, and enjoy playing all types music. There seems to be a click here of just a few, instead of a majority. So hence the discouragement. I'm a handy-capped player as well. But I will never use that as an excuse. And just so you know I have played every single weeks songs, even if I did not post them. Maybe thinking I would have time later on in the week to improve the score, and bam its late Saturday afternoon and to late, like today. I enjoy this competition it inspires me, wife hates it when I spend time playing. I have enjoyed all of this weeks arrangements and have not wasted one! Maybe I'll post and maybe not.