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SpankNass last won the day on May 12 2021

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  • Guitar
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    FenderFrettless/Ibanez SDGR
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  1. Yes I know it was honest. But when I questioned it no one was on it. Or even replied. I was thinking because I did not move up a level when I was asked, is why. So I moved up. I wasn't ready to move up but did because my scores never improved from then on. I'm tired of this bs, just gonna play. and enjoy all music as I did before!
  2. I never mentioned posting times. I have never waited until the last minute to post. Why is is that if someone says something, the few take it out of context? What was said is that there were scores not posted correctly. I had mentioned this weeks and weeks earlier. Shall I pull this up and re-post, to refresh memories? Ya'll (select few) are out to make this more than this is, f@@& it!!! Really annoyed at all the bs. It ain't real till you have played live in concert!!!!
  3. I understand all that's involved with selecting songs and rating them. Yes it does take time and a lot of effort! Credit to all who are involved with those things!!! That doesn't mean I have to play or post a song. I have been discouraged from the past postings of songs, some had won first place, while others where 2-4, and my score did not change in the player rankings. If you need weeks I'll be glad to show you, I have them all saved. I even asked to be bumped up to the next level of player, cause I was feeling guilty about staying in a level, and winning occasionally. I'm not here to win, but to learn, and enjoy playing all types music. There seems to be a click here of just a few, instead of a majority. So hence the discouragement. I'm a handy-capped player as well. But I will never use that as an excuse. And just so you know I have played every single weeks songs, even if I did not post them. Maybe thinking I would have time later on in the week to improve the score, and bam its late Saturday afternoon and to late, like today. I enjoy this competition it inspires me, wife hates it when I spend time playing. I have enjoyed all of this weeks arrangements and have not wasted one! Maybe I'll post and maybe not.
  4. Original setup was fine for PLAYERS!!! @Nacholede Anybody here not a PLAYER? Great Bass week!
  5. Better get a song in before tomorrow.... .pdf .pdf .pdf
  6. Always liked this Band .pdf I suck at this one with my cut short index finger. .pdf Hmmm .pdf
  7. With a little more practice, I think I could ace these. .pdf .pdf
  8. I should participate more but I don't sorry. I might play each song once unless I really like it.
  9. I see all these leaderboard posts as wrong and yes they are.. I've been at 50 points forever and won the other week and went down a point and two weeks before that, won and no change (it was the 10 week post too). I can post them if Ya'll wanna see them. But I personally don't care. Last week I asked Ya'll to bump me up a level and that didn't happen, I've been a rookie for ever LOL! Figured Ya'll would be glad to see me go up a level. These peeps who do this, do it voluntarily, and much credit is due them! I truly enjoy this Comp... It inspires me! Scores don't matter to me, I can tell if I played it well or not. But I can see those at the top rankings, it can matter. I wasn't injured years ago, and now I am. But that doesn't matter either. Music is like part of a persons soul, or at least for me it is... I just wanna play!! Think I'm starting to find myself again Thanks!!! First time playing this. .pdf
  10. .pdf .pdf .pdf You can move me up a class to intermediate if you like.
  11. Just wondering how my score goes down a point if I won beginners?
  12. Ok that video was Funny then boring LOL! The shocking I felt was more like a 9v battery when I rested my forearm across the strings. Not a 110v or more he heeee!! Ever test a little battery with your tongue ( if you haven't try it someday, LOL its shocking!) ? That kinda shocking feeling. No weird noise's while playing it, or not playing, just in case anyone would ask... Cable worked fine.
  13. Yeah Shocking Right? LOL My actual RS cable would do that to my forearm as well. But only on my battery assisted Ibanez bass and not my Fender bass. Haven't really noticed since I dropped the cable and got the Focusrite set up.
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