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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2016 in all areas

  1. Been slackin' a bit this week. Minerva seems so easy on the surface, but I keep making stupid mistakes and I swear getting the chord slide to register is about impossible. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/396707750011206126/626F1491CE74FC8125FACE96FEB033D448EE1569/ Took some time in RR just to survive Angry Again. Good song, but it's gonna take a lot more practice. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/428232315152430814/9DBF7587E8158681096B2656A764C768A66EE775/ Took a few runs at the advanced bass song as well. Fun song to play and the only song I actually did pretty well on. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/428232315152413520/D397E11CB3B019F6B84000E1A612ED17742BD704/ Don't know if I will get to practice any more this week so these scores might be my final ones. I'll just have to redeem myself next week. :)
    6 points
  2. Rio... I think that album cover has the same wallpaper as my old local... the band may have actually been playing in the pub when recording this because it sounds quite authentic to that kind of pub vibe :) nice tune... missed a note, not bothered to improve it though. More of an intermediate choice but as Missis surmised... easy week for bassketeers :) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=787789032 Minerva... my recognition's a bit off maybe sound better on my Jazz bass but meh, not that bothered tbh. I like Deftones, saw them at Download in the early naughties. Got horrendous sunburn... they were of their time though... I'm just not THAT emo anymore :) joint beginner song I reck'n. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=787789008 Annnd thassit.. I might do a video at the end of the week in full costume for the Halloween party I'm off to on Friday, but it all depends if I can get my kids "Man-eating fly trap" costume built before then :D
    6 points
  3. @@Vodka - just one advise ... If you like going to the movies - do that NOW... after your kids are born the next time you are gonna hit a cinema it´s gonna be Planes 5 or Finding Nemo´s wallet or smthg ;) ....
    5 points
  4. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=787754365 Li'l improvement. :) Not bad for first attempt since last post, playing cold after building props for halloween outfits all day. @@Gamut, I would love to adopt you but unless you can have us all live with you I daren't bring you over to the U.K. it's really weird here... it'd mess you up and folk just wouldn't understand why you're being nice to them! :D @@Vodka I hope when your new bundle arrives that they will bring you the joy you need. 2 rules, don't waste a good getting up and don't waste a good letting go. Get it all out now chap, there won't be time for that soon :) x
    5 points
  5. played it humbucked this time http://up.picr.de/27249132xb.jpg
    4 points
  6. another playthrough of Junimond, more guitar focused with another guitar (but same player :)) , better as playthrough for the rp I guess http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4zchu1 also I uploaded this to Dailymotion since Youtube blocked it for germany nope, youtube :rolleyes:
    4 points
  7. Welp, here goes my weekly submission :P http://i.imgur.com/067Y7ml.jpg Also, thanks to my sweaty palms on one try i played half of the song like this because the pick slipped to that position... http://i.imgur.com/FbPz8Sl.jpg
    3 points
  8. Well. At least this time I've finished the song... http://i.imgur.com/y55pLoJ.jpg
    3 points
  9. lil + bass adv http://i66.tinypic.com/103cw2b.jpg
    3 points
  10. Im back :) Some of my good notes didn't seem to register and a few bum notes did so all in all this is pretty accurate. http://i1309.photobucket.com/albums/s622/trevellyan1/20161027193346_1_zpsm2q5aeti.jpg
    3 points
  11. The custom tones issue is normally an easy fix. I've been fixing the CLDC that failed for me and I don't have the original files, since I didn't create them. It's not hard, simply import the package with the toolkit and then edit the arrangement files. There search for the tones section on the XML and you'll notice the errors right away (tone definition names don't match the names on the tone change definitions). So, put the correct name on the tone changes and create the package again with the modified files.
    3 points
  12. Gave Try a try... it was nice :) Pretty bass line, nice lighter anthemy type thing ... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=787783694
    3 points
  13. Much better :) http://i63.tinypic.com/4uc80l.png
    3 points
  14. http://s22.postimg.org/4hv7rrjw1/Deftones_Minerva_98_54.jpg
    2 points
  15. OK. I'm getting angry. That means I need to stop. Do not beat on the strings with angry force. Calm down. Gently place my guitar on the rack. Pick on the table. Deep breath. http://i.imgur.com/BH926MX.jpg
    2 points
  16. Well i'm back from Deutschland with a bang, or more like a 0.28% pop really, however it makes all the difference...... then i had a go at the Pink Bass as i lost the screenie, i got 100% (again) then forgot to take a bloody screen shot !!!!!! then i thought i'd have a go at the lead as i had chosen it, and love it , can't have enough pink :P i suppose i better concentrate on my actual class tomorrow as i am a few days behind........ night night all
    2 points
  17. Int Lead http://i66.tinypic.com/11smlo2.png Not bad for a first effort. More work needed on the solos.
    2 points
  18. This time Megadeth is not my song. Too fast for me. Complicated.But I'm trying QotSA. Hard too. My left wrist is burning in pain.I can't imagine how to play it for 6 minutes. SA will kill me. http://i.imgur.com/ZcMXwmd.jpg
    2 points
  19. @@Vodka sharing your feelings and thoughts is good and always welcome here :)
    2 points
  20. @@NoonyDeloony Feel free to adopt me! I will cook and clean and make lots of noise. :lol: http://i.imgur.com/OwxeIiw.jpg Update on the MC - er, Advanced! Got a strike because I was rocking out too hard during the quiet filter part and didn't notice when I was supposed to start trilling, whoops. I guess I should probably play that other song now that it's my class, eh?
    2 points
  21. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=787251993 Ah. I can play it after all :) @@Gamut You Canadians are adorable :) I wish we could adopt Canadians :)
    2 points
  22. MC Lead - new song for me, really enjoying playing this. Few bits to improve and the last three or four sections to learn, but this will do for today.
    2 points
  23. Never been a fan of qotsa and this song is sooooo boring to play. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/God%20is%20in%20the%20radio%209544_zpswlxn3oqb.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/God%20is%20in%20the%20radio%20Rhythm%20984_zpspojq47uu.jpg Never heard of Rio reiser but is nice song and its fun to play. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Junimond%209398_zpsuzibmpma.jpg
    2 points
  24. @@Chlipouni The problem is that the FHP (or anchor) move in a way that isn't actually define anywhere in EOF by the user. The anchor move to the 5th position (with ddc) while it should move to the 4th (as define in EOF). DDC doesn't care about FHP that are define inside EOF if there's no note on that position which can lead to difference in anchor placement after DDC.
    1 point
  25. OMG!!! WE are friends now with @ http://i0.beon.ru/76/29/1922976/91/75382391/ForeverAloneHappyBlackSS.png UPD: And with @@Gamut too! That's the day!
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. <sarcasm> Nice attitude @@isen. I'm sure you will make lots of friends with that. </sarcasm>
    1 point
  28. @QOTSANINSOADKORN I think @@tc_ski#1 may have been replying to other members who's posts are now hidden because they did not read Post#1 instructions and rules. Your response seems a little snarky and is most likely misdirected. @@firekorn and I have have answered your question directly. You are welcome.
    1 point
  29. @@QOTSANINSOADKORN You can dl them back so i don't really see the issue?
    1 point
  30. if this is an insult because i am french canadian and i dont care using an autocorrect software b4 posting than fuck off retard
    1 point
  31. Hi, Guys I am still here, And still hammering away at some Steppenwolf customs. Bass paths are the biggest problem on getting them completed. The tunes I have got in the works are: Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride - Bass Path Work still being a beast. I recently got a higher def. sound track for it, and can hear the Bass alot better now, but the tune is really a monster to chart the Bass Path. Steppenwolf - Sookie Sookie - Bass Path Work, Looking good so far almost finished. Steppenwolf - Desperation - Bass Path Work, Looking good so far almost finished. And got board of Steppenwolf and stared on Foghat's - I Just Want To Make Love To You. - Bass Path Work, Looking good so far almost finished. I liked Steve's @manchot66 Foghat - Fool For The City, will try the Guitar tones from that one, for this Foghat's - I Just Want To Make Love To You, for sure. Later, Terry
    1 point
  32. heres Megadeth http://imgur.com/a/5nMKi
    1 point
  33. Have a look here. If this doesn't answer it then search the toolkit and EOF forums for 'Tones' to find some other options.
    1 point
  34. The recognizing notes isnt always the cables fault, sometimes your action or intonation might be out. But the only thing I know you can do unless you are really good at soldering and dont mind risking it is to buy a new cable or just oput up with what you have really.
    1 point
  35. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/249214855933016508/ECD5DDF03B662624F41DE6ECA9C017D5C6611780/
    1 point
  36. I always seemed to miss some when playing the g#m/c and it sounded pretty terrible almost like nails on a chalkboard haha. My strings feel and sound ancient witch did not help at all, needs to get some new xls. I'm not big on qotsa but ill probably shift my focus to that song so these old 10s can have some voice in estd
    1 point
  37. one try adv bass... ah, what a fine song, and so nice to play on bass! i think i was too young to mind the quality of that song when it was in the charts. http://i64.tinypic.com/2wnmgs0.jpg
    1 point
  38. joining @@Gamut in the 97s ... could´ve been already a 99 but i messed up big at the end misgripping the last chord section... grrr http://i68.tinypic.com/29p6jnr.jpg
    1 point
  39. http://i67.tinypic.com/mn16v8.jpg http://i68.tinypic.com/jt9dlh.jpg
    1 point
  40. Adv Rhy first try http://i63.tinypic.com/15k56a.jpg
    1 point
  41. God may be in the radio,but the devil is in the details... on bass = 97%
    1 point
  42. something is bothering me... http://up.picr.de/27218589mn.jpg now I'm pleased with it http://up.picr.de/27218667ik.jpg and now the question: what did I changed in the 2nd image except the score, streak, multiplier, strike, accuracy and play count?
    1 point
  43. I love megadeth but there a bit too hard for me. More Pink.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Some firsts. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Try%2097_zpsutswpios.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/God%20is%20in%20the%20radio%20Rhythm%2095_zpshtx8zqnu.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Eat%20the%20rich%20Rhythm%2091_zpsltznusdn.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Junimond%2085_zpsx3xsrpsd.jpg
    1 point
  46. http://i63.tinypic.com/14b5dzt.jpg
    1 point
  47. http://i63.tinypic.com/25aogwn.jpg ciao
    1 point
  48. ugghhh, i'll throw this in hoping to improve on it, but at least i have something in case i don't get back to it http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=785623809
    1 point
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