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tupoloflyer last won the day on April 12 2017

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About tupoloflyer

  • Birthday August 1

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Topeka, Kansas
  • Interests
    music, photography, radio control, airbrushing
  • Guitar
    Schecter c-1 e/a
  • Bass
    Ibanez GIO

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  1. Happy Birthday tupoloflyer!

  2. Happy Birthday tupoloflyer!

  3. Happy Birthday tupoloflyer!

  4. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1397421836
  5. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198094950878/screenshot/914673519061529406
  6. i checked again today and the box for a video ad is there, but it doesn't play, so that's a good thing. not sure what the difference was, but i'm glad to bo able to look through cdlc without something running at same time. still, thanks to all involved here.
  7. apologies if this has been covered, i haven't seen direct reference to it though. when i go to the cdlc search page now i get a partial screen video advertisement at the bottom of the page. makes it difficult to look through the list as it keeps dropping to the video. can't see the entire frame to see if it's closeable, and it just keeps reloading. i've been away for a while and just noticed this. it's really annoying. i hope this isn't going to be a keeper. is this going to be part of the newer page when it comes up? regardless, thanks for all the hard work everyone puts in to make this a great site. you are vastly more appreciated than you'll know. danny
  8. i was wondering if someone could clue me in regarding the donations. when i make a donation, it shows up on the donation page as less than i submitted. are we getting hit with fees before you get the money? or is it something else?
  9. shocked_mind, now that you mention it i see that. i know when it came out last week i had a really hard time getting it to load, so i may indeed have a different version. the difference in notes didn't register when i played it. in that case, whoever is in charge of the charts, move me down please. i'd prefer to compete with same cdlc. i'm just happy to get through without a mistake. seems like every time about the same place i'd lose focus and drop a note or two. thanks for pointing that out, I missed it completely. hopefully i won't have that issue again, but if so i'll have to watch a little closer. p.s. i think i just found how to respond directly, amazing what i can find when i look around a little.
  10. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1114802389 i can tell i need to quit working and practice more, took me all week to get through without messing up. was fun though
  11. that makes more sense now, thanks for the update
  12. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1110074944
  13. "customsforgesongmanager.exe [] needs updating" shows up in the log fie, and then a pop up window comes up saying it will delete all my csfm files do i want to continue. the exact wording follows: a fatal cfsm application error has occured. you are about to delete all work files created by cfsm, including any backups of the cdls files. deletion is permenant and can not be undone. do you want to continue? when i close out the pop up window, i get the following message: master collection.count = 0 cfsm will now shut down I had updated to just after it was released and it worked wonderfully. i have been tied up with work lately and haven't had time to try much lately, so not sure if this is something that has shown up already, or a new one. thanks in advance p.s. i checked the new beta and found the newer version it is downloaded and after some messing with have it running. i don't get the message now, but i do have another question. i had downloaded the new songs for this weeks championship and checked them before bringing them into my dlc folder. the tom petty file flagged for tone name error in xml file, then said it saved it in the "corrupt" subfolder. my issue is when i look in the folder ...steam/steamapps/common/rocksmith2014/backup/remastered/corrupt... it is empty. any suggestions where i might find the file now? i know i can redownload it, but i was going to see if i could correct it. now i'm curious if cfsm finds other files are they in vapor land as well? as before thanks for any suggestions you send
  14. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083910534
  15. seems to have fixed my issue as well. thanks a million to all involved. i'm still having a couple things with the file renaming/subfolder setup, but that may be me not doing it right. i'll play more when i have time. but for now THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
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