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  1. Annoying system beep gone, thank you. Is there a logfile created showing the warnings so that I can check for updated files? Obviously I'll ignore the erroneous warning for the built-in game files (as stated above) but if I can get updated CDLCs for the others, I will.
  2. E-mail sent to your g-mail with attached file. FYI - the new version issues <Warnings> on the core RS2014 song packs (songs.psarc, rs1compatibiltiyDisc_p.psarc and rs1compatibiltydlc_p.psarc)
  3. Just installed the latest beta update and I get an annoying system beep for every single CDLC and just as annoying a msg stating that the CDLC is missing come important part. These CDLCs are all functional and missing nothing. I stopped the process when it took 5 minutes to scan 20 files...with over 1600 songs I'd be waiting until May for it to complete it's initial erroneous scan. I'll try to attach a bmp.
  4. Thx. I wasn't aware of that unlocking option in properties. All good!
  5. Whenever I launch RSTK I get an error relating to a network install location sandboxing of .NET. When I close this msg RSTK launches but will never auto-update proclaiming that "Special conditions exist, update using latest online edition". When I manually download and update I then get the same sandbox error and subsequent tailspin of death.
  6. Success! Thanks man.
  7. Could not find a part of the path 'd:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\RockSmith2014\cfsm\archives'. Could the problem be that double quotes are needed and singles are being used? I'm not a programmer but I have seen long paths requiring double-quotes. At any rate, that's the exception being displayed when the app exits abruptly. If I create that folder then it goes on to display the next missing folder path until finally when all folders are created it will launch and work. Then the next time the app is launched all folders have been deleted and the missing paths return with a vengeance. If you had the app create those folders on every launch then things would work - sub-optimal but work-around. NOTE: Just tried and after manually selecting the RS2014 install dir I ended up at the same archives folder error.
  8. Yes, I moved all but one file to a temp dir @ the root of my drive and I still get the "unable to find path to ...archives" folder
  9. Program still errors out being unable to find the archives dir. It launches, scans everything then dies and pops up the logfile entry.
  10. fails hard on initial launch (windows random error screen appears). On subsequent re-launch the "unable to find archives folder" error appears after app exits automagically. Update - I temporarily moved the 2 sketchy folders in the CFSM dir and it had no impact upon success or failure.
  11. Deleted the 2 worrisome DLC and the dupes folder that I had created. The CFSM folder is not empty but contains a folder "songpacks" and subfolder "originals" which has 6 files contained therein for a toal of 266 MB of data (including the 2 RS1 compat files. I'm leery to delete that randomly, I did not create it.
  12. I had tried and now just tried (after manually deleting the MyDocs\CFSM folder). I have 2 screen caps as requested but could never figure out how to upload images here (it expects a URL path?) I e-mailed the errors and logfile to your gmail addy.
  13. ...if I could find a download link that works.
  14. No luck whatsoever - I'll check back in a few weeks to see if anything's changed. Reverting to non-beta.
  15. The latest beta won't launch because it expects to find in the CSFM steam dir the following; duplicates, backup and remastered folders. To work around it I manually created those folders, only to have the beta launch once successfully and then it promptly deleted all the folders that I had created upon exit. This results in the app failing out all over again when next called upon to run. The majority of those folders exist at the root of Rocksmith2014 (not in the CFSM folder). When you do get the beta sorted please return it to where it is supposed to reside so that we don't have to do a chicken dance to obtain it. The regular download link hasn't worked in weeks.
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