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Steven Briquette

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Steven Briquette last won the day on December 20 2016

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About Steven Briquette

  • Birthday 02/11/2000

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  • Location
    Toulouse, France
  • Interests
  • Guitar
    shitty old peavey
  • Bass
    fender jazz

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  1. Happy Birthday Steven Briquette!

  2. Happy Birthday Steven Briquette!

  3. hello there. here's a first score on rushhhhh http://i66.tinypic.com/2r794xc.jpg
  4. http://i67.tinypic.com/2vmj7zn.jpg but the 23th fret doesn't count anyhow since the latest update ah i had no idea.... i tried to bend to the 23 fret and it seemed to register but the score... multiplier was unaffected. same thing for me ! i had some recognition system problems during the last (and most easy) part tho
  5. http://i64.tinypic.com/2qn37fs.jpg
  6. http://i66.tinypic.com/2n6cetc.jpg ...okay, that was fast
  7. left hand, right hand or both ? most important thing is to stay relaxed Right hand. I play finger style/finger picking style, if that makes a difference, I can't use a pick. I generally use three fingers during the faster sections, but like I said, my fingers get pretty tired. I am making progress, yesterday my (right) hand was dead tired after playing through Under the Red Cloud twice, today I managed to play it three times before they gave up on me. :) I try and keep both of my hands relaxed, but do find my self tensing up from time to time. So any more advice? well, the thing about 3 finger technique is that it's easy to start to hit the strings with a lot more force than required, and you end up getting tired even faster than with 2 fingers... and that unexperimented ring finger can get tired easily too. work on that by playing stuff with constant 16th notes (power metal did the trick for me) and endurance will come in no time (pay attention to not making triplets or gallop though). Did you try to play it with 2 fingers only ? Maybe you will find it less tiring. And playing it with a pick will definitely be easier too ! @@JokerTheAnarchist we're all sorry to hear that, mate... Have you played Gengis Khan a few weeks ago ? ;)Rime of the Ancient Mariner is definitely a harder one too ! guys, a kind of weird blank ad appears over the customsforge page when I open it, i couldn't access to anything, do you have the same problem ? ( but I fixed it by using the "inspect" function and suppressing it B) ! ) http://i63.tinypic.com/vgodgg.jpg anyway, my score : http://i64.tinypic.com/30lkvhx.jpg
  8. left hand, right hand or both ? most important thing is to stay relaxed
  9. don't know about the fast tempos but here and here https://youtu.be/aA8fzsE7tWU?t=28 thank me later
  10. hey guys, and happy new year everyone :D here's an ok score because I'm too lazy to practice, and I don't really like this song : http://i64.tinypic.com/294ifwj.jpg Of course it is since you're not play a bass, but 6:30 is not really long. On real bass it is boring as well :lol: I wouldn't say boring or long, bass or not, but it's definitely no fun to play for me :( I need to start filling the song selection list (you guys too) (glad to see I'm still the first at MC bass this year ;) !)
  11. okay @@JokerTheAnarchist... I thought my bait was too obvious, but you're free to take it anyway :') I'll mess with you a little more : http://i65.tinypic.com/2ls7yv.jpg don't get too cocky when you've beaten up this score tho, you don't even realize that you would need years of practice to get your stamina and 3 finger technique solid enough to play it on an actual bass. ( sorry guys, I know, I'm a kid :') )
  12. here's my disastrous try on keyboards lol http://i64.tinypic.com/2ql9zif.jpg yeah I can't sightread bass tabs on keyboards :'( they should put an option for sheet music (that would make us lazy bass and guitar players learn to read them, which would be cool) and a better try on BASS ! http://i65.tinypic.com/5beljp.jpg merry christmas mates
  13. TATATA, TA ! Now, it is time to see how you died. Remember that death is not the end (tatata, ta). But only a transition. http://i65.tinypic.com/2qt95av.jpg you'll have to try a lil harder @@JokerTheAnarchist. but come on, IT'S FREAKING EASY !
  14. HEY GUYS just had some tries at that rainbow song (I made a mistake on the easiest part :| ) http://i67.tinypic.com/se3fx1.jpg I'm not going to spend practice time on this one, I would say 7 in difficulty I just used it as a warm up to practice one of the hardest (and best) songs I've ever played... Fatal Tragedy is nooo joke. ALSO ! I'll just leave this link here : http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/719817-A-guide-to-achieving-low-latency-in-Rocksmith-on-PC-Forums Highly recommending it... it really made the game better for me, as I had some latency before. so we can play acoustic guitar... can't wait to see some Paco De Lucia as MC lead song ;) would play it for sure
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