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cozy1 last won the day on October 17 2016

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    Master Peon

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  1. Sir,

    Help I'm trying to get your midi2rsxml program and all the links go nowhere can you help.

  2. @Rbby258 You can easily use the toolkit to remove DDC from any CDLC. 1) Open the toolkit 2) Open the DDC tabmenu 3) Click on the Ramp-up Model combobox and select 'ddc_dd_remover' 4) Under the Package or Arrangement XML File, click on Add and select the CDLC you want to remove DDC from ... 5) Click the Remove DD button But you already know that. Can't answer why the two methods are different. Check with Chlipouni (the author of DDC) if you still want to know. If you are using the same settings and same version of DDC then it should be the same.
  3. cozy1

    CFSM - Errors

    @@hooolian [2020/04/05 19:32:29]: 'Auto Quarantine' is disabled ... Go to CFSM>Setttings>Auto Quarantine>check it ... [2020/04/05 19:34:28]: - D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rocksmith2014\dlc\Personal CDLC\Nonpoint_Circles_v1_1_p.psarc String reference not set to an instance of a String. Parameter name: s Send a copy of the CDLC file, the 'debug.log' file, and this full error message to the developers : [2020/04/05 19:34:28]: - Nonpoint_Circles_v1_1_p.psarc [2020/04/05 19:34:28]: - This CDLC may still be usable but it should be updated if a newer version is available ... Delete this song ... problem solved ... right? If you want to fix that CDLC ... 1) CFSM>Setttings>Auto Quarantine>uncheck it and shutdown CFSM 2) Reinstall the corrupt CDLC into the 'dlc' folder and restart CFSM 3) CFSM>SongManager>Select (check the corrupt CDLC) 4) CFSM>SongManager>Repairs> >Add Dynamic Difficulty DD (selected) >Overwrite DD (checked) >100% Mastery Bug (selected) >Run Selected Repair Options (selected) CDLC is all fixed ... auto-magical :) Note: If you ever find yourself in a CFSM continuous exception loop, just manually delete MyDocumements/CFSM and restart CFSM.
  4. cozy1

    CFSM - Errors

    @@hooolian Send me a link to that CDLC and try a different search for some other non-nonpoint song. I downloaded nonpoint endure and the search works for me. Also DM the the debug.log file to me cause I can't read that jpeg and I need the whole log. You should also try this.
  5. cozy1

    CFSM - Errors

    @Penfolds5 1) Then manually delete the MyDocuments/CFSM folder and try again. 2) If it #1 doesn't work then try disabling your AV and Windows Defender. 3) If #1 & #2 don't work then completely remove CFSM, do #1 and #2, and then download and reinstall the latest version of CFSM. 4) If #3 doesn't work then you are just out of luck.
  6. @Cookie_Munster Delete MyDocuments/CFSM and perform a clean install of CFSM. Looks like you may have deleted tagger templates. [2020/04/03 13:25:41]: Unhandled.Exception:Source: CustomsForgeSongManagerTarget: Void PopulateTagger() Let us know if you get it working.
  7. cozy1

    CFSM - Errors

    @@hooolian Screen shot plz and more detail as I am not able to reproduce your issue. Are you using the column filter dropdown to search or the Search 'Type characters to search for then hit return' box? Did you remember to press 'Enter' after you input a search?
  8. cozy1

    CFSM - Errors

    @@Penfolds5 Thanks for the video. CFSM has given you all the info you should need to get it running. See the following time sections in your video and re-read the CFSM popup messages and the Log messages for how to solve the issue you are having. https://youtu.be/2E1WDBAWyUM?t=41 Read the message. Did you try changing your display to 100%? (You only need to do this if your display does not align correctly.) https://youtu.be/2E1WDBAWyUM?t=56 Read the LOG. Is CFSM installed on D or E drive? CFSM thinks your My Documents/CFSM is on E: Is this correct? Is CFSM installed on the same drive? https://youtu.be/2E1WDBAWyUM?t=60 Read the message. You pressed 'No' so you told CFSM not to auto fix the error by deleting My Documents/CFSM. Did you manually delete My Documents/CFSM? If not, then you are putting yourself into a continuous error loop. Let us know if you get it working.
  9. @@Biermeister 44 plz dm or post the cfsm debug.log from the Documents/CFSM folder
  10. @@igor0121 well excuse me ... you posted your question in the cfsm thread.
  11. @@igor0121 a similar feature to allow customized sorting was added in cfsm version have a look here. you should be able to use the user notes column for what you want to do.
  12. feature request was added in cfsm version - added customizable user notes to CDLC PackageComments
  13. plz store your toolkit template file in with eof project files.
  14. @@Shakey64 so then these instructions should work if you follow them exactly. after you reinstall fresh steam validated rocksmith make sure that you can play dlc. many mac users have had issues with cdlc that are corrupt after the update. i would recommend that you start with only dlc in the dlc folder and go from there.
  15. @@JazzMasterJ have look here and here second to last paragraph. not exactly answer to what you are asking but a couple of options to get tools working if you want to stay with Catalina.
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