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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship

-= Week 185 =-


READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships

Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules


Last weeks winners:

  • Lead:

Beginner:      @@mackaybre

Intermediate: @@Anwyn
Advanced :   @@MaZtoR
MasterClass:  @@shaggy_malagy


God of Guitar:  @@shaggy_malagy



  • Rhythm:

Beginner:       na

Intermediate:   @@Anwyn
Advanced:      @Rodman
Masterclass:   loose trophy, anyone??

  • Bass

Beginner:          loose trophy, anyone??

Intermediate:     @

Advanced:       @Fraggle Baggle

Masterclass:    @@Syvaa




Congrats to all winners. Well done!



This week songs are

"...damn cool..."


Lead Path:

Beginner:          The Who - My Generation                               (2) chosen by @Rodman (ODS as played week 31)

Intermediate:    The Fratellis - Got Ma Nuts From A Hippy        (5) chosen by @@Fraggle Baggle

Advanced:         Royal Republic - Full Steam Spacemachine        (6) chosen by @@Mortalo (as played week 34)

MasterClass:     Rush - The Analog Kid                                     (8)  chosen by @@Steven Briquette


God of Guitar: the Gods pause for a Moment (unless they scream for challenge ;) )


Rhythm Path:

Beginner:          The Who - My Generation                             (3.5)

Intermediate     The Fratellis - Got Ma Nuts From A Hippy      (5)

Advanced:         Royal Republic - Full Steam Spacemachine     (5.5)

Masterclass:      na


Bass Path:
Beginner:           The Who - My Generation                            (3.5)

Intermediate :    Royal Republic - Full Steam Spacemachine     (5)

Advanced:          The Fratellis - Got Ma Nuts From A Hippy      (6)

Masterclass :      Rush - The Analog Kid                                  (8)


Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


Still hot: @Frippos new Exercise : Blues Comping 5 (more challenging lead guitar (adv), rhythm and bass more intermediate with a real audio track (no GP RSA converted)

Exercise Challenges:

1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle
2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths
3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major (funky)
4rd Exercise: Blues Comping 4 in E major (shuffle)

5th Exercise: Blues Comping 5 in E major (dirty Texas Blues style, shuffle)

Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the  exercises scoreboards
Honorable list Diehard Member:



Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police:

  • Like 3

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

so what do we have?


AN EMPTY SONG SELECTION LIST ;) - Feel free to fill that up, everyone!

Especially beginner songs wont be guarding the shelves for too long!


... on that weeks side great challenge everywhere with spot on difficulties for the classes i think, on the hard side for Beginners Rhy and Bass (which is good to get the feeling if its time to level-up) and not a single 100% walk over line for Bassplayers, all 4 really enjoyable.


Have fun.

  • Like 2

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



YES! rush and signals my favorite rush record ( i think its near impossible too choose just one). il have to put some extra time into the championship this week.

  • Like 2

First goes, not an easy beginner track:



I didn't try the inter, 'cos I couldn't be bothered to downtune.


But Adv:



And MC:



And having heard and played the MC once, I obviously know it now ;) so gave it a little improvement:



The songs I've played are in the right order.

  • Like 6

Cool Full steam spacemachine was the song I played the first week I entered the champs... on master mode too :)... wonder how I'll fair now :)

  • Like 4

 Mortalo, on 11 Feb 2015 - 11:36 AM, said:

Ok, because of poor results and overall lack of skill @NoonyDeloony gets downgraded to Advanced. She would be forever remembered as shameful person... and then she'll make another charming video and we'll forget about that.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoonyDeloony/videos

Twitching bass unskillfully, here: https://www.twitch.tv/noonydeloony





who knew laying off a couple weeks could make such a change.  wow.  my fingers don't stretch the same, the muscles hurt more, nowhere near the level i had been to, not that i'm good, but i was getting better.  now i have to work my way back into it looks like.

kinda makes me feel old, oh wait, i'm already there.....back to practicing...

  • Like 8
  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

start on lead, i think not better than my selection run, this should go to 93 or smthg, fun fun song


@@Vodka - are you joinin to give RR another chance ;)



  • Like 6

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



The last time we played spacemachine was the time i got rid of my bad habit of playing with only downstrokes. Had the tabs printed out and spent hours playing the main riff over and over slowly in the couch while watching a few bad movies.  It made a huge improvement in my playing.  Ended up with 88.85% that i was really happy with.


First play in a long time now.


Its nice to see your improvement.







  • Like 6

@@Vodka - are you joinin to give RR another chance ;)



A missed call on my phone is from you ? =)

  • Like 1

On 8/8/2024 at 10:09 AM, Rodman said:

Give your heart and your soul.....
        ....... for that damn Rock´n´Roll!

I'm not a native English speaker. Sorry for mistakes.

  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer


@@Vodka - are you joinin to give RR another chance ;)


A missed call on my phone is from you ? =)

You never know ;) !

  • Like 1

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



My Generation (Lead) - 97.37%



I was in the midst of a really good run on the rhythm track when Windows decided that an alert about an update was more important than whatever I was doing. I really wish there was Linux support for the game. Seriously, f*** Windows.

  • Like 5

"Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual."


RIP John Geils


My Generation (Lead) - 97.37%



I was in the midst of a really good run on the rhythm track when Windows decided that an alert about an update was more important than whatever I was doing. I really wish there was Linux support for the game. Seriously, f*** Windows.

Get a Mac! ;)

  • Like 2
  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

lead, +



  • Like 4

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

start on rhy,

even a lil slice more fun than lead for me



  • Like 4

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

that´s already ok :) - the small phrases make it easy to get punched in the face.


Excellent song to follow @@Gamut s ad-wise and stay loose - esp. that signature riff is a lot easier played in one hand position! If you shift you gotta be quicker, and damn certain about your fingering, so use your pinky and stay in 5.



  • Like 6

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



Tired as hell, had a really stressful weekend with a friend going through medical crisis. All reasoning would suggest I should suck right now... but I'm on fire. :godmode:


Songs I've never heard before?! Let them come!






Absolutely love this song. So catchy! Such fun licks! Gamut approves.




Kinda repetitive for me. Not one of my favourite Rush songs.

  • Like 4

Gamut now active again on Youtube!

Gamut on Twitch

Gamut on Twitter

Gamut Customs


Come join us in the Rocksmith Championship!


John Entwistle, the 7th best bassist of all time is beginner? :) No joke, my bass teacher just told me on Thursday to watch him on youtube. Plays a lot of high notes and then thumbs the E, So i was ready for it but missed it heh.


I totally missed last week. I played the song a few times, got to about 90% and then had my bass lesson and got into what I was suppose to be practicing for it. I should have submitted my junk score. Submitting first play through so that doesnt happen again.


85.2% https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/824567239157058623/84A82D6853814EA27F3B0DA26BDB7DEE6447B50E/


The recording is old and there is no sound to start because it is just John's bass. I was amazed to see a song I thought I knew be much more than it was because I kinda wrote them off for being older music. It was an eye opener.


Also i can provide a list for beginner class. I just look at what I have over 90% on:) List to follow

  • Like 6

Hate to put this hear but you wanted beginner songs it looks like. I took this in order of mastery so if a band has 10 songs, the first songs are 100% and the lowers are 93%+/- as a general rule and may be closer to the next level. Take into account that I have known these songs and have been a professional air guitarists for 35+ years:) I know the songs well so it probably is a little more natural for me, but the same can be said of any song that happens to pop up each week. Hope it helps. Took some time to put it to paper then to order it and put it here.


Thought I would just link the doc... don't know why i was going to post them all here heh.



  • Like 4
  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

Hate to put this hear but you wanted beginner songs it looks like. I took this in order of mastery so if a band has 10 songs, the first songs are 100% and the lowers are 93%+/- as a general rule and may be closer to the next level. Take into account that I have known these songs and have been a professional air guitarists for 35+ years:) I know the songs well so it probably is a little more natural for me, but the same can be said of any song that happens to pop up each week. Hope it helps. Took some time to put it to paper then to order it and put it here.


Thought I would just link the doc... don't know why i was going to post them all here heh.



Hey man, great you took the time!


Please enter 4 of them of your choice into Song Selection List (link eg in Mortalos and MaZtoRs signature).

And when one is chosen put in the next one.

Dont forget to fill in your diff rating for the paths you have tried.




Gesendet von meinem SM-G920F mit Tapatalk

  • Like 2

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



ЯЯ has an easy riff but the speed is killing me. ~70 speed at now. May be 80. But without constant practice I will not get higher. Unfortunatelly today's session is over.


  • Like 8

On 8/8/2024 at 10:09 AM, Rodman said:

Give your heart and your soul.....
        ....... for that damn Rock´n´Roll!

I'm not a native English speaker. Sorry for mistakes.

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