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Tonedef last won the day on August 16 2017

Tonedef had the most liked content!

About Tonedef

  • Birthday 06/01/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    St. Louis Suburbs
  • Interests
    Electronics, Video Games, Music, TV, Building/fixing PC's and anything else to keep my mind busy.
  • Guitar
    Ibanez RGA42FM Blue Burst
  • Bass
    Fender '70s Jazz Bass Natural Finish

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  1. Happy Birthday Tonedef!

  2. Happy Birthday Tonedef!

  3. Might as well toss something up I guess.
  4. Keyboard>me. My old keyboard was going bad and was sending it into sleep mode. I am swapping power supplies and thinking motherboard and its a stupid sleep key on a keyboard.... I couldn't figure it out until I was on a spreadsheet and it start doing this ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and it finally clicked. Getting a song in early while I can.
  5. My PC crapped out on me. Please accept my awesomeness in place of this weeks songs.
  6. Ah what a wonderful reminder of my youth and what a fool I was :P And I can't see a song from the best Metal album of all time and not play it no matter how bad I do. Yes The screen shot was after the fact. i am not winning any awards with my performance anyway. Business is fast this time of year. Hopefully get to play some more. My first concert ever was KoRn before they were anything with ST in the middle and Megadeth leading.
  7. Good song, crazy week.
  8. 2 bands that are always on every type of device that can play music. PC, Laptop, Car, Phone, TV, Sauna, Shower. That reminds me. i really need to get one of those Refrigerators that have tv and radio built in....
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