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mackaybre last won the day on April 28 2017

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    The Former Republic of Canuckistan
  • Guitar
    Ibanez Blazer Series BL-300 (dom 1980)
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. Yeah Personal Jesus is extremely hard to sightread with RS's notation limits. Changes are complete chord blocks often starting with the X5 that do not help show what the fingers actually are doing. Unfortunately also the RR sections are so long with the fills near the ends of each section. If I slow it down enough to read - I have to basically slog along through 30 seconds of slow mo Cash over the same riff just to be able to read the fill. Then I discovered you can just use left and right arrow keys when paused (not in RR mode) to step through the song and read at your leisure. Glad I know now, but damn do I feel silly for being so annoyed.
  2. Pretty sure I was Beginner Lead last time and Advance Rhythm. It's been a few years since I've played at all. New computer, lag issues am working out, blah blah. Anyway Hello again!
  3. Is it just me, or is the first riff both out of sync (scrolls too fast) and missing a note either before or after the 2nd triplet?
  4. First playthroughs. Oof.
  5. Thanks @diceslinger! Alright some more practice under the belt and fingers are starting to remember. Took a long while since last time this was a Championship song and this time around I'm getting more of it: I would seriously recommend a custom tone for this song, cause to me it's impossible to hear yourself playing with the muted tone they have.
  6. Oof that is still a pain in the ass. Hammer off section from 7 6 4 - 6 4 7A is getting me hard. Is that how they actually play it?
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