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A good cup of black coffee


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AtGame7, why don't you obviously use sugar..? Are you diabetic? I am, hence the Diet Cherry Coke. Have had Type II since I was 5, nearly 38 years now.  :mrgreen:

I just don't like it in my coffee.  I prefer my coffee black, in fact, I won't drink it any other way.  I really prefer coffee I roast myself at home, but I will buy a cup when I am out from a coffee shop (as long as it doesn't say Starbucks on the front).


I always get a bit of a laugh because I will order it just that way, "Large black coffee please".  You would be surprised how many times they ask if I want cream or sugar in it.  Usually they realize pretty quickly that I specified that I wanted it black.


Otherwise, if you really enjoy your coffee I suggest finding a place that roasts it in house so you can get a truly fresh cup.  You want it freshly ground and not sitting in a plastic container in a warehouse, on a truck and finally on a grocer's shelf for who knows how long before you brew it.  From the time the coffee is ground to the time you brew it should honestly be less than one hour, not months.


Also, there are few smells that can rival that of freshly roasted coffee being ground up.  It's really amazing.


Sometimes, the best part of the day is a good cup of coffee.

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AtGame7, why don't you obviously use sugar..? Are you diabetic? I am, hence the Diet Cherry Coke. Have had Type II since I was 5, nearly 38 years now.  :mrgreen:

Oh, and on another note, if you have had Diabetes under control for that long I admire you.  I go 30 ,minutes on an elliptical machine each day and that is the extent of the exercise I get and I have to FORCE myself to do it.  I have a friend who has had diabetes for as long as I can remember and i see what he has to do every day to keep his sugar level controlled.  He's constantly checking it, watching what he eats/drinks and even walks around the building for a bit of exercise at lunch time. I admire the work it takes not to let that disease to control your life.


I'm a mostly healthy guy and hate that I don't take better care of myself, I have no excuse.  I eat too much junk and have a bit of a hatred for my liver I guess as too many empty bottles of Scotch find the recycling bin every month. 


Anyone who can fight off Diabetes, or any health challenges for that matter is a better man than I am.

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Cheers, my control hasn't been great these last 10 years or so because I've been having serious problems with depression so haven't been looking after myself too well.


The weird thing is that my depression negatively affects me playing the Blues lol  :shock:  :mrgreen:

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2 double shots of medium roast home-brewed espresso in the AM. usually black.

If we've gotten darker roast  to suit my wife's taste (she uses cream) I might add 1/4tsp or so of sugar.


re the Starbucks thing, I think it would take about 3 Tablespoons to "fix" it.

re the Black coffee thing while out, yes, it is astounding the number of servers who can't understand what you're asking for.

re the Blues, they may be the only thing better than a decent cup of (Irish) coffee. (Scotch/Whiskey is pretty fine too!) :D  


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I prefer my coffee black and no sweeteners, although every now and then I'll have a white one. I prefer tea though, white with 2 sweeteners, although as I said I generally drink Diet Cherry Coke instead because there's more caffeine, I don't have to wait for it to cool down before I can drink it and I'm addicted to the stuff lol  :mrgreen:

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  • 4 months later...

Nowt to do with coffee but this Summer I've discovered I'm allergic to beer!!!  :blink:  :(


Got a load of Stella Artois in for the World Cup and found that it gives me a runny nose and sneezes. Same thing with Guinness too.  :angry:


Luckily I don't drink as much as I used to when I was working behind the bar years ago, I had a bit of a drink problem. I could quite easily do 20+ pints in a session without a problem, on my 29th birthday I went out with a mate of mine and we did 30+ pints plus shorts and then went to a party afterwards lol  :blink:  :unsure:


I hardly drink at all these days though so am doing much better now. Just a pint or two a few times a year.  :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Love good Coffee

without it I would not create so many customs

:lol: :lol:


Arabica 100% is what I like the most


you got that right mate.   I buy a decent bag of arabica beans for $12 / kg  .. I grind just enough for each day every morning...


worth getting up for a big mug of that and to smoke (finally), some of my own grown sanity-erizer .   :)

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