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PC Plum

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PC Plum last won the day on August 11 2014

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    Playing guitar, making customs.
  • Guitar
    Fender Strat

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  1. Thanks for the installer that worked a treat I had customs working in Windows 11 for over a year, now after I re-install Windows 11 they wouldn't work Until I used your installer, thanks!!! :)
  2. Hey just wanted to say thanks for all the awesome cdlc you've put out! Especially Show Must Go On. 

  3. Hi PC Plum,

    I love your CDLC from Kfir Ochaion!!
    Any chance you will add more of his songs? Or tips how to create my own?



    I wonder if you could help me ?

    I recently lost a lot of my favourite cdlc that I believe was brilliantly created by yourself and was wondering if you had a link to the downloads for these as they are no longer available on Customsforge.

    Two in particular were Dakota and Graffiti on the train live versions by the stereophonics.

    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

    Many thanks for your time.


    Best regards.


  5. Hi PC Plum, I discovered you've created Bryan Adam's Heaven cdlc in the past, however I can't find it in customsforge anymore. Is there a chance you can reupload it? It is a fantastic song, a shame not to be available as cdlc.


    Thank you and keep up the god's work!

  6. Would anyone happen to have Richard Marx "Now and Forever" as released by PC Plum? It was one of the first songs I tried to learn on tab and would love to have it on Rocksmith.


  7. Firstly, latency is subjective. Some people just don't bother about quite high latency, and others can't stand the tinyest bit. It may be the same latency we all hear, it's just that it completely nips your head. How long is the latency, like half a second? Some other things to try, other than what has been said - Play using headphones. Try to drown out the acoustic noise of your strings. This does not change latency, only the perception of it. - Get a splitter box, playing through your own amp (and effects) with a signal split off to go to the computer for processing. This method costs more money, but lots of people play this way and swear by it. - Disable any sound driver effects which may be causing extra latency (extra bass/eq/etc). - Try Audio Exclusivity setting On/Off (requires game restart each time you change this) Good luck :)
  8. I found some nice examples https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VNNlkWiXFUvnsrFO4TTDbyYYwEZNOLXX/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OhSZfiEC0blQXSQaojMBjAsFeAYJO8g8/view?usp=sharing But, alas, I could not find any examples of a prebend followed by a bend up. Whats strange is that in the second example there a prebend (two half steps), then a slight dip (to one half step), then back up again. So clearly the game can go from a bent state to a higher bent state, but just not in certain circumstances I presume. I may test in the near future. Or I may read Berneer's guide again, he was pretty thorough and may well have examined this while compliing his guide/tutorial. For now I'll need to leave it. Pretty annoying as it's quite a nice part of the guitar solo :(
  9. It may well be since Remastered. I made a GP tab from the resulting custom and all the note information (the full complaex bend) is all correct - so it must be something in the game. I'm 100% convinced that would have been allowed in the past. I'll find some time and play some old customs to see if they behave differently now.
  10. Hi, I'll start here but it may well be a DD issue. I've done many complex bends over a few years and there is now a behaviour that is different and strange - I cant get them to appear in game! EoF Notes https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Db5GWTH3ydOcuItDqWH1RTvJ53k07Hv/view?usp=sharing EoF Tech Notes https://drive.google.com/file/d/19iLDKPG--ZMWKWsHDlLBBJmCg9EvHg4a/view?usp=sharing In Game https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jq_7KE3bx0871c2scKTwFMDbYKJeZ9b8/view?usp=sharing Files https://drive.google.com/file/d/1st2hcrgvOhkG6dQCtQo1DLpR89UTWKfs/view?usp=sharing I have tried every combination I can think of in EoF and I can't get anything to appear except the straight line bend which fades out (like in the screen shot). I'm 100% certain that would previously have worked in EoF (I remember doing loads of complex bends in my Pink Floyd/Gilmour customs). I built the project in eof hotfix (5-3-2017) but I updated today to eof hotfix (7-26-2018) to make sure there wasn't an update which resolved the issue. I am pretty sure there is something I need to do which I have not tried yet. Can anyone make any suggestions? Thanks :)
  11. Tabbing by hand into EoF is not all that bad. Most tabs tend to repeat so copy+paste is definitely your friend. I've tabbed a number of songs straight into EoF and once you learn the basic key commands it doesn't take nearly as long as you might expect. The only thing is you really need to beat map the song before starting.
  12. I just presumed it was DDC as I have only noticed missing last notes from linknexts since I started using DDC for Remastered customs. I looked at some XMLs today and I cannot find anything missing from EoF generated files, the 6th fret linknext is there even without a dummy ghost note in use. I do note that the 6th fret linknext note (unpitched slide) is not present in the XML after DDC processing in one of the DDC levels. I have no idea how DDC XMLs work but basically the note is present in line 3918 of the supplied DDC XML, but not present after line 9055. So DDC is separating these two notes in some way. Like I say I no idea how DDC XMLs work, I am simply observing. Here are some files https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2oZs0ta32KyMlV3bGhwcGRwQ3c/view?usp=sharing I have a workaround now if it happens again. I just thought that some more files might be useful to find the reason. Thanks :D Edit ------------------------------------------------------------- I did some more messing around and I found something more interesting. Here are some more files. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2oZs0ta32KyMjRkTFNZUXZtNTQ/view?usp=sharing What's interesting is that the DDC results are different. The last unpitched slide is present twice in DDC_PART REAL_BASS_22_RS2 but only once in DDC_PART REAL_BASS_RS2. There are slight tab differences between the originals, but the structures are the same. They are from the same EoF project so they have the same sections/beat map etc. In fact they are from the project I made available above. Happy hunting :D
  13. There are 2 downloads to get EoF working. Do you definitely have them both? Both links are in the original post.
  14. Jesus, give us all some peace :lol: http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/what-a-wonderful-world-r31365 Enjoy man :D
  15. Well you are the expert on that not me :D There are many linknexts that work fine (in this chart and many others I have made) and it's only when I put one on the last note of the chart (lead/bass) that it disappears.
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