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Bluetac last won the day on March 28 2019

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About Bluetac

  • Birthday 08/14/1973


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  • Guitar
    ESP LTD AX-360
  • Bass
    ESP LTD F-54 Bass, Tanglewood Curbow4 & Stagg BC300-N (standard Tunings), Yamaha BBN5bk (5String)
  • Favorite Bands
    The Fallen State, Ashen Reach, Fahran, White Raven Down, Shinedown, Kamelot, Within Temptation, Disturbed, Korn
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. "JustInCaseWeNeedIt" did not work for me, just tried it, says invalid code now
  2. So sorry for your loss fella I can relate to what what you are going through, my wife, soulmate and partner in crime of 30 years lost her battle with cancer a few weeks ago, hence my absence from the site over christmas and into the new year, been a tough few months I can tell you. Parents are so underrated, we take them for granted yet owe them so much, we inherit so many traits (some good some not so much) from them, as you have said yourself they were and will always be proud of what you have accomplished here and in the other aspects of your life. You are always going to have the memories of your time with them, the fond ones from yesteryear will soon be front and centre buddy. Hang in there, with time loss will get easier I tell myself that often to try and will it to be so
  3. Happy Birthday Bluetac!

  4. The ONLY reason why anyone would have a non remastered version would be down to not having a legit version as it hasn't been updated, steam updates all its games unless disabled (right click on rocksmith in the steam library list on the right, go to properties then auto updates and enable it) If on the other hand you have a pirated version then do the following .... Buy the LEGIT version of the game and then the .dll will work for you. That is all the help you are getting on this matter. :)
  5. Happy Birthday Bluetac!

  6. This has so been covered in the past on here To name just a couple of problems with what you want to do is as follows you will never be able to keep track of any updates that the creator does to the cdlc.You are not able to provide feedback to it either (report issues/constructive feedback) To be fair to the magna charter that created it He/She will have put in many hours learning how to create them in the first place, then dedicated; in some cases dozens of hours of their own time to create each and every one of these for us. So my question to you is ; is it really that much of a chore to download them one at a time?
  7. Happy Birthday Bluetac!

  8. FYI Had this as an email from them yesterday
  9. Thanks for the work Guys n Gals very much appreciated.
  10. Tested again a few times over the last few days from different pc's and now today it is working again :)
  11. I shall test it again from another pc when I get home(at work now) thanks for testing it peeps Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  12. Since the update i have noticed a bug using the *find more* from links. To reproduce it , click on a title to get the pop up info , then try using one of the keyword links , artist, album name, track name, creator, it no longer seems to be able to find anything . I have cleared my cache many times but it does not seem to help any . I am using/tested it in Chrome (Latest) and Firefox (also latest revision) and Edge all just result in the waiting loading animation Can anyone else confirm that this is not an issue my end please ?
  13. Thanks guys I had a look at the import function of guitar pro 6 and 7 as i bought the latest version (never really used them though) and it has the option to import ascii but the formatting cant be correct as i can't import it. I will take a look at the help files and have a go at charting it by hand :)
  14. I was just looking at a way to convert a text based tab to gp5 , i just tried the link in the tutorials section for the online converter but that link doesn't work , it just takes you to a youtube channel. Can anyone recommend another as i would love to be able to make this song as the bass line is awesome but have no idea how to convert it to a usable tab to import. To a noob like myself the tab looks ok then then i could be completely wrong lol.
  15. The latest update ffor rocksmith gives you the option to not use a realtone cable so you dont need all the patches you speak off, that is unless you are using a hooky version of rocksmith 2014. If that is the case dont be such a tight ass and put your hand in your pocket and buy it as you will go no help with hooky versions here! If that isnt the case then just ensure you have the latest .dll as found on here and place it in the game dir (not the dlc folder) and remove the rest of the crap you are using, Steam should have updated it to the remastered edition that removes the need for a realtone cable and gives you the option to swap it for a microphone instead.
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