Hi there, I always linked to folders to also make PC, MAC, XBox 360, PS3 versions available, and lots of people also host DD and non-DD versions of their customs... If we are supposed to directly link to a file, how should be provide the links for the other versions? Of course the easiest thing is to directly link to the PC version, and include links to all other platforms / DD versions in the description text. But in my oppinion the most logical thing would be to replace the four platform checkboxes from the edit dialog with input fields for download links. This could at least solve the platform issue Absolutely .. each song should be in its own folder .. this included DD and non DD.. plus any different platforms .. as long as its all the same song. where we run into problems, is when people put different songs in the same folder. one of the problems that are happening, is if a song is made officially by UBI, we take down the download link for any customs of that song. but if the song is in a folder with other songs .. the "taken down" song is still available and could appear that we are condoning it.