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Izzy last won the day on September 22 2022

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1 Follower

About Izzy

  • Birthday 10/28/1967


  • Member Title
    Such a pretty pretty princess that loves Nickleback!

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  • Gender
  • Guitar
    Schecter Loomis FR7, Ibanez RG Hotrodded
  • Bass
    Jackson JS3V, Peavey BXP, Schecter Omen Extreme
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. Happy Birthday Izzy!

  2. https://imgur.com/a/5oevxuI
  3. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1865757268
  4. Happy Birthday Izzy!

  5. I had them as cdlc too.. I also bought the dlc from ubi because i actually want to see rocksmith thrive
  6. Just added this to the collection, its a 1991 Ibanez RG550 in Road Flare Red, the bridge pickup has been changed out with a Seymour Duncan SH8 Invader, it is otherwise stock, and in pristine condition. :Dhttp://i.imgur.com/nTcved2.jpg
  7. I think this would be an excellent idea! give each charter a "workshop" for lack of a better word. where they can easily see their own cdlc links and information.
  8. yeah :( its a shame too! copy.com is bad, onedrive seems to be bad also
  9. yeah man! just because im not paying for any of this, and you are doing this on your free time, for free (or even sometimes at your own expense) is no excuse for slacking off.
  10. You explain things SO much clearer than i do hats off to ya!
  11. Hi there, I always linked to folders to also make PC, MAC, XBox 360, PS3 versions available, and lots of people also host DD and non-DD versions of their customs... If we are supposed to directly link to a file, how should be provide the links for the other versions? Of course the easiest thing is to directly link to the PC version, and include links to all other platforms / DD versions in the description text. But in my oppinion the most logical thing would be to replace the four platform checkboxes from the edit dialog with input fields for download links. This could at least solve the platform issue Absolutely .. each song should be in its own folder .. this included DD and non DD.. plus any different platforms .. as long as its all the same song. where we run into problems, is when people put different songs in the same folder. one of the problems that are happening, is if a song is made officially by UBI, we take down the download link for any customs of that song. but if the song is in a folder with other songs .. the "taken down" song is still available and could appear that we are condoning it.
  12. absolutely! and you can help .. there are 10s of thousands of cdlcs here, and its is nigh impossible for one man to check them all. If you, or anyone comes across a link that is dead, or takes you to one of those sites you mentioned .. please report the custom so that it can be dealt with in a timely manner.
  13. I agree 1000% i dont want to flood the site with false "new" customs. this would be bad for us all. I will take measures to make sure that we dont drown out the new uploads. Thanks for your input on this!
  14. Someone got him a new schecter .. its hella sweet
  15. http://media.guitarcenter.com/is/image/MMGS7/C-1-Platinum-Electric-Guitar-Translucent-Black/H96103000001000-00-500x500.jpg
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