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Rocksmith 2014 Championship Week 496


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My first time here - very cool! Just started bass a year ago. A friend showed me RS2014 and I was hooked. Have taken a number of classes since, so not a complete beginner perhaps. Practice almost every day. I did have to RR that final phrase to get my movement up to speed. Will try the bonus next. Sorry about the screenshot having that win10 junk on it. The window closes and I was in a rush to hit the prtsc. Thanks to the organizers who have run this for 450+ weeks!


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I really like this song and enjoy Brand New 🙂
Today i learnt that the chorus is not  "I cant get it up" All of these years ive been singing it wrong...I guess next time I should pay attention what the title of the song is before attempting to sing it.

I think the guitar paths might be a bit challenging to 100% seemed to miss some notes i thought i had hit but maybe i just need more practice.
Cool song! Sounds heavily inspired by Whole lotta love by led zeppelin.
But to my ears the bass is off in some areas and in other sections it sounds to me like its sliding 
Yea...not a fan of this cdlc (cause how its tabbed)
Woulve rathered a different one this week tbh.
Like others have stated here in the competition and on the cdlc page, it sounds off and its tabbed way more complicated than it can be.
I agree with mikson a easier way to play the notes that he charted could be by playing the 2 instead of  the 7..and then you could also just play the power chord in 023 instead of having to move around.
I personally just played 7s though and then the 577 power chord.
Still not the right notes though..
Also the extremely short phrases makes it kinda hard to 100% because you miss one note or more and it lowers the difficulty across all of the phrases in the song.
Very cool to see some buckethead! seems like a decent dificulty.. i feel like chord detection wasnt working again..(im hoping its the cdlc and not my guitar...although maybe i screwed my guitar up since its fallen a couple of times recently rip)
Eiii!! We got steel panther again 😄 heres hoping well get community property, death to all metal or 17girls in a row next time lol
(havent tried them in years..If i remember correctly soilmans cdlcs were usually decent though? )
I think for alot of steel panthers guitar paths could pass as adv.
Will i be able to shred it? no.
That being said, satchels solos are generally like my sex.. short but memorable 😉  which would make it way easier to practice and generally speaking the riffs outside are simpleish and again quite catchy which makes it easier to learn. Also its always funner to have more challenging songs in your level.  I apologize for the attempt of a cringey joke.

Here I agree with Jelly. This song should be lower difficulty/lower class. 

Putting a steel panther in adv bass is kind of a joke since the character lexi (the ex bassist) was literally portrayed as incompetent/ making fun of bass players (aka implying anyone can play the bass).
The shifting to the upper register imo shouldnt make it adv. it doesnt happen that regularly compared to the current intermediate bass song. Also in general  i think long pitched slides are a pain for accuracy %

The way i see it is if most of the contestants in that category are doing 97+ without practicing it  then it should be in the class bellow but thats just my opinion.

Coolest song of the week!
might give it more tries later on

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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer
14 hours ago, Mikson said:



I played the normal rhythm.

Of course not!! Praise disconnected testing! Here R and BR are valid for the week (this one time)!


Good news:

Song selection list has been  completely worked over and tidied up.

There are sortable fields now, tested songs and Bass only songs has been integrated and thx to @ kayteck  who did a lot lot of coding magic tested songs can be autotransferred to NewWeek selection and spare arrangements are put into the corresponding sheet.


What does that mean?

Everyone - please enter the cdlcs you like into an empty line in SSL.

You might wanna check in the songs played sheet if the song has been played recently.

Note that bass only songs are songs that have no guitar in Audio, Not songs where only bass has been charter!  


Week Organisers - a description is coming.


Rock! Rod.

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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= SPOTIFY Rocksmith CS Playlist =-
-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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@ Rodman  @ kayteck

Well done, the SSL sheet looks better now!

In cases like in this screenshot, I think, that ratings should be moved to the left, to the main ratings columns, otherwise those songs will never be selected when using RNG.


4 hours ago, Rodman said:

Note that bass only songs are songs that have no guitar in Audio, Not songs where only bass has been charter!  

Songs with only bass in audio? I don't understand, could you give an example?

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I couldn't find this answered, and I'm still new so didn't want to open a topic, but...

... If there's a better way to play it, can we just play it, as long as RS still recognizes it? Or is the tab shown somehow sacrosanct? I treated it as such, but may not want to going forward.

This would have made that Baby song somewhat less evil. 🙂
Thanks, and apologies if this should have been elsewhere!

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12 minutes ago, britonleap said:

I couldn't find this answered, and I'm still new so didn't want to open a topic, but...

... If there's a better way to play it, can we just play it, as long as RS still recognizes it? Or is the tab shown somehow sacrosanct? I treated it as such, but may not want to going forward.

This would have made that Baby song somewhat less evil. 🙂
Thanks, and apologies if this should have been elsewhere!

@ britonleap  Yea as long as you are playing the same note on the guitar it doesnt matter where you are fretting it rocksmith still recognises it/ your good/ counts for the competition according to me.Like i mentioned up above i didnt fret the 2 3s how it was tabbed i played it on the strings above 7 7s.

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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

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