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Welcome to the  CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship

-= Week 129 =-



READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships
Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules



Last weeks Winners:


Beginner:          @@Vodka

Intermediate:    @@MonstaS4

Advanced:         @@Tong

MasterClass:      @@Nacholede


God of guitar on the past week @Brutus Erectus



Beginner:          NA

Intermediate:   @@Vodka

Advanced:        @@NunoJBSilva.Guitarist

Masterclass:     NA


Beginner:          @@klaw

Intermediate:    @@TheDeathryder

Advanced :        @@missis sumner

Masterclass:       @@koffein



Congrats to all the winners


Honorably Mentions for 100% on Beginner Lead @VodkaIntermediate Bass to @TheDeathryder, and 100 % @missis sumner on  Advanced Bass

Also @Angelina27 with the great run in Master Mode on Master Class


We had videos! @@TheDeathryder   one , Motive one, @Vodka one and two  :)



This weeks songs are:



Lead Path:

Beginner:                The Blue Hearts - Owaranai Uta             (3) chosen by  @

Intermediate:          Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends (5) chosen by  @@MonstaS4

Advanced:              Shocking Blue - Venus                          (6) chosen by  @

Masterclass:          Eric Clapton - I'm Tore Down                  (8) chosen by  @@lduperval



Rhythm Path:
Beginner:             Shocking Blue - Venus                          (3)

Intermediate:      The Blue Hearts - Owaranai Uta            (4) 

Advanced:        Eric Clapton - I'm Tore Down                    (5) 

Masterclass:     DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames

Bass Path:
Beginner:               Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends         (2)

Intermediate:       Eric Clapton - I'm Tore Down                                  (5)

Advanced:          The Blue Hearts - Owaranai Uta                              (5)

Masterclass:       Shocking Blue - Venus                                              (6)


God of Guitar, lead :  DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames



Da Capo  this week is:

Niños Con Bombas - Postcard (9) (5) (7) chosen by  @


Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).




Exercise Challenges:


1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle
2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths

3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major


Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the

exercises scoreboards, and if we get some more scores we'll add the next challenge



Honorable list Diehard Member:

(draft - to be updated)

Classless, Fearless FreeBird Member in his endless battle with the fb police:

Сhanges in classes:




P.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists!



let's get started now

Easy week for all


  • Like 4

Lets go, have fun.


And to All,  Need your help,  now we have not in SSL a hard songs for bass,  lead - only a few a songs for beginner (1-3), and a few for MC with rate (8-9), not big choice. We need more a good songs in Song selection list.  

Please, add more a songs what you want to play with us. Everyone can to  add 4 a songs in list, A song must have RR (>4 sections), enough good tones, and without issue with sync, at least lead path+bass path. And you really help organisers,  if you filled all difficult rates for every of paths. Also you would be nice if you try other a songs of SSL and add your rates in list. A song with all rates filled , have priority in selecting songs for every next week.


  • Like 7

Lets go, have fun.


And to All,  Need your help,  now we have not in SSL a hard songs for bass,  lead - only a few a songs for beginner (1-3), and a few for MC with rate (8-9), not big choice. We need more a good songs in Song selection list.  

Please, add more a songs what you want to play with us. Everyone can to  add 4 a songs in list, A song must have RR (>4 sections), enough good tones, and without issue with sync, at least lead path+bass path. And you really help organisers,  if you filled all difficult rates for every of paths. Also you would be nice if you try other a songs of SSL and add your rates in list. A song with all rates filled , have priority in selecting songs for every next week.



I should have time this week to rate some of the bass paths, and as long as they're not >5, you should get a relatively accurate rating.  Anything beyond 5 though, will probably be rated a 9. :)

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@@missis sumner  With your skill, everything will be evaluated correctly.  :)


Yet one remark about SSL. If your don`t see your the choices cdlc on main page SSL, look tab "Extra Base". All cdlc with some  issue moved to the lower part of the sheet .  Or check  tab "Only Bass" .

We will maintain a clean the main sheet.

  • Like 1

@@Brutus Erectus Idea was run GoG once In two weeks, for hardcore practice in during 2 week. But something went wrong, and there no competition. So i don`t know which way we can use GoG for more interest. May be not enough good a song now. Have any suggestion?

  • Like 2
  • Moderator

@@Brutus Erectus Idea was run GoG once In two weeks, for hardcore practice in during 2 week. But something went wrong, and there no competition. So i don`t know which way we can use GoG for more interest. May be not enough good a song now. Have any suggestion?

I have a couple of suggestions for GoG, i'm capable of practicing MC and GoG at the same time, so bring it! We can put Dream Theater Songs, Iron Maiden, even Mastodon, Megadeth, etc

  • Like 3





And so a new week begins. BRING IT ON!





I think I took this screencap a little too early. Whatever. This song hurt my left hand to play, TOO MUCH BARRE




I'm probably gonna see if I can't 100% this before next week.

  • Like 8

I got my start this week..

Bass on Venus = 99%

Bass on Owaranai Uta = 98%

As for "Wake Me Up When the Bass Part Starts"  I couldn't be bothered waiting.  I'll skip that one this week, or maybe thing up some new and novel way to taunt the FB police.

  • Like 7

"Like a bird on the wire, Like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my own way to be free" Leonard Cohen - RIP

Peek inside 2groggy's basement FreeBird Laboratory (not for the faint of heart)

Tobias Bass VI      SG shaped Bass VI     Hollow Acoustic Thunderbird 5     Hollow Archtop Bass VI

Harlequin Hollow Archtop Bass     Hollow Toby Bass VI     Starcaster Bass     A trio of hollow archtops (new)


Good starting score @@NeroBron!


I'm travelling for work this week, so this is it for a few days. Hopefully i can get back to it at the end of the week:




  • Like 6

I could help with more songs but I'm really more of a bass player than a guitarist. So many of the songs in my library have the bass part only (and some disappeared with the departure of a major contributor at the end of 2015...). I know that some songs have been accepted with bass only, and some have been refused, but I'm not sure what decides that.




and a few for MC with rate (8-9), not big choice.


So you don't want any 10s? I was going to add Selkies The Endless Obsession but that's a definite 10.


Added two more 8s for lead and rhythm and I've maxed my 4 suggestions.

  • Like 2
  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

@@lduperval bring em on ;)

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



@ @@Nacholede @@Brutus Erectus There is final decision  about GoG after a much deliberation.


1. Only participate of GoG competition can add to SSL  summary 6 a songs, 4 as usually with rate 1-9 and 2 extra a song with rate 10.

2. Allowed any duration of a song.


3. Choose as usual, through random generator,  only the song of  proposed participants the previous GoG competition.

An example:

If you passed competition (no any score for GoG  in during 2 week), your choice will not selected.


3. GoG competition continue 2 week only for lead.

An example:

In the first week start GoG,  in the next week  Da Capo, and  in same time competition of  GoG lead to be continue yet one week.


4. If a song of GoG class have hard rhythm and  (or) bass, we can select this path for regular competition at one week, if at regular competition have not enough hard paths or something not interesting for play, like at current week have not hard bass, and have not any rhythm.


The competition on lead GnS now completed, and today will start new GoG competition at 2 week.

Winner the past week is @@Brutus Erectus. The next winner will be announced 23/04/2016


Update: Now in SSL is 2 a songs for GoG (by Nacho), you have the chance to add your the choice yet ~7 hours, and i choose a one GoG song on  the next two weeks.

  • Like 2


As for "Wake Me Up When the Bass Part Starts"  I couldn't be bothered waiting.  I'll skip that one this week, or maybe thing up some new and novel way to taunt the FB police.


If you go into Riff Repeater, highlight the whole song, but then just "Resume Song", you can skip the empty bass part.


Also I think this song is a definite 3.  It's got a fast-ish shift up the neck followed by a bit of string skipping, and I haven't a clue really, what I'm supposed to be playing at the end, despite the fact I've played it several times before (chords/sustains).

  • Like 3

Okay, bass scores:


Greenday, I've played it a few times previously, this was my second go today, a definite 3, for me:


but deffo, the beginner song.


Then these three, all a 5, in my opinion:


Eric Clapton (after two goes):



The Blue Hearts (first go):



Shocking Blue (first go):


This one only needs three fingers to play it, so out of the three, I would say it's the intermediate.  I would swap Clapton to MC, but there's not a lot in it, and none of these three are truly MC, as you can see by my scores.


They are all nice songs to play. :D


Anyway, I had another go at the proper MC, and it's good to know I've improved:




  • Like 7

Oh no. Chords again %)


  • Like 5

On 8/8/2024 at 10:09 AM, Rodman said:

Give your heart and your soul.....
        ....... for that damn Rock´n´Roll!

I'm not a native English speaker. Sorry for mistakes.

  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

I start with Da Capo this week, my favourite song of my friends. So much fun in all paths, but not easy to get the own highscore :o

here the lead guitar, there's also a rhythm guitar although it's only one guitarist, studio makes things possible



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