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G'day all.  I am Greg and I am from Buderim, Queensland, Australia.


I turned 50 in 2013 and started to feel mortal.  I have a Yamaha TRX-850 motorcycle that have had since it had 0.3 km on the odometer.  I build computers for fun now....used to do it as a business.


I like gaming....but I am only average at it.


Towards the end of 2013 I started to feel age slipping by.  So I built two new computers for myself and young William (13) here at home.  I even threw in water cooling for something different.....got Battlefield4 and Call of Duty Ghosts.......xmas time......booooorrrrrrreeeed.


Started to put bling all over my motorcycle....no reason....just could. Looked at it one day....and said Yukkkk what have you done.  Took most of it off.......booooooooorrrreeeed.


Thought that maybe I should go back and finish my studies at University.  Lasted one month.......boooorrrreeed.


Early January was at work and watched and listened to what some people were doing.  They were talking about and playing guitar.  I though to myself that I had never done music.....wanted too....but sport and being good at it got in the way.  Now I am over 50 maybe it is time.


Always wanted to play an electric guitar.  The acoustic thing has never been for me....thinking different now.


Wandered into a few music shops.....surfed the net.....my god how expensive are some of these guitars.....and then you have all the bits that go with it.....and what if I can't play and get bbbbbboooooorrrreeeddd with it......hmmmm.


I finally found a group of guys right up my alley......they are in Sydney in Australia.




I bought a "fat" start and amp and bag pack delivered to my door for under $200-00.  Yes it is all made in China, allegedly in their own factory.  So I knew what I was getting.


Now how to learn to play.....surfed some forums.....and found Rocksmith 2014.  Jumped all over youtube and watched 60 day challenge videos, reviews, gamers using it, musicians using it, guitar teachers using it.  Thought that this might be the tool for me.  (Did a lesson as the only adult in a room of under 12 year olds....not cool.)


I have been buying PS3, Mac and PC software from this place for some time now.....so headed over and they had a good price on Rocksmith 2014 with a real tone cable.




I then added RS2014 to my steam account and went from there.  I have since bought the original Rocksmith and the disc import tool....so have both sets of songs.  I have also bought a few DLC packs....Matchbox 20, Kiss, and some individual songs.


I was mucking around on Rocksmith 2014 channel on youtube and found a video of somebody playing a song they had gotten from customsforge......jumped on a browser and here I am.


I did not get pointed this way....was not recommended by a friend.....just tripped over you guys on youtube.


Sadly, I have since pointed my friends and some people with Rocksmith in this direction as well.....so maybe a few aussies will invade.  :cool:


During May 2014 I got the itch to try a better guitar.....My artist guitars strat is great.....just wanted to see what a step up would give me.  Asked some friends and surfed some more.  I made a choice and grabbed a Yamaha Pacifica 112V in the old violin sunburst....picture as the background header on my profile.  Young William saw mine and liked it....so watched online and got him a Yamaha Pacifica 212VFM in translucent black....112V with a flame maple body veneer and headstock veneer.....looks good....better in real life than pictures.....little jealous actually.


During May the daily playing of Rocksmith had led me to wanting to play when not plugged into my pc.  The little amp that came with the guitar was just tooooo loud, and needed to be turned to 11 to get good sounds.  Searched about and found some recommendations for a third amp....not a big stage amp, not a still loud but smaller practice amp.....but a third amp you can use inside a house, lounge, bedroom or in a study etc.


I have the Yamaha THR-10 version 2 in wonderful boring beige.  This is such an awesome amp....I do not do it justice and hope that I make full use of it as my skills grow.  The sounds from this thing are amazing....and it runs on batteries as well as wall power.




So that is me.....my rather wordy journey.....and hello.  :cool:

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Gidday mate


Welcome to Customsforge,  I'm Thomas, and I'm not going to write a novel :D


I'm a kiwi in Auckland, NZ and like you I also had an urge to learn the guitar and stumbled upon Rocksmith and eventually landed here after spotting youtube clips referencing the site & glad I found it as it's broaded my horizons when it comes to music that's for sure.


Well all the best for your Rocksmith journey Greg.




I'm Harv, originally from Broadstairs in Kent and moved to London when I was 19 and have been here ever since. Am going to be 43 on October 28th.


Started playing the bass guitar and acoustic guitar when I was 16, didn't do much with them until I joined a band in London in 1995, playing the bass in a Punk band playing original material. Left them around 3 years later because they weren't keen on doing many gigs and because one week I wrote and played a song that I had written and they told me we couldn't do it because it sounded too much like an Iron Maiden song. The next week one of the guitarists said he had written a song, played it and it was pretty much the same song I had written the previous week. Everyone said it was great and we should work on it. Told them to fuck off after that lol.


Joined another band that played a couple of covers (Highway Star and Sonic Reducer) and highly Sabbath influenced original material. Much more my cup of tea. Band split up because the drummer bottled it, he wasn't keen on doing gigs and left just before we were going to do a demo that we were going to send out to get gigs. Drummers with their own kits that are decent are a rare commodity and things fizzled out after he quit.


Had financial problems and had to sell both of my bass guitars and acoustic and didn't play for ages, probably around 13 years.


Watched E3 in 2012 (I think?) and saw Rocksmith 2014, looked interesting. Bought myself a DIY guitar kit for 50 quid and bought the first Rocksmith to test the water, then discovered Smithy's Anvil and cDLC. The rest is history.


Haven't played for a while though, need to get back to things soon!


Ok, sounds like we need another post from this hemisphere. I am from the U.S. in the Rocky Mountain region. I have been playing Bass for about 23 years (give or take a couple of months). I used to play a lot (and played in some bands, including a couple of all-original bands), but my playing has been plateaued for about 10 years.


I saw an ad for Rocksmith 2014 and got it for Christmas. I started playing again, and haven't put my bass down since. Within a couple of months, I played most of what I wanted to from the stock version and bought the old version and some DLC. But there were about a billion songs that were not yet available so I started Google-snooping for custom DLC because I figured there must be a way. It took me a couple of attempts and conversations were just starting about the change from S-A to here. I finally found my way here, and got stuck, and even had to figure out how to create CDLC myself. Now, I am trapped!

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I'm Ally from sunny England. Basically got into RS because my boyfriend was playing it, so i decided to get it then i found out Mark made customs so thats how i ended up on the previous site....then that shut down and basically my best friend and her husband decided to set up here (if Mark hadn't beat us too it we would have made a new customs site :P) and needed some help and then my boyfriend ended up here too...so yeah thats in brief of how i ended up here xD

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See now guys I am starting to feel a little on the outer here.  Not a musician, can't read music, don't understand the language, but I love learning to play.


Rocksmith has opened my eyes, more my ears, to the music that is out there.  I listened to NEWS on the radio going to and from work, 1 hour drive each way, or I would listen to the 14,000 songs I had put on an I-Pod classic 160gb I had hard wired into the original head unit I have in my car.


So, until January this year I had not heard new music.....maybe since 2000......life sort of catches you out.


Now, I love the Black Keys, White Stripes, The Black Crows......the list goes on. 


I do hope my rather average playing is not doing their fine work a disservice, but I push Rocksmith every day.....Rhythm, Lead and Bass.  (Emulated at the moment.)


Tax time is coming for us here downuder and I should get some money back.  Yamaha TRBX-174 is looking good.

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  • Moderator

I'm Ignacio, i'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina :D 

I got to RS 'cause i watched videos and some reviews about the game, i bought RS 2012 for PS3 (2 years ago) and i started to jam since that day. Later, i downloaded it for PC, and started to look for songs...and then i got to Smithyanvil! I great community, i started to download CDLCs, chat with people and learning more stuff. 

Then SA goes offline and i didn't know what to do. And then, i found this awesome site. I'm a charter, i make songs to play on RS 2014 and share with the community, and also i met cool people from other countries c:

Welcome to Customsforge mate! have a nice day!

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I'm Joonas from Finland. I first started learning guitar when i was about 12 or so. Didn't get that much inspiration or satisfaction from the playing at the time, so I stopped. A few years back, when I was in army, I heard about Rocksmith and it made me interested in playing guitar again. At the time, I was deep in Guitar Hero/Rock Band scene here in Finland, but my enthusiasm towards the series fell down after the official DLC support was stopped.So it felt natural to me to start evolving from plastic guitar to a real one. I pre-ordered the game on 360, got it on it's release (I was the only one that had even pre-ordered it from GameStop, lol) and started learning. I had fun with it, but it felt kinda lacking on interesting songs to play. Then I stumbled upon the custom song scene thanks to youtuber "newelisoncruz", nowadays under The Riff Repeater name. I nabbed myself a PC version of the game and dwelled into old Smithy's Anvil. I can safely say through that, my playing experience and fun just skyrocketed into new levels.And suddenly, BOOM, forum dead. I was sad for the lost, but soon after Customsforge popped up and here I am now. 200+ hours of game time in all of the Rocksmith's versions I've had, and still counting. Plus through the forums, I've found some new friends and a new.... hobby I guess?Anyways,  welcome to the forums!

  • Administrator

I'm Jasper from The Netherlands.I started playing guitar around December last year. Started making customs in the last couple of weeks of SA.When all the stuff started I emailed mark about where his successor would be. I was the second person the register on the forum ^^.Then I started helping, answering the 500 questions people asked the first couple of weeks in chat.For that reason they decided that i should join the moderator team and after a month of moderating I was promoted to admin so I could be of more help to them :).


I've studied game design for a couple of years, before burning out. Now I sit at home, playing guitar, creating customs, playing games, and doing forum stuff.That's pretty much it :p.

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Community Admin | Send me a message if you are having trouble with something | Teinashu's Hall of Glory
Steam -


Greetings Greg, and fellow Customians :)


I'm Jo, from North West Merseyside in England. I'd been playing guitar, badly, for about 23 years before deciding my massive hands (Inherited from my dads side of the family) were not equipped for the small frets of the guitar. I'd always loved bass, especially Geddy Lee and Jaco Pastorius and gladly, my other half was obliging and generously bought me a starter bass and amp with the addition of Rocksmith 1 for Christmas 2012. I graduated to RS2014 last Christmas. I used youtube tutorials and Ultimate guitar tabs to find tracks I wanted to play that weren't on RS1 and 2014 then found Custom Forge <3 via a link on Raptr, and then... life began! I bought a new bass and everythin'. I've been playing about a year and a half now, it got tough in the middle of last year as I had to negotiate the bass over my protruding stomach as #2 son was claiming squatters rights until he finally decided enough was enough and he had to come out to see what the racket was... 3 days before my 36th birthday. He seems to like my bass playing, which is a good thing because #1 son, a shit he does not give :)


I wish I'd got a bass 23 years ago! Or I'd been born 23 years later to have this kind of tool to edumacate me :)

 Mortalo, on 11 Feb 2015 - 11:36 AM, said:

Ok, because of poor results and overall lack of skill @NoonyDeloony gets downgraded to Advanced. She would be forever remembered as shameful person... and then she'll make another charming video and we'll forget about that.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoonyDeloony/videos

Twitching bass unskillfully, here: https://www.twitch.tv/noonydeloony



Scott from northern minnesota I'm freezing except 3 or 4 months of the year II thaw out.  I had a guitar for like 8 years and never really got any better.  Rocksmith came out on consoles and I was sad.  Then it finally came out on pc and I was happy.  I have improved still not amazing but definately improved and improving.

  • Administrator

Cédric from france. I've start playing trombone at the age of 7 and played in an orchestra for about 8 years and learn a lot in music theory at the same time.

The funny thing is that I came to buy my first (and only for the moment) guitar right after I've bought Rock Band 3 to play along the pro guitar track an it was quite funny then I heard of Rocksmith but I had to wait till 2013 to get it and I didn't hesitate much looking at all the review available. From there I never stopped playing guitar. I've been a bit at SA at the time but the place didn't feel right and I tried to do a custom but never get even close to finish it so even if I did download some custom to play different songs I didn't stick to it and I never was a part of SA community.


And when I heard of RS 2014 I pre-ordered it blindly because I know the time i'll pass on this game will be worth the price. Not so long ago I've started to getting bored of the songs available and wanting to play some of my favorite band so I've started looking for SA and learn on reddit that it was going down and that CF existed. So I've started to used the tutorial to create my own custom before trying to participate in the forum. And I made it this time! I've finished the custom, published it, updated it and make another one and another one and starting to participate in the forum to help people to get their job done. then I started to go in the chat and from there I think I've lost it. I just can't stop being part of this amazing community and helping as much as I can.


And I never stopped playing guitar, my usual 1 hour session is almost always streamed every day while discussing with people in the chat and trying new customs. I would have never think how good I could play guitar in only 3 years and can barely imagine how far I can go with the tools and the customs and the awesome people here.


PS : i'm an asshole but if people know how to read and search i can help you as much as you want :D

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Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography





I'm James. 29yr old in Rochdale, Near Manchester, England.


I first started playing back in High School but my learning stalled, massively, when I left. We mainly just learnt Oasis songs. just a few chord changes and a few scales and not a lot else from there. So even having a guitar for all the years I didn't really play an awful lot.


Until RS2012 came out. I had it on pre-order as soon as I heard about it. now I cant go a day with out it. I totally love it.


Away from RS i'm married. work near enough 50hrs per week for the local government. Also run a website selling/designing (amateur home taught graphics designer. Ish) magic tricks. I wont post a link here.  That would just be plain old rude.


This place is just awesome. Second website I visit each day. The first being the news to make sure there is still a world outside the window. Because if there isn't I sure as hell aint getting out of bed.


Nice to meet Y'all


Peace Out



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I'm Evan, hailing from St. Charles, Missouri, age 18.


Probably one of the youngest persons that is subscribed to this site (Beaten by Luiza). Started playing guitar about December 14th, 2013 and have been playing guitar almost every-day since. 


When August 12th, 2014 comes around, you may never see me again for nearly a year or more. I will be long gone, somewhere far, far away as a 68W (Combat Medic) in the U.S. Army. I like a wide variety of music, sticking mostly to the Rock genre, I love cars, and of course; guns.


I love bringing out cdlc for you guys and watching the numbers go up as people appreciate my works, as it gives me the motivation to bring more and more!


The Les Paul is my favourite style of guitar.


Feel free to add me on Steam, as I have a wide variety of games and open to conversate!


Nice Meeting everyone!



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  • Moderator

I'm Evan, hailing from St. Charles, Missouri, age 18.


Probably one of the youngest persons that is subscribed to this site (Beaten by Luiza). Started playing guitar about December 14th, 2013 and have been playing guitar almost every-day since. 


When August 12th, 2014 comes around, you may never see me again for nearly a year or more. I will be long gone, somewhere far, far away as a 68W (Combat Medic) in the U.S. Army. I like a wide variety of music, sticking mostly to the Rock genre, I love cars, and of course; guns.


I love bringing out cdlc for you guys and watching the numbers go up as people appreciate my works, as it gives me the motivation to bring more and more!


The Les Paul is my favourite style of guitar.


Feel free to add me on Steam, as I have a wide variety of games and open to conversate!


Nice Meeting everyone!



I think i'm the youngest here hahaha

My birthday was like 15 days ago, 18 years old too :D

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Hello all, I'm Steve from Oak Lawn, Illinois, just outside of Chicago, USA.  Just started playing in November of 2013, and now I'm addicted.  Always wanted to learn guitar but never really thought I'd have the time.  Now I'm 39 and my health hasn't been so good as of late, so I thought I better get started before it's too late.  I know myself and I would have given up on the guitar a long time ago without these customs and Rocksmith.


I like the international nature of the community.  Not to sound too sappy, but people often focus on our individual differences rather than our massive amount of likenesses. I'm also impressed with how well people "speak"(write) English when it is not their first language.  In America, legible communication has, for the most part, become a lost art.


And best wishes to you @@Liquidlizard on your overseas deployment.  Hope your back soon.

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My name is Tyler and I live in North Carolina.  Many years ago I expressed interest in learning guitar to my family, so my guitar-collecting uncle sent me one of his.  Unfortunately it's been sitting around unused for the majority of the time since then.  I took lessons a few years ago but my head wasn't really in the game and I fizzled out.  Just recently I picked up Rocksmith 2014 in the summer Steam sale after hearing good things about the game for quite a while.  I played just a little bit before realizing my guitar needed repairs, so it's in the shop for the next few days and I'm dying to have it back.


I've been playing videogames ever since getting an SNES for Christmas when I was three, and have always liked rhythm games.  I knew there were customs communities for games like StepMania and Rock Band, so I googled Rocksmith custom songs on a whim and found this place.


My guitar playing ability is just about nil.  Other than that I can play some pretty good fake drums on Rock Band (pro mode, expert difficulty), but I don't equate that with knowing how to play real drums.  It would be nice to pick up a real electronic drum set some time as well, but I live in an apartment complex and don't know how well neighbors would deal with the noise.


Other than that I dabble in hobbies such as painting, 3D modeling, and 3D printing, hoping one day to make some money at them.


Good to hear from all of you!  I look forward to playing more Rocksmith and more customs soon!

Started Rocksmith 60 Day Challenge July 07 2014.

Ask me about 3D printing.


We are still coming in.  The younger guys are here in numbers.....I am at the other end of the scale at 51....Evan (Magna) you be careful out there mate.  Respect to you for ther Service you are giving your country.  Be safe and we will catch you when you time is finished. 


Got into the emulated BASS side of things of late.....nice scores on songs and older person like myself can't get close to on lead or rhythm.

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My names tris, I'm 35, I'm still fairly new to the forums, electric guitar and Rocksmith.


I might as well say thank you top the site admins and all the contributors whilst I'm here, this is a fantastic site and has a lot of great members.


I have been playing games since I was 4, started on the Spectrum ZX81 and had pretty much every console/computer since.... though I am now using just my gaming rig for all my gaming needs these past years.


I grew up with music around me a lot, my sister played the guitar, my other sisters husband is a gigger (singing) that he's done for donkeys, and I started singing at around 11.

Over the years, its taken quite a toll on my voice, and I do still sing (to myself most the time), but I also wanted to express myself with an instrument.


Until around 2 months ago, I had never really picked up a guitar in any seriousness and only had a go on a keyboard a few times, but suffering with various mental illnesses I hit a bit of a block and a couple of people on youtube inspired me to learn to play, Daniel Tidwell and FamilyJules7X, and I have never looked back since.


I have go in with a really nice and helpful crowd over at my usual forums I have been a member of for the past 10 years, and they have helped me pick my gear and point me in the right direction, so I'm very grateful of them, they are also the people who I first learned about Rocksmith from and I was pointed here for cdlc which I am equally grateful for as some stuff here isn't likely to ever be released on Rocksmith like game and movie soundtracks/themes and certain songs.


I started out with an Epiphone Les Paul Special II, RS/RS2014 and a 10w Vox starter amp.... and for some reason or another over the past 2 months I have accumulated a bit of kit (with some help of some family and friends:

Epiphone Les Paul Special II electric guitarMarshall JMD1 (JMD50) with 6 button foot pedal / pedal lead / cabinet lead / power cableHercules GS301B TravLite Foldable Lightweight Acoustic Guitar StandSnark SN8 supertight all instrument tuner

Various cables and picks/plectrumsKyser Electric Guitar Quick Change Capo - BlackSchaller Security Strap Locks - NickelHarley Benton G212 Vintage (2x Celestial Vintage 30 speakers 12")Levy's M4GFDBR 3.5-inch Leather and Suede Guitar StrapZOOM R8 Audio Pro MultitrackThe Justinguitar.Com Beginner's Guitar Course (Book & 2 Cds)The Justinguitar.Com Beginner's Song Book v2The Justinguitar.Com Pop Song BookThe Justinguitar.Com Rock Song BookThe Justinguitar.Com You Tube Videos for beginners course and song booksThe Andyguitar.co.uk You Tube Videos for beginners course


My very old stereo amp and speakers so I can play back what I recorded on the Zoom

Kenwood KA-1060wharfadale diamond 9.0 speakers


So far I'm loving learning to play, I know theres a lot more work ahead of me, but it's a great hobby and I thoroughly enjoy it.


Thanks again



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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome effort guys.


Have really been enjoying the BASS side of things on Rocksmith....emulated....and thought about buying one.  Was looking at a Yamaha TRBX-174.  Then decided to build one.  Got a DIY kit and have tried my hand, badly, at staining.  Doing the TRU-OIL finish.  Did three coats of oil today, 3 more days the same to go and she will be up and running.  It is a RBX style Bass kit with both precission and jazz pick-ups.


Has been fun so far....I can sand and solder well....just my wood staining is crap.  Maybe just do one colour would have been a better option.

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