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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2015 in all areas

  1. So, some first impressions and ratings on the bass tracks for these songs: Knorkator: I still kind of suck at playing reasonably fast riffs with lots of fretting changes on a single string and making them sound good, so I might call it a 3. Then again, Rocksmith doesn't really care if you sound good so long as you hit the notes, so 2's probably good. Either way, it definitely fits in beginner. Tab: Seemed great for the most part. I think there were a few places where there were sustains on short (eighth) notes that seemed unnecessary. 9.5 Sync: About the amount of perfects and such I'd expect on these types of riffs as on an official DLC. Spot checked a few sections at 50% speed and everything seemed spot on. 10 Tone: Kind of hard to judge, as I can't really isolate the bass in the original track in my head. Seems good for a "heavy bass" type tone, though. 7-9? Buckethead: There's one pretty tricky riff, but the rest isn't too bad, and some time on riff repeater should help with that. Low level intermediate of 4 seems fair. Tab: Don't remember any notes that struck me as glaringly off or anything like that. Didn't spot-check all of the faster rhythms, but they seemed good. Main criticism would be that several off the riffs (especially the ones that start with E10-10-10-...-9-7-5) would be a lot easier if they made use of more strings. 8-ish, but I might want to check back more carefully on some things before giving a final score. Sync: Seemed pretty good. Spot checked at 50% speed in a few places and all looked pretty good, though probably not perfect. 9 or so. Tone: I don't know what's up with this tone. The tone in the song seems pretty normal on bass, not nearly so echo-y. This tone diminishes my enjoyment of the song as it. 4? Jethro Tull: Cool song, with pretty much no boring parts at all. Slightly tricky to get down everything outside of the solo sections, but not too bad - based on these parts alone I'd probably rate 5 on difficulty. The solo sections get a lot more busy and involved and will definitely require some time in RR to perfect. I don't see any problem in bumping this up to a 7 (true advanced) based on these sections, but I wouldn't protest if it rated as a 6 either. Tab: Seemed pretty much perfect. There are a few things that I might move around on to different strings were this my custom, but I don't think my way would be objectively better than @@Aludog's. 10 Sync: Again, seemed pretty much perfect. About the usual proportion of perfects, goods and the like that I'd expect on riffs like these on official songs. Spot checked a few places at 50% and they looked spot on. 10 Tone: Seems quite good. I wouldn't say it's an absolutely perfect match (i.e. to the point where if you played the two tones for me I wouldn't be able to distinguish them), but if this were mine I'd say it's more than good enough for me to not fiddle with things any more. 8-9. And after some time in RR: http://i.imgur.com/iS5EVhA.jpgPretty sure it was one miss in the first solo section. If this were in my class I'd definitely go for the 100%, but since it isn't I'll probably just let it stand pat. I'll get to Death Angel soon.
    8 points
  2. @@MaZtoR You missed bonus lead at Jethro :) I too like this. fair to say, at first run i unlike, and feel that boring, but after a few restart i started like :) My suggestion add more effect to phaser, and a bit volume for this tone. It could be more interesting sounds and more fun to play, Now for me rate for tone 8. Notes seems 10 (good position, not hear missed notes), sync too 10. Very good custom, thanks to @@Aludog, as always great work. :) And my score: http://i.imgur.com/n4sxZupl.jpg p.s. I take Freebird class. So hope in Advanced class will fair hot battle for first place. Good luck. :)
    7 points
  3. Int lead have a hard song this week. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Asylum%20of%20glass%2074_zps7kziw4sd.jpg I liked this song. So i tried all parts. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/To%20cry%20you%20a%20song%2083_zps2vfl37tn.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/To%20cry%20you%20a%20song%20RHYTHM%2092_zpsfwkmejm8.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/To%20cry%20you%20a%20song%20BASS%2088_zpshiwjifec.jpg
    6 points
  4. starting with my pick of course. Ace of Base forever!!! Thx @Fripp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://i62.tinypic.com/smyi9y.jpg
    4 points
  5. that's fun to play now I can rate one of my own customs :D Knorkator - All That She Wants Lead diflev 3 quality is quite perfect. tab, sync + tones are all 10 here http://up.picr.de/22504281vl.jpg Bass is also fun, dl 2 tab 10, sync 10, tones 8 the tone fits well but I'm not really happy with http://up.picr.de/22504285mq.jpg
    4 points
  6. I got my second bass working again so I can leave one in standard tuning and the other in drop tuning. (yes, I'm that lazy) So here's All That She Wants after a slow RR pass and a couple of runs through = 98% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=480443879
    3 points
  7. Now for the Death Angel review: Difficulty of 8 seems pretty fair. The verses have one part that took a little while for me to get down, the chorus has that one part that's really tricky between the string switching and fretting pattern, and the other main riffs aren't trivial. I wouldn't call it a true masterclass song, but probably finds it's home in the advanced ratings. Tab: I think the tab seemed fine for the most part. There's one part in the chorus (at the end of the trickiest part, under the now of "Don't save me now") where I get a little confused despite RRing it and the fact that the tail part of that riff isn't that hard - not sure if it's actually something wrong or just something with a weird feel. Speaking of RR, this song could use more sections for the verse and chorus, which I'd say are the trickiest parts of the song. I'd probably divide each into two pieces the first time we see them (as each has variations), then after that the current style of sectioning where they're both put together in one section would be OK as they're the same each time through. Lastly, I might move some things to a different string, particularly in the repeating 777-555-101010-888 motif (also there, I'd probably change the slide out to go down to around fret 2 or something, rather than the single fret slide it is now), and the similar part under the solo, to reduce hand shifting. My biggest quibble is the RR sectioning, so I'd give this an 8. Sync: Thought that the notes might slightly be lagging what I was hearing when I did spot checks, but even when I slowed RR to as slow as it can go I didn't really notice that gap getting any bigger. The timing things in score attack also seemed fair. 9 at the worst, but probably 10. Tone: Again, I have a bit of a hard time isolating the bass tone in this track in my head. This is a nice sounding tone, but I'm not sure it sounds heavy enough to fit the music, and might sound a little too loud at the higher notes, so a bit of EQing might be in order. Maybe a 7, but it's a bit hard to judge for many metal songs beyond "that sounds metal". And now, the screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/9Pnz2Kc.jpgPart of the reason I don't believe it deserves a true MC difficulty rating :P Though being perfectly honest I should have gotten a miss in the last chorus.
    3 points
  8. Funny a song. http://i.imgur.com/8AnXLyll.jpg
    3 points
  9. I have no idea where that X came from http://s28.postimg.org/o870du5t9/2015_07_12_00001.jpg
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. i think i'll stick to my classes until i can't get good enough to finally move out of them :o begin lead: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/455211726447641097/CB2761BBB7940EB9180236C7D3EEB7375CFCAACB/
    3 points
  12. I think you can see which bits I need to practice... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKOXJ6ZFZJRjRjYW8/view?usp=sharing :D https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKc0lfTzNxVFFiNkE/view?usp=sharing
    3 points
  13. EOF has a function that removes the top-most gem on selected chords (Note>Simplify chords). You should be able to select all notes after you pasted them into the bass track and use this function 5 times to get the desired effect. You can then use the "Note>Pro guitar>Remove palm muting" function to remove that technique from selected notes. It's not as quick as a 1 click function, but should be quick enough (15 seconds or less). I tend to prefer functions that have a less specific effect, so they can be used in different combinations to perform the greatest variety of tasks.
    3 points
  14. A total badass song! http://i.imgur.com/KEm92t0.jpg
    3 points
  15. Happens to me constantly actually and I'm not sure why. Probably because I can't focus the same a second time around and mess up more often. <_< Anyway, I also wanted to mention that "To Cry You A Song" has a bonus lead arrangement as well that's a bit different and which contains the other solo sections of the lead guitar. It doesn't have the last solo though (the one played through a leslie speaker) so it's probably not the one we wanna play for the CS. I just thought some of you may want to try that as well. And I should really try do make at least one run on this, so I can say, I participated this week. :unsure:
    3 points
  16. I am very new here, I just joined a few minutes ago. I just wanted to thank everyone has made it so easy for me to download these CDLC's and enrich my Rocksmith experience. I am on a super limited budget due to health problems so I am unable to afford a bass/guitar tutor and so RS is my teacher. Right now I am doing very well after a few months of playing every day and thanks to this amazing site, I have the ability to increase my RS song library. I really wish I could high five everyone who has contributed in any way. You really made my day, and I have had a horrible week. So i thought I would just say thank you all very much. If this is post is against the rules please feel free to delete and tell me off. If that is the case I am very sorry, I just wanted to say thank you. I feel not enough people do that in this day and age, and this site made me so happy. When I am able to I will donate but right now, all i am able to do is pass on my thanks. Regards and much love c
    3 points
  17. Buckethead: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=480460755 Knorkator: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=480460691 I had every intention of playing Tull but bucket head took over, I love that tune :) good fun to play ... found it easier than "all that she wants" tbh... mostly because I am used to the original version and this version of thesong just isn't as happy sounding as the original :(
    2 points
  18. Missed the slide and a random note http://s17.postimg.org/uj7bugez3/2015_07_12_00002.jpg I think I gave this a 6 on the diff when I first rated it. Yeah it has those tricky sections in the chorus and that one slide from 2-17 but wheres the rest of the difficulty in this song? Tone: listening with headphones the tone sounds great, fits with the song well, although different devices will produce different sounds 9/10 Sync: the two notes I missed were my error, not because of the sync, I dont have to worry about it either so... 10/10 Tab: my bass ears suck, but I dont think I heard anything wrong, if I did it was in the verse with the fills. 9/10 EDIT: my first difficulty review was on v1 of this, the counter reset on bass, im at ~5 runs on this
    2 points
  19. I haven't spent much time on Jethro Tull yet, and I won't for a few days. After once through RR at 80% speed, I tried full speed and got just over 80% http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=480426822
    2 points
  20. Second play was actually worse than the first. It's not often that happens, but I am tired, and the threat of having three XXXs was hanging over my head. Still, at least I made it through the song. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKQzBrVmV3T2Q2WVk/view?usp=sharing Some riff repeatery needed I think.
    2 points
  21. We have to keep using that request feature !!!
    2 points
  22. hell yeah! so... this seems to have taken some time... after 3 months, 500+ hours of coding/testing 78(!) prerelease versions, a small convo: http://i62.tinypic.com/2i0u5qs.jpg with 1274 replies filling 64 pages (surely exceeding the amount a normal 2 men conversation should hold in a lifetime...) we are proud to present... -= THE RS ROADIE =- "life is good when you have a roadie..." http://i60.tinypic.com/14jssur.jpg Full featured songlist modification with real time setlist management to the bone - RS14 and RS import support - selective song disabling - Create multiple setlists with your selected - official dlc - cdlc, - RS14 and RS in game songs and have them selectively ready to start with in a click - in app setlist creation, management, en/disabling and archiving Hey Rodman, Lovroman, why would i need that? To keep your song selection list tidy! Hide songs, you dont wanna play right now, create multiple setlists with your selected official dlc, cdlc, RS14 and RS in-game-songs and have them ready to start with in a click. Say you want to have all the - standard e - tuned ingame songs plus your official dlc e-standard plus your fav. e-standard cdlc, or e.g - only the songs you already have mastered, or - only the intermediate lead championship songs or - only the songs from your 3 fav bands or - only songs with open chords or..... ready for a nice nonstop play session... here you go. DISCLAIMER: The Rs Roadie is freeware. You use it at your own risk. Do not pirate software!!! We strictly support Ubisoft, Steam and the whole RS and RS14 dev team. Thank you for bringing this awesome piece of software to life that makes us all spend our time here and with our instruments. We encourage everyone to continuously buy any official dlc she/he likes. NOTE: The functionalty has been implemented into CF Song Manager!!! Still your feedback is very very very wellcome and if you prefer you can still use our stand-alone tool --------------= DOWNLOAD =-------------- ver 1.4.0 - updated 20jul15 UPDATE with even better cross-setlist search - we are satisfied now new versions only here and nowhere else! please report bugs! and we are glad to discuss ideas pm and here... --> USERS GUIDE <-- (but its quite self explaining - if asked fill in RS path and press load songs... you have to press save songs on each pack for the disabling in Mod to take effect!...and setlists are directories in /dlc) So have fun, rock hard and join the Championship! If you like our work and want us to continue develop press thx!
    1 point
  23. Hello everyone! Welcome to the Soul/Funk Appreciation Society. Here you will find a place to discuss the soulful sounds of the good ol' days, from the early 60s to the very early 80s until today, in their most recent forms. Anyone is free and welcome to join the group, whether you're a charter or not.You can include a small icon in your profile signature if you'd like, I made one that you can find here but you're absolutely free to create your own. Please don't expect binding rules or any kind of leadership in here. This place is meant to share thoughts, ideas, suggestions and of course music! Think of it as a community, much like the ones they had in the 60s (except we wash our hair :D) So here's a list of songs that have already been released, there must be a few ones missing so please point me to these songs and I'll add the links. The songs are sorted by artist/band's alphabetical order : A Taste of Honey - Boogie Oogie OogieABBA - As Good As NewABBA - ChiquititaABBA - Dancing Queen (Bass version)ABBA - Does Your Mother KnowABBA - FernandoABBA - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (2nd version)ABBA - If It Wasn't For The NightsABBA - Knowing Me, Knowing YouABBA - Lay All Your Love On MeABBA - Mamma Mia (Bass version)ABBA - Money, Money, MoneyABBA - One Of UsABBA - Ring Ring (2nd version)ABBA - SOSABBA - Summer Night CityABBA - Super TrouperABBA - Take A Chance On MeABBA - Thank You For The MusicABBA - The Winner Takes It AllABBA - TigerABBA - Voulez-VousABBA - WaterlooAl Green - Let's Stay TogetherAl Green - Tired of Being AloneAlicia Keys - Fallin'Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got YouAloe Blacc - I Need A DollarAmy Winehouse - Back To BlackAmy Winehouse - RehabAmy Winehouse - You Know I'm No GoodAnita Ward - Ring My BellAretha Franklin - A ChangeAretha Franklin - Chain of FoolsAretha Franklin - RespectArthur Conley - Sweet Soul MusicAverage White Band (The) - Pick Up The PiecesBar-Kays (The) - Soul FingerBarry White - Can't Get Enough of Your Love, BabeBarry White - You're The First, The Last, My EverythingBee Gees (The) - More Than A WomanBee Gees (The) - Night FeverBee Gees (The) - Stayin' AliveBee Gees (The) - You Should Be DancingBill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine OFFICIAL DLCBill Withers - Lean On MeBilly Cobham - Red BaronBilly Cobham - StratusBlondie - AtomicBlondie - Heart of GlassBlues Brothers (The) ft. Aretha Franklin - ThinkBooker T & The MG's - Time Is TightBrick - DazzBrothers Johnson (The) - CelebrationsBrothers Johnson (The) - Mista CoolBrothers Johnson (The) - Runnin' for Your Lovin'Brothers Johnson (The) - Stomp!Brothers Johnson (The) - Strawberry Letter 23Bruno Mars - The Lazy SongBruno Mars - Locked Out Of HeavenBruno Mars - Treasure : version 1 and version 2Carl Carlton - She's A Bad Mama JamaCharles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band - Express YourselfChic - Chic CheerChic - Good Times OFFICIAL DLC for RS2012Chic - I Want Your LoveChic - Le FreakChic - My Forbidden LoverCommodores - Brick HouseCommodores - EasyCurtis Mayfield - Freddie's DeadCurtis Mayfield - Pusherman (no bass !)Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner, Dave James - Lock DownDelegation - Darlin'Delegation - Oh HoneyDiana Ross - The BossDiana Ross & The Supremes - How Long Has That Evening Train Been GoneDiana Ross & The Supremes And The Temptations - I'm Gonna Make You Love MeDonna Summer - Hot StuffDoobie Brothers (The) - Long Train Runnin' (no bass)Dr. John - Big ChiefDr. John - Iko IkoDr. John - Stealin'Drifters (The) - Under The BoardwalkEarth, Wind & Fire - Boogie WonderlandEarth, Wind & Fire - Let's GrooveEarth, Wind & Fire - September OFFICIAL DLCEarth, Wind & Fire - Serpentine FireEarth, Wind & Fire - Shining Star OFFICIAL DLCEarth, Wind & Fire - Sing A Song OFFICIAL DLC Earth, Wind & Fire - That's The Way of The WorldEddie Floyd - Knock on WoodEdwin Starr - Adios SenoritaEdwin Starr - All Around The WorldEdwin Starr - At Last (I Found A Love)Edwin Starr - WarFat Larry's Band - Act Like You KnowFela Kuti - Black Man's CryFela Kuti - Buy AfricaFela Kuti - Egbe Mi OFela Kuti - Fight To FinishFela Kuti - GentlemanFela Kuti - J'Ehin J'EhinFela Kuti - LadyFela Kuti - Let's StartFela Kuti - Opposite PeopleFela Kuti - Who're You?Fela Kuti - Yeye De SmellFela Kuti - ZombieFela Kuti & The Africa 70 - Gbagada Gbagada Gbagodo GbagodoFela Kuti & The Africa 70 - Open & CloseFela Kuti & The Africa 70 - Swegbe And PakoFour Tops (The) - BernadetteFour Tops (The) - It's The Same Old SongFour Tops (The) - Reach Out I'll Be ThereFour Tops (The) - Standing In The Shadows Of LoveFoxy - Get OffFunk Brothers (The) - James Jamerson's Motown MedleyGeorge Baker Selection - Little Green Bag (2nd version here)George Michael - FastloveGil Scott-Heron - Home Is Where The Hatred IsGil Scott-Heron - Save The ChildrenGil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be TelevisedGloria Gaynor - I Will SurviveGotcha - NakedGrandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The MessageGwen McRae - Rockin' ChairHall & Oates - Kiss On My List OFFICIAL DLCHeatwave - Boogie NightsHot Chocolate - You Sexy ThingHugh Masekela - DyamboHugh Masekela - Kaa Ye OyaHugh Masekela - You Told Your Mama Not To WorryImagination - Just An IllusionIncognito - Hats (Make Me Wanna Holler)Isaac Hayes - Theme From ShaftIsley Brothers (The) - Between The SheetsIsley Brothers (The) - I Know Who You Been Socking It ToIsley Brothers (The) - It's Your ThingIsley Brothers (The) - Ohio/Machine GunIsley Brothers (The) - Take InventoryIsley Brothers (The) - Take Me In Your ArmsIsley Brothers (The) - This Old Heart Of MineIsley Brothers (The) - Was It Good To You?J.B.'s (The) - Pass The PeasJackson 5 (The) - Blame It On The BoogieJackson 5 (The) - Dancing MachineJackson 5 (The) - Darling DearJackson 5 (The) - I Want You BackJackson 5 (The) - Santa Claus Is Coming To TownJackson 5 (The) - Who's Lovin' YouJaco Pastorius - Come On, Come OverJaco Pastorius - Soul Intro/The ChickenJames Gang (The) - Funk #49 OFFICIAL DLCJames Brown - BewilderedJames Brown - Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex MachineJames Brown - Get Up Offa That ThingJames Brown - Give It Up Or Turnit A LooseJames Brown - I Got You (I Feel Good)James Brown - Make It Funky (Pt.1)James Brown - Soul PowerJames Brown - Super Bad (another version including parts 1 & 2)Jamiroquai - (Don't) Give Hate A ChanceJamiroquai - Canned HeatJamiroquai - Cosmic GirlJamiroquai - Hey FloydJamiroquai - Just Another StoryJamiroquai - Love FoolosophyJamiroquai - RunawayJamiroquai - Space CowboyJamiroquai - Time Won't WaitJamiroquai - Too Young To DieJamiroquai - Travelling Without MovingJamiroquai - Virtual InsanityJamiroquai - When You Gonna LearnJocelyn Brown - Somebody Else's GuyJr. Walker & The All Stars - Home Cookin'Jr. Walker & The All Stars - How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By YouKC & The Sunshine Band - That's The WayKool & The Gang - CelebrationKool & The Gang - FreshKool & The Gang - Jungle BoogieKool & The Gang - Take My Heart (2nd version)Lee Fields & The Expressions - Faithful ManLee Fields & The Expressions - LadiesLee Fields & The Expressions - Talk To SomebodyLipps, Inc. - FunkytownLuther Vandross - Never Too MuchLuther Vandross - She's A Super LadyMark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars - Uptown FunkMartha & The Vandellas - Nowhere To RunMarvelettes (The) - Don't Mess With BillMarvin Gaye - Christmas In The CityMarvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The GrapevineMarvin Gaye - I Want YouMarvin Gaye - Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)Marvin Gaye - Let's Get It OnMarvin Gaye - 'What's Going On' MedleyMarvin Gaye - What's Going On OFFICIAL DLC for RS2012Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't No Moutain High EnoughMarvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't Nothing Like The Real ThingMeters (The) - Cissy StrutMichael Jackson - Beat It (2nd version) (and yet another one)Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (2nd version)Michael Jackson - Don't Stop 'Til You Get EnoughMichael Jackson - Off The WallMichael Jackson - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)Michael Jackson - Rock With YouMichael Jackson - The Girl Is Mine (ft. Paul McCartney)Michael Jackson - ThrillerMichael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'Michael McDonald - I Keep Forgettin' (Every Time You're Near) OFFICIAL DLCOhio Players - Love RollercoasterOlivia Newton-John & John Travolta - You're The One That I WantOtis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock of The Bay OFFICIAL DLC for RS2012Otis Redding - Hard To HandleOtis Redding - Try A Little TendernessPacific Gas & Electric - StaggoleeParliament - Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker) OFFICIAL DLC for RS2012Parliament Funkadelic - FlashlightPatrice Rushen - Forget Me NotsPatrick Hernandez - Born To Be AlivePeggy Lee - FeverPrince - KissPrince & Sheila E - Erotic CityQueen - Another One Bites The Dust OFFICIAL DLCQueen - Dragon AttackRick James - Give It To Me BabyRick James - Super Freak OFFICIAL DLC for RS2012Rod Stewart - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?Roy Buchanan - Sweet Dreams OFFICIAL DLCRufus Thomas - Do The Funky ChickenSade - Hang On To Your LoveSade - Is It A CrimeSade - Nothing Can Come Between UsSade - ParadiseSade - Smooth OperatorSade - The Sweetest TabooSam & Dave - Hold On I'm ComingSam & Dave - SoulmanSister Sledge - He's The Greatest DancerSly & The Family Stone - Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)Smokey Robinson - Being With YouSmokey Robinson & The Miracles - God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenSmokey Robinson & The Miracles - The Tears of A ClownSpinners (The) - I Just Gotta Make It HappenSpinners (The) - I'll Be AroundSpinners (The) - It's A ShameSpinners (The) - Mighty LoveSpinners (The) - The Rubberband ManSpinners (The) - They Just Can't Stop It (The Games People Play)Staple Singers (The) - I'll Take You ThereStevie Wonder - All I DoStevie Wonder - AsStevie Wonder - ContusionStevie Wonder - Do I DoStevie Wonder - For Once In My LifeStevie Wonder - I Just Called to Say I Love YouStevie Wonder - I Was Made To Love Her (2nd version)Stevie Wonder - I WishStevie Wonder - Isn't She LovelyStevie Wonder - Living For The CityStevie Wonder - Master Blaster (Jammin') (second version)Stevie Wonder - My Cherie AmourStevie Wonder - Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm YoursStevie Wonder - Sir Duke OFFICIAL DLCStevie Wonder - Superstition (live version)Stevie Wonder - Uptight (Everything's Alright)Stevie Wonder - What Christmas Means To MeSupergroove - Sitting Inside My HeadSupergroove - Your White ShirtSupremes (The) - Love Is Like An Itching In My HeartSupremes (The) - You Can't Hurry LoveSupremes (The) - You Keep Me Hangin' OnTemptations (The) - Ain't Too Proud To BegTemptations (The) - Ball of Confusion (That's What The World Is Today)Temptations (The) - Get ReadyTemptations (The) - My Girl OFFICIAL DLC for RS2012Temptations (The) - No More Water In The WellTemptations (The) - Papa Was A Rollin' StoneTemptations (The) - Rudolf The Red-Nosed ReindeerTower of Power - Clever GirlTower of Power - Diggin' on James BrownTower of Power - Down to The NightclubTower of Power - So Very Hard To GoTower of Power - Soul VaccinationTower of Power - Soul With A Capital STower of Power - What Is Hip?Weather Report - BirdlandWeather Report - Port of EntryWeather Report - Teen TownWild Cherry - Play That Funky Music (OFFICIAL DLC)Wilson Pickett - Funky BroadwayWilson Pickett - Hello SunshineWilson Pickett - In The Midnight HourWilson Pickett - Mustang SallyWilson Pickett - That Kind of Love Huge thanks to all the charters, you know who you are!!
    1 point
  24. http://i.imgur.com/c5TZy7i.jpg?1 *English Hi Accept fans! :D,i post this,because im making most of the Accept songs,i will add here all my Accept customs,and add my new Accept customs! Well,i will add here albums and songs,i will make all the songs possible(with good GP tabs).And i will not make "VERSIONS"of other user,for example,Midnight Mover,Metal Heart,or another custom.With 1 custom is enough :) .I dont like that other user make "VERSIONS"of my customs or the same song,as i said,with 1 custom is enough. Of course,i will fix my customs if it required,and/or add RR to the rest of my Accept customs(and my other customs). *Español Hola fans de Accept!,pues he publicado éste post,porque soy el que ha hecho más canciones de Accept.Pongo aquí lo que está hecho,y pondré lo que vaya haciendo con el tiempo. Pondré aquí albums y sus canciones.Haré todas las canciones que sean posibles(si las GP tabs me lo permiten).Lo que no voy hacer,es,hacer "VERSIONES"de customs de otra gente,por respeto,y porque cada persona que ha hecho su canción se hace responsable de arreglarlo y/o añadir partes. Creo,que con una versión es más que suficiente.Tampoco,me gustaría que hicieran "VERSIONES"de mis customs,o de la mísma canción,creo que teniendo,"lead","rhythm","bass",es suficiente,si en una custom no se puede añadir alguna parte,simplemente no se puede,depende mucho de lo bien que esté hecha la tablatura de GP. Y por supuesto,yo me haré cargo,de arreglar fallos,meter RR en mis customs sea Accept,Axel Rudi Pell,etc etc etc...y también como si es añadir alguna parte que falta(normalmente,siempre incluyo las 3 partes,que son las más importantes). Siempre habrá canciones que no son perfectas como si se trataran de canciones oficiales,pero está claro,que no subo cosas intocables,porque,yo soy el primero que toca éstos customs. - 1979 Accept Seawinds Take Him In My Heart Glad To Be Alone - 1980 I'm A Rebel I'm A Rebel Save Us No Time To Lose Thunder And Lightning China Lady I Wanna Be No Hero The King - 1981 Breaker Starlight Run If You Can Son Of A Bitch Burning Feelings Midnight Highway - 1982 Restless And Wild Fast As A Shark Ahead Of The Pack Shake Your Heads Neon Nights Flash Rockin Man Don't Go Stealing My Soul Away - 1983 Balls To The Wall London Leatherboys Fight It Back Losing More Than You've Ever Had Love Child Turn Me On Losers And Winners Guardian Of The Night Winterdreams - 1985 Metal Heart Up To The Limit Wrong Is Right Screaming For A Love-Bite Too High To Get It Right Dogs On Leads Living For Tonite Bound To Fail - 1986 Russian Roulette T.V. War Monsterman Russian Roulette Aiming High Another Second To Be Walking In The Shadow Stand Tight - 1989 Eat The Heat Generation Clash Love Sensation Hellhammer Prisoner - *1990 Staying A Life(Live) Princess Of The Dawn - 1993 Objection Overruled I Don't Wanna Be Like You Slaves To Metal All Or Nothing Amamos La Vida Sick,Dirty And Mean - 1996 Predator Crossroads Run Through The Night - 2010 Blood Of The Nations Beat The Bastards Teutonic Terror The Abyss Time Machine Pandemic No Shelter Bucket Full Of Hate - 2012 Stalingrad Hung,Drawn And Quartered Hellfire Shadow Soldiers - 2014 Blind Rage Stampede Dying Breed Dark Side Of My Heart Trail Of Tears Bloodbath Mastermind From The Ashes We Rise The Curse Final Journey Rock & Heavy Metal !!! :)
    1 point
  25. Ok, folks, big announcment coming: For long time we were trying to force to play and stay in your classes. Wins, Rodman's Ranking and Die Hard Status were big incentives to keep you participating in your class, even if there is a song you dislike. But we ventured to the distant lands, we talked to some hobbits and we realized that we were doing something wrong. We realized that we left some people out of fun. Cause if you didn't cared about classes, you were simply forgotten. Awards are visible indication of being part of the community, and we know that in certain circumstances, in current way, some participants can be left with no chance for award. That had to change. And that changes now! I'm happy to introduce new award, the "Free Bird Award"! So what's the catch? This award will be earned only by "Free Bird" participants (after 2 weeks played, and taken after 2 weeks missed). In order to become you will have to give up all bonuses of being part of a class (victories, ranking places and DHM). But you will be able to play whichever song you want each week. Important - it applies to all paths at the same time. FreeBird Participant rules: 0. FreeBird can`t to get any victories, crown trophies (Rodman' Ranking) and DHM (Die Hard Member) 1. Newcomer get's FBA (FreeBird Award) after participating 2 weeks in a row, if he/she did not choosed the class. 2. FBA is taken away if participant fails to post score two weeks in a row. 3. Regular participants are allowed to leave class and become FreeBird at any time. 3a. All awards are taken away. 3b. Name is moved to list "Free bird" under own class (same column, CCL) 4. Participant is allowed to return to his class (or higher) at any time. 5. Every Freebirds score is placed in class list as "0" (in separated rows), and if he/she return to their class, then marks are moved as well with name and "->>" symbol, to give auto DHM (score is 4 weeks in row, one miss allowed) 6. In leaderboard FreeBirds names are marked grey and ~ Hope some of you will enjoy it. I'm staying with my class, but you'll free to become a bird :) Now, let's start week 90. READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules Last weeks winners: Lead: Beginner: @@Bruce Force Intermediate: @@Rodman Advanced: @@renar Masterclass: @@Latsch Rhythm: Beginner: @@franfit Intermediate: @@Rodman Advanced: @@fiddlesticks Masterclass: N/A Bass: Beginner: N/E Intermediate: @ Advanced: @@genobadass Masterclass: @@then3verend Chris Squire Tribute: @@Aludog Congrats to all the winners. Honorably mentioned for scoring 100% are @@axary, @@Bentron, @@genobadass, @@missis sumner, @@NoonyDeloony and @ in Intermediate Bass. Very well! You want some videos? Here ya go: @'s and @@renar's . The songs for this week are: Lead Path: Beginner: Knorkator - All That She Wants (Is Another Baby) (Chosen by @@Rodman ) Intermediate: Buckethead - Asylum of Glass (Chosen by @@blejusca ) (Motive's version) Advanced: Jethro Tull - To Cry You A Song (Chosen by @@Aludog ) Masterclass: Death Angel - Don't Save Me (Chosen by @@then3verend ) Rhythm Path: Beginner: N/A Intermediate: Jethro Tull - To Cry You A Song Advanced: N/A Masterclass: Death Angel - Don't Save Me Bass Path: Beginner: Knorkator - All That She Wants (Is Another Baby) Intermediate: Buckethead - Asylum of Glass (Motive's version) Advanced: Jethro Tull - To Cry You A Song Masterclass: Death Angel - Don't Save Me Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). Honorable list Diehard men: Playing in their class 4 weeks in row, one pass allowed. albatross213 in MC bass path@Azrael in INT lead path@blejusca in INT lead pathChoaralaone in MC bass pathfranfit in BEG lead, rhythm pathsfrippchen in MC lead, rhythm pathsgenobadass in ADV bass pathJambi in BEG lead pathklaw in BEG lead pathLatsch in MC lead, rhythm, bass pathslostpapers in BEG lead, rhythm pathsMaZtoR in ADV lead, rhythm pathsmissis sumner in ADV bass pathMonstaS4 in INT lead pathMortalo in INT lead, ADV rhythm, MC bass pathsMotive in ADV lead, MC bass pathsNacholede in MC lead pathPalatsy in INT lead pathpunchyrumble in INT bass pathqueengeedorah in ADV bass pathRodman in INT lead, rhythm, ADV bass pathssparkcloud in BEG lead pathsupername in MC lead paththen3verend in MC lead, rhythm, bass pathsVan-Blurten in INT bass pathP.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists! Have a great week!
    1 point
  26. Hello: So I have downloaded a bunch of CDLC songs into Rocksmith that suppord Dynamic difficulty. However, every time I play a song, it shoots all the notes at full to me. Is there some kind of configuration or something? Because of this, I have to stick with the songs that come with the game in order to improve my skill.
    1 point
  27. Don't know if anybody has seen this but I thought I would share a bird dancing to Queen Another One Bites The Dust http://youtu.be/JnGu9K49tTM
    1 point
  28. To define an arpeggio you select the notes which are part of the chord to play, and which you have set on the right timing. Then you select Note-proGuitar-Arpeggio-Mark (or crtl-shift-G) Then all the notes are assembled (ghosted) on the first note to show the chord in RS ( in a box shape, which I don't like) Another way is to define a handshape (Note-Rocksmith-Handshape-mark) works the same way, but doesn't show the chord box, but the finger position on the fretboard. Sometimes a chord is slowly strummed, kind of arpeggio, playing one string after another. http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/59a6/91efvk0au087wz7zg.jpg That's what you mean. Position the notes in the right timing. This can also be defined this 2 ways.
    1 point
  29. and that's great :P I hate the original @@albatross213 @@then3verend @all, thanks for ratings. Can you also fill in your ratings here if you do some? this would make things easier :) On the SSL you also will find a link
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Wow, my song got selected! And on my birthday, too! Gonna give my all this week! :D Edit: The version of Asylum of Glass that is currently on customsforge is a simplified version of the song. The riffs starting at 3:59 are made a lot easier by ignoring the notes on the E and A strings. Buckethead uses chicken picking to include those notes as well which complicates things some as the stretches are a bit stretchier and the picking a lot harder. You can see what I'm talking about here at the 4 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYxBB8D8oWw&feature=youtu.be&t=4m The chords at 0:40 to 1:18 are also incomplete. They are all missing notes on the G string.
    1 point
  32. Fair enough. I'll still play Free Bird :D
    1 point
  33. Some captures of OBS: Settings Menu : http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/6eee/6v7b6656hx33rzvzg.jpg Camera Menu: http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/0b17/0yx0ez3m6ybb6n3zg.jpg RS2014 (Source) http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/c0a7/o6mb3aacd5vb3hbzg.jpg And a capture (all upside down) and bad fingering :D (got it nevertheless) http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/e510/3pamypvyi1opsxozg.jpg
    1 point
  34. 7for4 Adagio Agent Fresco Al DiMeola Al Joseph Alkotrio Allan Holdsworth Alter Bridge Amarionette Ammasefer Among the Sleep An Endless Sporadic Andromeda Andromida Angel Vivaldi Angra Animals As Leaders Animations Anomalie Anubis Gate Anup Sastry Apple Pie Arch / Matheos Arch Echo Archaeologist Architects Archspire Artificial Language August Burns Red Avenged Sevenfold Aviations Ayreon Bad Salad Benny Greb Berried Alive Between The Buried And Me Blotted Science Caligula's Horse Chaos Divine Cheeto's Magazine Chimp Spanner Chon Chronologist Circus Maximus Cleft Cloudkicker Cloudscape Coheed And Cambria Constantine Corelia Cosmosquad Covet Cydemind Dance Gavin Dance Darkwater David Maxim Micic Deep Purple Derek Sherinian Destiny Potato Devin Townsend DGM Diablo Swing Orchestra Disperse Distorted Harmony Dixie Dregs Dmitry Demyanenko Dominici Dorje Draw Me A Sheep Dream Theater Earthside Edgend Electric Outlet Empyrios Epica Epysode Eric Gillette Evan Brewer Evergrey Eumeria Exivious Fates Warning Flying Colors Fox Territory Freak Kitchen Freakeys Frost* Gojira Gordian Knot Gru (Piotrek Gruszka) Guthrie Govan Haamoja Hago Haken Halcyon Headspace Hyvmine I Am Abomination I Built The Sky IceFish Ichika Igorrr Ihlo Instrumental (adj.) Intervals Introitus Intronaut Iron Maiden Itzamna Jack The Joker Jacob Collier Jakub Zytecki James Labrie James Norbert Ivanyi Jason Richardson Jethro Tull Joel Lindfors John Petrucci Jordan Rudess Joseph Magazine Kadinja Kamelot Kansas Karnivool Kiko Lourerio King Crimson Kingcrow Lechuga Leprous Liquid Tension Experiment Liquorworks Lost In Thought Lunatic Soul Lux Terminus Magic Pie Marco Sfogli Mastodon Mattias IA Eklundh Mekong Delta Mendel Meshuggah Mestis Metallica Milco Modern Day Babylon Moon Tooth Mouse On The Keys Muse Myrath Narnia Native Construct Ne Obliviscaris Neal Morse Necrophagist Next To None Nick Johnston Night Verses Northlane Nova Collective Nyu Octavision Opeth Orphaned Land OSI Owane Ozric Tentacles Pagan's Mind Pain Of Salvation Panzerballett Pathosray Paul Wardingham Pelican Pentakill Periphery Persefone Phish Pink Floyd Planet X Plini Poh Hock Polyphia Pomegranate Tiger Porcupine Tree Primus Protest The Hero Prototype Pryapisme Queen Queensryche Rabea Massaad Redemption Rendezvous Point Rhapsody Of Fire Riverside Rush RXYZYXR Scale the Summit Scoredatura Semantic Saturation Sergey Golovin Seventh Wonder Shadow Gallery Shokran Shrezzers Sithu Aye Sketch The Sky Skies Over Bethany Skyharbor Snarky Puppy Soen Sons of Apollo Soul Secret Spastic Ink Special Providence Spheric Universe Experience Spock's Beard StarSystems Step In Fluid Stephen Taranto Steve Morse Steven Wilson Stratovarius Sun Caged Symphony X Syncatto T.R.A.M. Tactus Teramaze TesseracT Textures Thank You Scientist The Algorithm The Aristocrats The Bad Plus The Black Mages The Contortionist The HAARP Machine The Helix Nebula The Mars Volta The Omnific The Paralydium Project The Resonance Project Their Dogs Were Astronauts Theo Young Theocracy Thought Chamber Thrailkill Threshold Tigran Hamasyan Tony MacAlpine Tool Toska Toto Transcend Translantic Trioscapes Trivium Twelve Foot Ninja Universe Effects Vadrum Valis Ablaze Vanden Plas Vitalism Voyager Vuur Watchtower Wide Eyes Widek Within The Ruins X-Panda Yes Zweiton
    1 point
  35. Nah, just saying that my songs are not chosen for a lot of weeks D:
    1 point
  36. In first for Free Bird. This week I'm playing bass on Hard to Handle by Otis Redding. The version doesn't have DD and RR is all one section, but I could slow it down to pick up the riffs. My score came up as 98.88%, but I still hear a lot of room for improvement in timing. The song is simple enough for me to aim for 100% in master mode by the end of the week. Given that the FB rules are deliberately nonrestrictive, I'll explain how I plan to play. I'll focus on bass (not a surprise)I'll focus on one song per week and try to master it in the same way as player in a classI'll try to pick a song for which I already own a legitimate licensed copy on vinyl or CDOf course all other FBs should play as they please. That is the point.
    1 point
  37. Seeing as I haven't been able to buy a point in eight weeks, I'll give Freebird a try. That will save me from whining like a wounded dog about needing to drop back to intermediate bass. Time is limited this week, but I'll get you some test results.
    1 point
  38. http://i.imgur.com/4tfGZny.jpg Don't think I have time to do the bass !
    1 point
  39. Didn't play as much as I would've like this week, but what else is new. Tried Beethoven's 5th once, wasn't worth a screenshot though: Beg Lead: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/442826765978746119/CCC3BA8390F3A8D6435C762412BA64BF59021383/ Int Lead: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/442826765978747395/3269F2813D021418077E589B691410C1B40DA1DE/ Old Adv (Tool) Lead: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/442826765978752257/8FD521BEADF72AF5F06A3C9B5F7DF26BADD15EA4/
    1 point
  40. Just in time! (I hope) http://i.imgur.com/U1ceKFc.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jZrbxNa.jpg What's DHM ?
    1 point
  41. Fun songs this week. I thought at first that the Metric song was "Speed the Collapse" and that's one of the few Metric up here I really don't like playing, this one is good though! Could not get above 98% in Moonlight Shadow but fun to play, classic song. http://i.imgur.com/u7XbqKYl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Dcy6frOl.jpg
    1 point
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