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TomSawyer2112 last won the day on December 3 2018

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1 Follower

About TomSawyer2112

  • Birthday 03/13/1961


  • Member Title
    Retired Freebird

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    is a tiny spot in old Europe
  • Interests
    Guitar, Drums, Piano
    Soccer, Tennis
    Fitness, Bodybuilding,
    Motion simulator
    Science (Selfcare, AstroPhysics)
    Anarchism (Don't follow, I follow no one)
  • Guitar
    Ibanez GIO GRG170DX BKN, Epiphone LesPaul Classic T Min-Etune, Acoustic Arts&Lutherie
  • Bass
    Gretsch G2220 Elmtc Jr. Jet Bass II BF
  • Favorite Bands
    Rush (before Hall of fame...)
    Eric Johnson
    John 5
    Steve Morse
    Alvin Lee
    Lynyrd Skynyrd
    38 Special
    Stone Roses
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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Community Answers

  1. what is rsdiagnostics-1.0-beta.zip and what purpose does RSDiag serve ?
  2. installing rsmods does not seem without effort no information here if it is secure to manipulate the RS2014 installation?
  3. Your Question is far from being resolved or pointless. Fact is that this "bug" that the game would give you the score you got while playing at 10% speed has bugged me to a point since RS has been released, that I stopped caring about a score, and noted my scores in an Excel sheet. But it would be very interesting to know if a score can be deleted. I imagine the only possible way would be to manipulate the profile and the song in the RS songmanger, or just add a column where we could add our own score with the date achieved, so we could track our progress.
  4. Hi, I wanted to inform you that your Saga What's It Gonna Be link has been deleted.

    If you could fix it... thks.

    1. Duesenberger


      Will update this. Thx.

  5. Tomsawyer.     I would like to thank you for the buckethead file(s) you have made,.    I was curious if it would be possible to make Exit 209    I used to have a version of this and loved playing it,.   I can always play it without RS but would still love to have it again,.    Maybe even as just a backing track,.,,   But Ill take what I can get,.    If anything 😉

    1. TomSawyer2112


      Thank you for enjoying my work, for sometime now I've retired from making cDLC .

      And I probably won't do some  more for another year.

      What happened to your version?

      Here's the version I have 


  6. Problem with YouArtist customs is that this learning material is often copyrighted, you have to buy it to use it, so the fair use does not apply as it does for playing songs.(which you have to own too, to be fair) I remember they removed the absolutely great John Petrucci exercices... Yeah still lucky and alive, when so many people pass away. RIP Neil
  7. I would not name it as "You", because it's probably not exercising a precise technique. And it isn't either an educational tutorial from an Artist. But under YouArtist would still be alright. I would keep it under Van Halen - 2 Minutes of 10 songs each is a pretty long compilation of 20 minutes, finding the right part to exercise may not be very comfortable. I think You exercices should remain short, with not too may sections, to quickly find and remember what you want to train.
  8. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  9. As the virus spreads all over the planet, just as we RS players are, I thought we may share our situations here, away from the local media hysteria. In the countries I live and work in (Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg), most were forced to stop working, gathering is prohibited by State of Emergency, leaving home is only permitted to buy food, all other shops are closed, many administrations and banks have switched to electronic ways of working, we may still exercise outside, but alone or in family circle, not in groups. I hope this does not last too long, but it maybe longer than I can endure. I may even have time to do some cDLC again. No job problems, nor financial for me, but that's probably not everybody's luck. Concerts are cancelled, as any other festivities. Hard time for Artists. Streets are quite empty, a real apocalyptic feeling, people have lost their smile, they avoid each other as if everybody had the plague. Certainly inspiring how quick our lifestyle can change.
  10. I own version 3, (I suppose, because versions are not indicated anywhere) and the software is activated by buying a licence key, which was valid for updates. But versions later than 3 required buying a new licence key, and I was uncertain if the export to EOF would still work. Considering the price had more then doubled, 40€, and the upgrade price is 20€, this developer follows a policy of constantly making his clients pay for little, non-obvious, and questionable improvements. So I understand people who want to stay with the old version. And the developer does not seem to support old versions.
  11. OBS can build scenes with different video and audio sources, and flip them the way to make your play parrallel to the RS Screen. I don't know any other software that flexible. it got an option to pause recording, and resume in a unique file, it streams easily, I was told it also has add-ons like streamlabs for additional for live streaming options, which i didn't try https://obsproject.com/ https://streamlabs.com/ https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/categories/obs-studio-plugins.6/?page=1
  12. the muted string is also left out in the note display, because Rocksmith has problems recognising the chord with a blue muted open string in-between.
  13. Great Guy, he was the one who hooked me into Rush, never heard drums like that in a rockband, endless hours I spent on his rhythms and lyrics, gone way too soon, as were his wife and his daughter, time to reread some of his writings Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road passionate biker, like me, he left us with so much creativity he is going to live forever in our minds
  14. Piracy is strictly forbidden anywhere, for any copyrighted material, streaming them too. You never stream, I presume. As long as you don't make a profit of it, i.e. by streaming cDLC on Twitch. But even publishing oDLC with your 100% on youtube may get your account banned. There is quite a grey zone. Even downloading a simple Tab maybe considered illegal. Even creating a simple Tab from a song may be illegal. And cDLC are basically Tabs in a different form. Playing a song with your local band in school or public place may also be illegal. Most important : You should own (or buy) the songs playable on the media which you want to play the cDLC on. If you own a vinyl version of a song, that would not give you the right to play the song on a Xbox. Even if you bought a song for Rockband with real tabs, that would not allow you to play it in Rocksmith. And if you bought a song for Rocksmith 2012, that would not allow you to play it in Rocksmith 2014. Yeah, that's pretty extreme, but basically the copyright principles want you to pay again and again, on whatever system you want to use it. Developing this reasoning is endless and will make you paranoid. This site is extremely clean, all cDLC which are Tabs claim to be for educational purpose only. Buy the songs and use the cDLC for your private education. You should be fine, even in Germany.
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