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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2015 in Posts

  1. http://i.imgur.com/sPJOOaH.jpg Okay, i think this is good enough for right now. My fingers are about to fall off. I wish i would of taken a video, from now on anytime i play a song im going to record it. Good luck to the other competitors :D
    9 points
  2. Haven't had much time to play this week but finally got it above 90% http://i.imgur.com/dFLLaFp.png
    8 points
  3. I miss intermediate. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Hurt%209062_zpske4yvkai.jpg Just a little more work and i can get rid of that final red cross.
    7 points
  4. Taking the lead for now c: http://i.imgur.com/DQqH5Ck.jpg
    6 points
  5. I forgot to record when i uploaded my 1st place screenshot. So i replayed it and here is my attempt (it doesn't sound that great) at Pulling Teeth. I actually scored a much higher streak but a lower accuracy lol.
    5 points
  6. lovely 90ies lovely anti X http://i57.tinypic.com/f9fja9.jpg da riddim, uh yeah http://i57.tinypic.com/21kwkrp.jpg
    4 points
  7. I've worked my way up by another percentage point on SRV. Now I'm at 94.91% with a streak or 83
    4 points
  8. I'm seeing improvement in advanced bass SRV Mary Had a Little Lamb First I have a question. Sometimes in SA, poorly played sections are not assigned a colour. Based on my playing, I'd expect a section to be red strike, but the system seems to forget to display a colour or count the strike against me. Here is a picture or what I mean. I count seven glitches in the scoring. I've seen it on the PC and PS3, and on original content as well as DLC. Is there a fix for this? And here is my most recent score - 93.89% Longest streak 73
    4 points
  9. http://i.imgur.com/BtRPeoX.jpg Slide right into 1st :D Your move @Choaralaone
    4 points
  10. Mary Had A Little Lamb Lead 86% got the newest version now, hahah. Improved a little, still suck ass on it. Have to take a look into the solo so i can pass SA. cheers!
    3 points
  11. You got me here, I also would rather listen to Metric then to Anesthesia :lol:
    3 points
  12. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=425945209 really glad i made this week, thought i wouldn't for a while
    3 points
  13. Great a song, so pleasant melody, hard stop to play. My rate 6. my score: http://i.imgur.com/yvW7wtf.jpg P.s. Tried bass Anesthesia, baddest a song in world, have`t melody, shit sounds (for me). Stop to play after first minute.
    3 points
  14. 1st try MM http://i61.tinypic.com/2rorqf4.jpg Edit: ok, no use tryin further atm - can´t feel my fingertips no more (no joke :) ) - looks like i made em hurt...
    2 points
  15. Damnit, missed last week! Oh well, here's for this week: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/28487535814763578/6B52B764B2A8108DEC1F26C9DFEEAD6F191BE256/
    2 points
  16. @@xDatBoiSOBLE crazy, man! really great!
    2 points
  17. Mary Had A Little Lamb, Lead Man, this song is one hell of a groovy awesome bluesy fun song ;D My fingers are flailing about on it, because im not used to play stuff like that. My first try was like 64%, haha. So much room for improvement though. Anyone else has the song start about 0.2 secs before the note charting? It doesnt seem as though it has a impact on the rest of the song, but that start is throwing me off. Otherwise, really great work @@bernixix No luck with sync songs this week ;( cheers!
    2 points
  18. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=425201979 I am really enjoying this bassline, it's hilariously good fun :) I'd say this is a pretty high advanced level, one I've yet to get to, but it's well worth the embarrassment I feel trying to mimic it :) improved but still sound like an elastic band stretched over a biscuit tin.
    2 points
  19. I am unworthy, yeah 4 sure, but its my pick goddamit, and its so great - i had to give it a go http://i61.tinypic.com/jil454.jpg
    2 points
  20. Hell yeah! -= HOW TO GET RID OF UNWANTED ORIGINAL SONGS IN THE SONG SELECTION LIST =- works for -ORIGINAL RS2014 Songs -Imported RS1 Songs UPDATE: RS2014Songlistmodifier (tool) to be released in the next days - thx to @@Lovroman !!!!! UPDATE 04may15: all main functions working flawlessly UPDATE 19jun15: Release of The RS Roadie So... i have been after this from day one that i got RS, and there are lots of reasons for this mod. Fact is there are tons of purchaseable DLC and CDLC out… so ... why would i want songs i don´t ever play in my library? Furthermore unfortunately there is no chance to create multiple playlists in game – so keeping the library tidy is mandatory, esp. If you like modes like nonstop play. However after months it is done now – here is the how to remove single or all original songs from the song selection. # If you want to simply get rid of all the original implemented (and unlockable) songs of RS2014 or # If you wanna get rid of individual songs a little engeneering is needed, but fear not ist quite easy and done in a couple of mins… Of course your purchased DLC and CDLC are unaffected and still in game!!!! Lets mf go: you do have 2 options 1) You get a ROADIE [proudly presentin our tool] and let him do the work or 2) you go the manual way Create a working dir like c:\RSMODCopy your cache.psarc (placed in Rocksmith dir see above) file thereDownload the Custom Song Toolkit: http://builds.rscustom.net/master-ca31b7ec14/Windows.zip - latest builds always at http://www.rscustom.net/builds and extract to your C:\RSMODStart the toolkit RocksmithToolkitGUI.exeGo to Packer/Unpacker – press unpack – select cache.psarc and the c:\RSMOD as target.http://i61.tinypic.com/2nimuty.jpg You have a cache_Pc dir now in your working dir – go therehttp://i60.tinypic.com/2462lmr.jpg Download this file and put it in there – otherwise you won´t be able to repack!!!Download 7zip archiver http://www.7-zip.org/a/7z938-x64.msi or 32bit from http://www.7-zip.org/download.html. Install andstart 7-Zip File Manager - inside go to your workingdir\cache_Pc\;and hit enter on cache7.7zhttp://i62.tinypic.com/29zbuad.jpg Go to \manifests\songs – here we areHit F4 on the songs.hsan file to open editor (if not automatically select notepad from list) – thats the magic file.REMOVE ANY SONG YOU WANT :ph34r: - the pic below pretty much says it all – use the search (Ctrl-F) to find the first arrangement remove the entire highlited block – CAVE: a song consists of 4 or 5 arrangements „lead“, „rhythm“, „bass“, „vocals“ ev. "combo" – each has to be removed so use search to do it properly.http://i57.tinypic.com/2mpctxu.jpg Watch out – the file reading seems to be very very strict – if you mess up a little the game won´t load or all songs will be hidden.If you are after #removing all songs - your final file should look like that:http://i59.tinypic.com/2qvb4gl.jpg thats all - you can just copy paste that !!!!!!: { "Entries" : "InsertRoot" : "Static.Songs.Headers" } When you are done - save, exit the editor and confirm editing of archive.Back to the Toolkit - Pack - select the cache_Pc dir as sourceenter "cache" in working dir as output.If you get an error - you didnt place the file in the dir Congrats you have your new modified cache.psarc in your working dir – copy to your Rocksmith dir after renaming your original there.Start the game and testPress thx ;)Admin note: Do not share the cache.psarc on the forum. - FOR THE RS1 DISK SONGS: Same procedure files: rs1compatibilitydisc_p.psarc rs1compatibilitydisc_p_Pc\manifests\songs_rs1disc\songs_rs1disc.hsan cheers! I think the most reasonable thing would be to add this modding functionality to the song manager about to be released – i´m gonna talk to the devs if thats possible, else it wouldnt be neurosurgery to build a little tool reading out the songs.hsan file and make the list confortably editable. If anyone is a quick coder shoot - i´d be more than happy if we had that asap. done. Upcoming?: Guide for removing single Songs from the imported RS1 Disc done. Thx to everyone joining in on the journey with tips, tests and ideas!!! Report back about your success, or if you need any help! Rock on! and make sure to donate and also buy some original dlc!
    1 point
  21. Following the discusssion here about bass recognition problem below C1 note and possible creation of 5 strings bass part here is the tutorial to get the recognition to work and to actually make possible a 5 strings bass part in Rocksmith 2014! I. Bass recognition workaround First off, it's only necessary to do this when the bass part have note below the C1. Which means any B Standard or lower and C# drop B and lower tuning need to go through this operation. Step 1 : EOF Tuning change Select the bass part (Song -> Track -> Part Real_Bass or Part Real_Bass_22)Change the tuning (Track -> Pro Guitar -> Set Tuning) following the rule belowFor each strings, the number will be equal to the number of half steps below E standard plus 12. Exemple : for B standard each fret is 5 half steps below standard (-5 in EOF) so you will indicate in eof -5+12=7 for all the strings Note that when you import a GP file EOF take the tuning from it, so you will just have to add 12 to the number indicated in EOF. Say NO when EOF ask you to transposeNote that the strings name should keep the same in EOF, or it means that you didn't add 12 Step 2 : Toolkit tuning Add the bass arrangementDon't change the tuning (it import the one from EOF)Change the Tuning Pitch to 220 (the toolkit indicate an offset of -1200.00 and the note will A3 instead of A4Do everything else as alwaysStep 3 : Enjoy! II. 5 strings bass Step 1 : EOF 5 strings bass part Disclaimer : Create your 5 strings bass part in EOF in a guitar part as you will usually do with any partFor the tuning, if you've imported it from a GP file you don't have anything to do. If you've created the part in EOF, change the tuning in EOF just by getting the name of the strings right (doesn't care for the higher strings if you kept 6 strings in EOF) The standard for 5 and 6 strings bass would give the following tuning in EOF : Step 2 : Toolkit bass part Add a new arrangementSelect your xml file containing the 5 strings bass partType : GuitarName : Lead or Rythm, it will just change where it will be in rocksmithTuning : Should be the same as in EOFCheck the bonus arrangement if you don't want the bass part to be too easy to start with a guitar because a guitar won't be able to play it!Change the tuning pitch to 220 instead of 440.Do as usual for the tone.Step 3 : Enjoy! Warning : A guitar player won't be able to play it normally (maybe if you have a pedal that allow you to play as low as a bass)Alert the player that this is available, Rocksmith absolutely doesn't alert you by himself!Rocksmith used the lower tuning between the normal arrangement and the bonus one for sorting by tuning so if the bass use a lower tuning (based on the number set in EOF) than the guitar arrangement, RS will indicate the bass tuning! I forgot to mention the men that made all of this possible by his findings : Ross A big thanks to him!
    1 point
  22. Hey all, I'm taking a leave of absence for about a month. (I'll be around to monitor, etc). I have a wrist surgery scheduled today @ noon EST. Obviously I won't be able to play guitar, type, do basic functions for awhile until I get my cast removed and my hand is healed. (FYI: I have a cyst on top of a nerve on my left wrist which is my primary hand...and surprisingly I play guitar right handed) Hopefully everything goes perfect. My wonderful staff here at CustomsForge will take care of the site while I am in recovery/rehab. And yes, a month or so without guitar is going to drive me literally insane. My calluses will go away and everything :( But I'm looking forward to even getting better after the surgery! See you all in a month. - Mark edit: I'm recovering now and they said it was huge! Thanks for all of the support. edit2: 4/16/2015 Update New cast and a new prescription of oxy for the pain. I've been dealing with pain but I do have full movement coming back to my hand. I just can't use it for another two weeks and I have a follow up in 4 weeks. Thanks for all your messages. Here's a cast I wish you all could sign for me :) http://i.imgur.com/sIwjoma.jpg
    1 point
  23. Don't know where that little X snuck in. Gonna get rid of that X and try and reach at least 95 before Saturday morning. http://i.imgur.com/q6kkUqz.png
    1 point
  24. Just found this form AMAZING community so far! Just my luck I join up when you have surgery. Hope you have a speedy recovery glad there is plenty of new content to hold me over!!
    1 point
  25. Just some terrible playing... http://s8.postimg.org/d16eu6fk5/2015_04_16_00001.jpg http://s30.postimg.org/hwj1hlm4h/2015_04_16_00002.jpg
    1 point
  26. Hahaha, im pretty sure its from me taking a screen shot as soon as i see the streak and the accuracy pop up xD
    1 point
  27. No improve on Hurt lead so I tried Hollow Rhyt again : http://i61.tinypic.com/155rj90.jpg
    1 point
  28. Purple?!? I thought that that was a grey skid mark left behind by software glitch. I always thought that was grey too :(
    1 point
  29. Not enjoying this at all :angry: I know sometimes i'm muting high e with my hand, but even playing at 20% when i make a concious effort to not mute, Rocksmith still misses it.....grrr. Even the strummy chord sections give me heaps of misses. This to maintain diehard status only. I'm going back to fine tune "Smells like teen spirit" http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ptdwsrm2zixu76v/221680_2015-04-16_00001.png?dl=0
    1 point
  30. My best wishes dude! I hope to see you recovered soon.
    1 point
  31. I'll have to check that out later, for now its time to do some work :| And yeah, i just love older rock/hard rock stuff (and some good Metal in between ;) ) I would have chosen SRV too, but he's sometimes sooo freakin hard to play...(Pride and Joy, Rude Mood etc) Mary had a Little Lamb is more on the easier side of his songs, so thats really cool. We definitely need more blues songs on here! cheers!
    1 point
  32. I can't investigate your issue during the next two weeks (holidays far from home)
    1 point
  33. I really enjoyed to "play" drums on GH, (I have 2 plastic drums sets). I've guess (With Rocksmith 2012 when i've seen EOF supporting Rocksmith too) if it would be possible to play real drums on RS, I've brainstorm on the idea & i'm sure it's possible. in fact with this: The third Way to Chart Customs (With Guitar Hero/Rockband/PS/Frets on fire templates) http://customsforge.com/topic/2882-the-third-way-to-chart-customs-with-guitar-herorockbandpsfrets-on-fire-templates/ We already have some GH & RB Drums rips (Bluzer's rips contains them), the team on Phase Shift seems to have found a corresponding between the GH/RB notes & real Drums. In my mind the Drum project would be a bonus guitar part or bass to allow 2 players to play together. There's limitations of course: - You'll have to have 2 Real Tone Cables, 1 for the real guitarist & 1 for the "Dummy tuning" pass/check. (The game think you'll play Guitar or bass & launch the notes) - The score will not increase (no note recognition) - No DD (only maxx diff) - It may be not perfect in therm of numbers of toms/cymbals (but it can be enhanced if needed). (GH support double pedals, 2 cymbals & 3 toms), the note position is already PERFECT with the rips (& should match to real drums (needs to be tested with a real drumkit) The idea would be to play without DD & use the 6 Strings colors (& recognizable open notes & numbers etc (if needs more toms etc..)). As i don't want to be murdered by my neighborhood, i unfortunately won't buy a real Drum Kit, so i won't be able to deeply support the project, but i share with you my ideas on the subject, people can give ther ideas too to enhance the concept. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131107032539/disney/images/7/75/AnimalEatingDrumsticks.png
    1 point
  34. @@Latsch do you have the latest version in your dlc folder? I added those notes alongside little fixes when it was selected to the Championship :D Btw mate I really dig in your song selections in the RC as well, seems we have similar musical taste :)
    1 point
  35. Made this one video today :) Tried to have some fun with it! [sharedmedia=videos:videos:1633]
    1 point
  36. Score for DHM status. Because unlike this a boring song, half time nothing to play, and low quality cdlc, terrible tone. http://i.imgur.com/PvqmQsZ.jpg
    1 point
  37. @ That's the trick with (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth. It should be painful as the name indicates. That was the only song from Kill'Em'All I was skipping and not listening to. And I will be doing so, it's painful to hear, but it's damn mastery of Cliff Burton :D
    1 point
  38. 4 t l http://i60.tinypic.com/kdlgnq.jpg
    1 point
  39. one quick start on da riddim http://i62.tinypic.com/28mei3p.jpg
    1 point
  40. Mary Had a Little Lamb on Bass - I've only made it up to 91% so far. I'll try to work more kinks out before trying Score Attack.
    1 point
  41. Mary Had A Little Lamb Bass need to get behind that guitar. the bass line definitely is fun!
    1 point
  42. Great bass line. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Mary%20Had%20a%20little%20Lamb%20BASS%209433_zpsyuuwxpsf.jpg
    1 point
  43. Well zuca230 definitely needs a helping hand... And yes, the whole concept is a good idea by the way !
    1 point
  44. Do you have active pickups by any chance? If you do try and change the battery. And do as 2groggy said and try all your different usb sockets.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. @@Daikano Awesome job, have got this working on my daughters volin :) Bought a piezo pickup from ebay cheap as chips and works fine. Currently a large skinhead is playing a 3/4 size pink violin lmao
    1 point
  47. Hello! Your project just amazing. I think you can send your idea to Ubisoft and maybe they'll make a new game with strings (cello, violin and viola). So, I learned to play violin for 7 years and I can help you if you want. For example, you can using some guitar techniques for violin (palm mute = staccato, hammer on and pull off = legato, tapping = pizzicato). You can ask me if you have some questions. I'll try to help you with this ambitious project.
    1 point
  48. to add riff repeater at each new section of the song you select the beat marker and then in eof you go under the beat menu down to rocksmith and add phrase/section then repeat at each new part of the song. thats all there is to it. Its pretty simple really compared to the other stuff. Also once you do that in the toolkit you can load the track in the ddc tab and it will create dynamic difficulty for you.
    1 point
  49. It is frustrating and time consuming at first but once you have it down it doesnt really take that long to create a song for rocksmith. Plus its really cool to see youtube videos of someone on the other side of the planet playing a rocksmith song you created for people. So dont give up!
    1 point
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