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xDatBoiSOBLE last won the day on April 16 2015

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About xDatBoiSOBLE

  • Birthday 04/26/1991

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    United States
  • Guitar
    Jackson Dinky Hardtail
  • Bass
    Ibanez GSR100
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. Happy Birthday xDatBoiSOBLE!

  2. Happy Birthday xDatBoiSOBLE!

  3. What site are you downloading from? (Example: Mediafire, Dropbox, Sendspace etc?) I am aware of Dropbox accidently downloading multiple files at once. I found out that if you wait too long to click the download button it will automatically download the file for you. Maybe this is the cause?
  4. http://i.imgur.com/ptExcME.jpg MY FINGERS THEY BLEED :(
  5. http://i.imgur.com/5ln3wpd.jpg Tie for first...just gotta get my streak up! :D Edit: Nevermind, just looked at the recent posts..... :(
  6. My first attempt. Dont be fooled with the 3 attempts, im assuming its counting the other CDLC i had for this song. http://i.imgur.com/Hk7Y6FV.jpg
  7. Well that version i just downloaded and the current version for the championship looks like a copy paste to me. Except the version i JUST downloaded has HORRIBLE sync issues....oh well worth a shot.
  8. I admire your drive to try and fix someone elses problem, but its a pretty difficult song...which in turn would just take longer to learn in shorter time. :(
  9. Im happy its rush, but why not change it for another rush song of equal difficulty? Maybe Anthem? Its got some fun bass riffs. I found another file of working man here ---> http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/working-man-r1401i'll test it out and see if its at least do-able for bass. If not i feel we really need a song change.
  10. I dont agree with this weeks MC Bass song. The notes are so wrong in so many places its not even fun to play, i gave up after halfway because i just couldn't take it anymore. Maybe we need to decide on a new song...All in favor? say I.
  11. http://i.imgur.com/srg7hr2.jpg Little bit of an improvement. My hand seems to give out about halfway over :/
  12. http://i.imgur.com/8Ry6vZl.jpg I made the mistake of NOT warming up, these cramps are the reason lol. Still a decent score.
  13. Humble Bundle is running an Ubisoft Sale right now!! Rocksmith 2014 is currently being sold for $20/€10 and some change, if you haven't picked up this game yet what are you waiting for?? Head on over to the store and do yourself a favor! https://www.humblebundle.com/store/p/rocksmith2014_storefront If you want to find it even cheaper you can always head out to DLGamer to find a steam key for $15/€7,5 http://www.dlgamer.us/download-rocksmith_2014-pc_games-p-21588.html
  14. Nice man, im going to go ahead and keep playing...you're creeping a little too close lol.
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