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Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship!

-= Week 553 / Da Capo week 415 and 347 =-
Theme Week: 90s Deep Cuts

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=> Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules

Previous' week Winners are:

- Beginner: @jimmy655 (98)
- Intermediate: @Satinuke (95)
- Advanced: @cacahuate51 (98.98)
- Masterclass: @RaZrShReD (90)
- God of Guitar: Leader after week 1 is @RaZrShReD (96), 3 weeks left... KEEP ROCKING!!!

- Beginner: @ lowender 
- Intermediate: @loudly (97.96)
- Advanced: @cacahuate51 (99.1)
- Masterclass: @LuZifeR (93)

- Beginner: LOST TROPHY!
- Intermediate: @AndreCardoso (99.74)
- Advanced: @lowender (99.57)
- Masterclass: @Rodman (99.84)
- God of Bass: Leader after week 1 is @direct3r (99), 3 weeks left... KEEP ROCKING!!!



Congrats to all winners. Well done!



More great news. There are players to be promoted to higher rank this week.

- @cacahuate51 is promoted to Masterclass class in Rhythm path.

Congratulations and good luck with new challenges!
In case the above players do not accept promotion, please advise accordingly in the post so we can revert back to previous Class.

This week's songs are:

Lead Path:
Beginner: The Offspring - Original Prankster (4^) (E Standard) selected by week 347
Intermediate: The Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise (5*) (Eb Standard) selected by week 415
Advanced: Radiohead - Lucky (6.5) (E Standard) selected by week 415
Advanced Bonus: Rage Against The Machine - Fistful Of Steel (6.5) (E Standard) selected by week 415
Masterclass: Pearl Jam - Porch (7) (E Standard) selected by week 415
Masterclass Bonus: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Easily (7.5) (E Standard) selected by week 415
God of Guitar: Sabaton - The War To End All Wars (Full Album) (10) (E Standard) selected by Razrshred [Week 2 of 4]

Rhythm Path:
Beginner: The Offspring - Original Prankster (4^) (E Standard) selected by week 347
Intermediate: The Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise (5*) (Custom Tuning) selected by week 415
Advanced: Rage Against The Machine - Fistful Of Steel (6) (E Standard) selected by week 415
Masterclass: Pearl Jam - Porch (7) (E Standard) selected by week 415

Bass Path:
Beginner: The Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise (4^) (Eb Standard) selected by week 415
Intermediate: The Offspring - Original Prankster (6^) (E Standard) selected by week 347
Intermediate Bonus: Rage Against The Machine - Fistful Of Steel (6^) (E Standard) selected by week 415
Advanced: Radiohead - Lucky (6.5) (E Standard) selected by week 415
Advanced Bonus: Pearl Jam - Porch (7.5^) (E Standard) selected by week 415
Masterclass: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Easily (8) (E Standard) selected by week 415
God of Bass: Sabaton - The War To End All Wars (Full Album) (10) (B Standard) [Week 2 of 4]

(N) - difficulty rating
(N*) - highest difficulty rating for the class (promotion to higher class possible)
(N^) - difficulty rating higher than the highest for the class (promotion possible)

Check current week Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard

You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here
NEW! - easly add songs even on your mobile!:
Add Song Suggestion

Song Suggestions List available to view here: Google Sheets Spreadsheet

Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).

Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggy
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As always, it is with great pleasure that I am hosting this week!!!
This time is a Da Capo week, since I didn't have time to do a selection. 

It is my first time I am hosting a Da Capo week. I was looking for a week with mostly valid links and songs not played in other weeks, and found this. 

I recognized instantly that it was a 90s themed week, and indeed it was! It originally had an Oasis song with no valid link, and I changed it to an Offspring song from the year 2000, so I cheated a bit!!

Here is the original post of the themed week by  @ jellisjenius


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The following Players have no Class assigned in specified paths:

@ jimmy655  : Lead, Beginner / Rhythm, Intermediate

@ pedropmf  Lead, Advanced / Rhythm, Intermediate / Rhythm, Advanced

I will have to generate the winners list again, so please confirm your classes! 

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1 minute ago, aNDESmASAMUNE said:


The following Players have no Class assigned in specified paths:

@ jimmy655  : Lead, Beginner / Rhythm, Intermediate

@ pedropmf  Lead, Advanced / Rhythm, Intermediate / Rhythm, Advanced

I will have to generate the winners list again, so please confirm your classes! 

Confirming:  Lead, Beginner / Rhythm, Intermediate... thanks... JS 

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4 minutes ago, aNDESmASAMUNE said:


The following Players have no Class assigned in specified paths:

@ jimmy655  : Lead, Beginner / Rhythm, Intermediate

@ pedropmf  Lead, Advanced / Rhythm, Intermediate / Rhythm, Advanced

I will have to generate the winners list again, so please firmed rm your classes! 

First congrats to last week winners. I couldnt beat Rodman on master bass... I did approximately 1,5M on score attack. I have the screen shot and if I still can put it on last week, just for some kind of general championship score, told me. If don't, it's ok.

Lead advanced, and rithm advanced (gonna try, of course). In fact, in the very beginning of this championship (before week 50, I thought), I tried to play the intermediate songs in lead path, but I didn't put my scores here because I thought that you only accept score attack and there, it is difficult to me to play a song because game not recognize some of my chords (probably it have to do with my poor hability on guitar). Than I come to bass lines. But I have seen that a lot of people here put it's scores at normal play mode. So let me ask u a question: score attack "worth" more than when we play on normal mode?


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Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.
Acts 3:19 NIV


1 hour ago, pedropmf said:

First congrats to last week winners. I couldnt beat Rodman on master bass... I did approximately 1,5M on score attack. I have the screen shot and if I still can put it on last week, just for some kind of general championship score, told me. If don't, it's ok.

Lead advanced, and rithm advanced (gonna try, of course). In fact, in the very beginning of this championship (before week 50, I thought), I tried to play the intermediate songs in lead path, but I didn't put my scores here because I thought that you only accept score attack and there, it is difficult to me to play a song because game not recognize some of my chords (probably it have to do with my poor hability on guitar). Than I come to bass lines. But I have seen that a lot of people here put it's scores at normal play mode. So let me ask u a question: score attack "worth" more than when we play on normal mode?

I think it should be ok to post late scores. Just don't expect to win because well..the chapionship ended of that week. But sometimes its good to share regardless.

thats unfortunate that it has worse score recognition for you in score attack..sa is probably one of my favorite modes cause its clear when you miss. Shouldnt matter if you post score attack or normal mode. score attack just gives you the % to two decimal digits which may be what wins you the week...aska (your score attack) 98.86 - 98.85 (other contestant)  vs (normal mode) 98.8- 98.5 (other contestant) .

tbh not sure how it rounds up if it does or not... i just know sa is suggested but not nesecceray.

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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)


Here is my first try at rithm advanced one. By this week, i will post another paths, if i have time, of course...

Sorry, I posted in wrong place.


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Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.
Acts 3:19 NIV



pretty challenging for a begginer song

i realized i forgot to take picture a bit too late for bass
not sure if its the tuning but also pretty hard to 100
also pretty hard xd
i think this song for rhythm and bass should be int.. not that hard. the lead definatley advanced for the solo
dang looks like i didnt take picture of bass either smh

intro is wild. not sure how i could get 96 and 98 at same time? pretty weird
yea.... i think im gonna struggle for a couple weeks in master class xD but ill accept the challenge

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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

15 hours ago, aNDESmASAMUNE said:



  Yes, it's strange, in the leaderboard there are no scores for the Cruachan song in rhythm and bass paths, but there are for lead. 🤔

  I don't know if it's related to some typo error that Rodman modified, but then it's strange that only rhythm and bass have an error...

On 5/21/2024 at 6:15 PM, Rodman said:

There was a typo in the Cruachan song... fixed

shall now be recognised

In any case, it is possible that the scores will have to be entered manually.


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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer
46 minutes ago, Mikson said:

  Yes, it's strange, in the leaderboard there are no scores for the Cruachan song in rhythm and bass paths, but there are for lead. 🤔

  I don't know if it's related to some typo error that Rodman modified, but then it's strange that only rhythm and bass have an error...

In any case, it is possible that the scores will have to be entered manually.

Dammit! I found the typo - fixed it BUT ONLY IN LEAD (!).

Thx for investigating and fixing!

Great work!



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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


4 minutes ago, Rodman said:

Dammit! I found the typo - fixed it BUT ONLY IN LEAD (!).

Thx for investigating and fixing!

Great work!


That's what I assumed, anyway I entered missing scores for rhythm and bass. 

There is no winner in the beginner bass anyway, but in the beginner rhythm @ lowender won, so @ aNDESmASAMUNE  please update the winner list.

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