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Bands You've Been In


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Just wondering what bands you've been in or are in at the moment..?


I was in a dodgy Punk band from 94 to 96, The Exiles From Pluto (lol). Did a few gigs but left because they weren't interested in doing them that much. They just saw it as a way of getting away from their wives/girlfriends during practice lol.


There was a guy that was doing a sound engineering course who gave us free studio time to use our recordings as his end of year project. Here's a link to the set list


Favourites amongst the people that used to see us were Alien, Where The Fields Are Green, I Lay You To Rest and Take Me To Your Leader, which was our finale.


Our first gig we played in front of 128 people and our following 5 or 6 gigs we averaged 70-80 people so we couldn't have been that bad lol


After that I was in a band with Sabbathy influences which was much more up my street but just as we were about to do a recording to send out CDs to get gigs the drummer bottled it and things kind of fell apart after that. So from 98 to 2013 I didn't play the bass at all, and had to sell them because I needed the cash.


Then in 2013 I discovered Rocksmith and have started playing the guitar. When playing the bass with The Exiles From Pluto I had the only solo in the whole set, it was pretty boring because the rest of the band weren't happy with me improvising it, but I quite like the idea of doing solos so am doing the Lead path.


So what bands have you been in..?


(Sorry for the novel lol)

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I was in marching band in '86...  and nothing since then!  


At 35, a friend invited me over to his place to check out "Rock Band".  I thought it was a big joke, until I got rolling and played real songs (I'd assumed it wouldn't be music I'd enjoy).  Within a week, I picked up Rockband2 for the Wii...  Later when my wife and I upgraded to a ps3, I picked up many of the various RB titles.  After a year of that, I retired my plastic guitar, bought a house, and focused on generic PC gaming.


Then in October, a friend starts talking about this new Rocksmith version that is coming out and all the improvements.  He preorders and I frequently see him ingame.  I have a coworker with a spare Kramer who doesn't play electric.  Then I see RS1 for sale for $7.50 on black friday (no cable).  So I gave things a shot.


Now I've bought a MIM Fender, and trying to train my fingers to learn these silly chords.



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in the mid 90ties i was in a acoustic band "the accidental Tourists", we made our own songs, did a few gigs, and it was quite fun


 the beginning of 200x.. played for a shit load of bikerclub with  "Oppossum", we called ourselves... AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Purple... good old classic Rock   Hell yeah. Was F... Great

Played all over Denmark (and then i moved to the nederlands, buts that another story)


Right now I go out with myself and my acoustic (we started as a duo) hence the name "Ugle Naked Guys",,   plying old seventies stuff.... o lot of gigs, but do miss a power chord

Im the lead singer in a rather new band, playing Eagles, ZZ top and such... not that many songs yet, and only playing the rythm guitar in that one (as of now)... and no name yet... "Vintage" would fit quite well

Old guys just having a good time with music


Having fun with RS, and trying to get faster, and some tecknique stuff.... I run my guitar through a A/B/Y switch. that way i can run into the PC, and the same time through my effeckt board and into the Tubeamp.... Really R´N´R   Hell Yeah !!!

playing quite loud...as rock should be played...

GB guitars "Performer" w. JB humbucker. Other guitars : Manne Design Ventura R, Epiphone Les paul std from 90ties, VHT tube amp 4x8" cab, Line POD Pro

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Oppossum sounds just my cup of tea. I used to work in a biker's pub that had live bands like that 3 times per week, and when bands weren't playing the jukebox full of rock and metal songs was turned up to 11. I really miss those days although that combined with the two bands I was in years ago means my hearing is pretty fucked lol.

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I played guitar in a band called Surrender Dorothy in the early '90s in New Orleans. In the mid 90's it was bass with the Steve Walther Orchestra in Boston. Late 90s early 00s found me playing bass with garageDogs in Boston and then Los Angeles. I was lucky enough to play many epic gigs at some epic venues. Now I am having a blast with rs14.


Edit: should read, Now I am having a blast with rs14 playing with almost any band I want to thanks to cdlc contrbutors. Thanks!

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Im in a crossover pop-punk/metalcore band (sounds weird, works great) atm, well, putting one together. I'm actually one of the lead singers ( we have two, I do clean and unclean while the other guy just does clean), but I do a majority of the writing, most of the guitar and all of the bass parts to the songs we have have been written by me. I hope Rocksmith can make me better at both so I can be a better songwriter

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I've never been in one yet lol... even though I would like to, no one around my area seems to like Heavy Metal and the heavier sub-genres.

Guitars owned:

Schecter Damien Platinum-6 FR (EMG 85-81) | Ibanez GRG20Z | B.C. Rich NJ Deluxe Warbeast (EMG 85-81) | Jackson Pro King V KVT (Duncan SH-6).


Playing since:

November 11, 2013.


Favorite Genre:

Heavy Metal \m/ (specifically Death Metal, Power Metal, etc. and the heavier stuff) 



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Awesome Plum, .. great video mate ;)

Who was the blond at the start :grin:  lmao


its been a while since i played with a band, we used to play various covers (ACDC, Foo Fighters, Green Day etc etc etc etc.....)

when i can find my damn videos i might post one to enter the spirit of things :)

Wife, Guitars, Music ... In That Order :p

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Well here you go... I was in this band until about 18 months ago (yes its me playing).  I quit cause I now have too many kids and not enough time :) 

  Can't work out how to display a vid, only the url.  Maybe I don't have privilages?
Nice PC Plum. Are you on bass? Here is one of my favorite gigs.http://m.youtube.com/home Be warned, this us the whole show. Starts with Patti Smith. I love that.
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back in '09 i helped a friend re-record some old songs of his and also wrote some new ones in the process. we had plans to keep it going, but as usual life gets in the way of the best made plans. here are the songs if interested https://www.facebook.com/pages/Losing-Aura/252111404902?id=252111404902&sk=app_178091127385. My friend called them his pussy pop fuck rock songs.

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I have fond memories of playing in my high school rock band.  Me and two of my cousins would make up songs and then record them on a tape recorder.  We got a drummer and started playing shows that we would arrange, advertise, and set up ourselves.  A lot of people would come and after a while we were getting better and better.  We probably wrote over a hundred songs and played all over at schools, in barns, and in peoples back yards.  We even felt like rock stars when cops would come because of complaints about noise.  It was great.  We played a show on the night before our high school graduation and one show a little later and that was it.  We all had to get jobs and settle down.  I miss those days.  

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