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Posts posted by GeoAbraxas

  1. I don't 100% things much but got a few this week and definitely could get the Black Keys song up to 100, I believe I just happened to miss the very first note or two of the playthrough.








    Not sure if I'll get a chance to play much the rest of the week but I didn't much care for playing either the Advanced or MC songs this week. Fine to listen to, but it just didn't connect with my playing so it's doubtful I'll really try to push these up much at all. 

    • Like 2
  2. Not had much luck getting any game/guitar in this week, work is killing me again these days. 

    The game did not want to pick up open notes for this song for some reason. It's where I think all my misses were:


    Paranoid is just the poster child that simple != bad. It's just super fun to play:


    99% to the game, 54% to the ear:


    This one reminds me of The Trees where I feel like it's more that it's hard because it's just a fun song to play, and not fun because it's hard, if you get what I mean (which I played immediately after this song because I just got such good vibes off it):



    I doubt I'll be able to get any guitar in this week, but I might be able to get another bass pass in.

    • Like 3
  3. I didn't choose the Encanto song specifically because it would be either a love/hate thing for people but after I picked it I realized it probably would be. Maybe it is a "I watched the movie thing" but I love the whole soundtrack to the movie and it's actually a pretty great watch, but I've liked the more modern Disney movies more than most of the 90s stuff I grew up with. 

    I'm gonna try to get a bit more playing in today if I can, I will probably focus on bass since I think that's probably the best overall path this week. Might try to get more practice for rhythm in The Tower just because I love that song so much.

    I'll probably try to pick more Dickinson solo stuff for my weeks because it eclipses everything Maiden put out in the 90s at the same time. Tyranny of Souls obviously overlaps his return and is in my mind probably the weakest of his solo stuff, but I still like it.

    • Like 2
  4. @ nlbsmglsk  @ someotherbruce  - I have not tried to use Linux in a long time but there's some details here - https://github.com/theNizo/linux_rocksmith - on setting up Rocksmith in Ubuntu through Proton and while it looks like it could be various levels of unfun audio routing stuff, the page does say that most of the normal instructions for Rocksmith in Linux do introduce a fair amount of lag but there are some options that can eliminate that. Just thought I would share that just in case you haven't run across it before.

    @ Lilumina  - I would recommend playing in Score Attack when you consistently hit 98-99% accuracy as it's a matter of the tenths or hundreths of a percent that could push you to winning the week. Additionally, if you and someone else score 100% the winner is whomever has the highest score, no score = no win in that case.

    @ Mikson  - I definitely, accidentally fudged up one or two difficulty bits and the Maneskin song definitely fell into the wrong category. Judging song difficulties when one may not be 100% in charge of their faculties is perhaps not always the best option.

    • Thanks 1
  5. @ Mikson Thanks for that, I meant to do that myself but with the troubles posting the week and other things going on it ended up passing my mind.

    I was going to post some scores from my playtime this morning but I apparently forgot how to play guitar today so I'm not overly invested in embarrassing myself more than I already have. Tomorrow's another day though!

    • Like 2
  6. Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship!

    -= Week 451 =-

    FAQ: => How and Why join the Championships?

    => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules

    Sorry for the late start everyone. Computers are no one's friend, remember that.

    Last week's winners:

    - Beginner: @kayteck (96)
    - Intermediate: @Dollar Thief (99)
    - Advanced: @Mikson (86.47)
    - Masterclass: @Bottledpat12 (95.46)

    - Beginner: LOST TROPHY
    - Intermediate: @austywells (90)
    - Advanced: @Mikson (98)

    - Beginner: LOST TROPHY
    - Intermediate: @kayteck (100)
    - Intermediate Bonus: @kayteck (98)
    - Advanced: @Mikson (98.91)
    - Masterclass: @coldrampage (99)


    Congrats to all winners. Well done!

    Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard

    This week's songs are:

    Lead Path:
    Beginner: 5 Seconds of Summer - Teeth (3.5) selected by Daz40
    Intermediate: Maneskin - Zitti e Buoni (6) selected by Mikson
    Advanced: Encanto - Waiting on a Miracle (6.5) selected by GeoAbraxas
    Masterclass: Bruce Dickinson - The Tower (8) selected by GeoAbraxas

    Rhythm Path:
    Beginner: 5 Seconds of Summer - Teeth (3) selected by Daz40
    Intermediate: Maneskin - Zitti e Buoni (5.5) selected by Mikson
    Advanced: Bruce Dickinson - The Tower (6) selected by GeoAbraxas
    Masterclass: Encanto - Waiting on a Miracle (8) selected by GeoAbraxas

    Bass Path:
    Beginner: Encanto - Waiting on a Miracle (4) selected by GeoAbraxas
    Intermediate: 5 Seconds of Summer - Teeth (5) selected by Daz40
    Advanced: Maneskin - Zitti e Buoni (7) selected by Mikson
    Masterclass: Bruce Dickinson - The Tower (8) selected by GeoAbraxas


    I hope everyone enjoys, a few difficulties this week feel a bit more malleable than others I've put together so give them all a shot and have fun.


    Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


    Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police:

    Let us know your opinions on the accuracy of the difficulty scores (1-10) for this weeks songs.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 4
  7. Didn't get too many chances for guitar this week, work is killing me and my only time to play guitar is to wake up at 4-5am before my wife/kids get up so I get a couple hours in but age is catching up to me. Was super easy to exist on 4 hours of sleep every night in my 20s but as I look at my 40s approaching this year, turns out I might need a bit more sleep to exist.

    My bad attempts this week:

    Beginner Lead



    Advanced Lead


    MC Lead



    Beginner Rhythm - The Church



    MC Rhythm


    Finished by doing Rhythm path for Welcome Home (Sanitarium) and getting 98% and then felt better about my playing a bit.

    • Like 2
  8. Bass kind of week for me

    David Bowie - Definitely should have 100% this, just ended up plucking the A string instead of the E at one point early in the song. Will probably give this another couple shots later since through a series of unfortunate issues (mainly skill related), I rarely 100% songs.



    Billie Eilish - Decent song really. Not a fan of waiting half of it to actually play so probably won't play again. (pretty sure if you go to riff repeater and just immediately choose to resume song you start at the beginning and it will track properly, but, meh).



    Maximum the Horomone - Went into it blind and had no idea what to expect and still got hit out of left field. Second run went much better but I can't slap on my bass (low action + high bridge pickup = dead strings for slapping) or in general, so there's a chunk there I'll only ever get to do so well at. Probably leave this one as is also.


    • Like 2
  9. Since the game I'm playing decided it didn't want me to play it anymore I managed to pick up my guitar and bass this morning. (The game is Vampyr and I managed to run into a rare, unfixable bug that is resolved by starting the game over again and hoping I don't run into it once more. Kinda done with it after that).

    Iron Maiden - Bass


    Iron Maiden - Alternate Rhythm


    The Trammps - Bass


    Been a bit since I played too much bass but I thought I did okay for myself. I'll be upgrading from an AMD FX 8320 to a Ryzen 2600x in a couple weeks, so I hope that smooths out my framerate and any latency issues and might nudge my numbers up just a bit.

    • Like 5
  10. 5 hours ago, jellisjenius said:


    I have to disagree with you slightly though on difficulty. There is subjectivity in the ratings, but they should always be compared to other weeks/ratings when possible so there is a consistent standard of what constitutes beg/int/adv/mc.

    That is true, there needs to be a general sense of consistency, I found the bass in New Orleans in Sinking quite a bit harder than most here are saying which is a bit odd, maybe it was where I was at the time of testing or just a technique/genre thing? Hopefully tomorrow or the next day I can fit at least a bit more time in and play it a few times and see if I can see what everyone else seems to.

    When I'm putting a week together I also want to throw in at least something that just directly appeals to me and maybe I missed the mark but I am happy that people seem to be enjoying it and a lot of people seem to not have heard the song/band before which is cool. I've had the song stuck in my head for going on 30 years, so at least it's also someone else's problem now too 😛

  11. Glad to see everyone enjoying the songs. My work has become...overwhelming, so it looks like I might not even get a chance to participate in my own week >.<

    Interesting to see other people's takes on the difficulty as well. it's such a subjective process.

    Just thought I'd add this to this post because in the past there were times I looked at the scores and thought "well I can't even potentially win this" and just didn't put the effort I should have done anyways. Below are the paths/difficulties that currently have no scores from players in that tier, if you're in that group you should definitely give the songs a playthrough:

    Lead: Rising Power (I)

    Rhythm: I am in Love With Myself (B)

    Lots of other weeks there's way more than just two by this time of the championship.


    Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship!

    -= Week 425 =-

    FAQ: => How and Why join the Championships?

    => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules

    Last week's winners:



    •     Beginner: No one I guess?
    •     Intermediate: @ Daz40
    •     Advanced:  @ Mikson
    •     Masterclass: n/a


    Congrats to all winners. Well done!

    Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard

    This week's songs are:

    Lead Path:

    Beginner: Tiamat - I Am In Love With Myself (3) chosen by me

    Intermediate: AC/DC - Rising Power (5) chosen by @ Toni-Wan Kenobi

    Advanced: Tragically Hip - New Orleans is Sinking (7.5) chosen by me

    Masterclass: Versailles - Masquerade (9) chosen by @ Snakewizard

    God of Guitar: Opeth - Deliverance chosen by @ nlbsmglsk week 2 of 2 


    Rhythm Path:

    Beginner: Tiamat - I Am In Love With Myself (2) chosen by me

    Intermediate: AC/DC - Rising Power (4) chosen by @ Toni-Wan Kenobi

    Advanced: Tragically Hip - New Orleans is Sinking (75) chosen by me

    Masterclass: Versailles - Masquerade (9) chosen by @ Snakewizard  (I know it's been a bit since a MC rhythm part was included but this is less rhythm and more second guitar part, lots of lead breaks).


    God of Rhythm: Opeth - Deliverance week 2 of 2 x


    Bass Path:

    Beginner: Tiamat - I Am In Love With Myself (3) chosen by me

    Intermediate: AC/DC - Rising Power (4) chosen by @ Toni-Wan Kenobi  (Forgot Intermediate bass starts at 5, not 4, until I was posting this. Not much I can do now, so enjoy).

    Advanced: Tragically Hip - New Orleans is Sinking (7) chosen by me

    Masterclass: Versailles - Masquerade (8) chosen by @ Snakewizard

    God of Bass:  Opeth - Deliverance week 2 of 2 


    You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here:



    Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


    Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police:

    Let us know your opinions on the accuracy of the difficulty scores (1-10) for this weeks songs.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 4
  13. 15 hours ago, Rodman said:

    First - thx! 2nd - You gotta go for it. Lack of time is relative, i bought the stuff in march for my bd early april... No rushing in no way. As with learning to play also here the way is the target completely. The tree is my friend here, yeah! I´m trying to honor it for good. You don´t need a lot of money or tools to start. Just try to grab some wood and start designing your guitar 😉

    Rock! R.

    It's on my list. I was gifted a Peavy Deuce VT 212 amp a little over 20 years ago that worked really well for some time but probably ~15 years ago the volume started cutting down about 50% every now and then. If I left it on for awhile it would work fine and then it started happening more and more so I figured the tubes were busted, replaced them and had no change in behaviour so it just sort of just moved around with me and I didn't play it. Probably about 5 years ago I seriously thought of refurbishing it because chances are over the 40 years it's been floating around some capacitor or whatnot probably popped so I can just do a rundown of everything and see what's burnt out, broken, etc. but life keeps getting in the way. 

    Really it's showing its age and I would like to fully redo it, so polish up the hardware, re-tolex it or whatever (I've seen projects where they left it as wood and while those people were very happy with it I thought they looked really bad), and maybe even something bigger but since it's been 5 years with me getting as far as dragging it into my workshop we'll see what ends up happening on that front.

    • Like 1
  14. The grain in the neck looks amazing. You gotta give it up to the tree here, it gave you an amazing base to work off of. This post is really making me want to build my own guitar, you're doing an great job and I love the documentation.  Lack of time, tools, and money is more than a little of an impedance for me at the moment, but I got a garage and a workshop so hopefully one day I can give it a whirl.

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