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Toni-Wan Kenobi

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Toni-Wan Kenobi last won the day on July 20 2020

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About Toni-Wan Kenobi

  • Birthday 05/07/1985

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    UK: England
  • Interests
  • Guitar
    Ibanez SA
  • Bass
    Fender Jazz Deluxe & Squier Jaguar
  • Favorite Bands
    Ween, Foo Fighters, Tool, Nirvana, Electric Six, Vulfpeck
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. I'm not sure this is a difficulty 9.I would lean more towards a 7.
  2. Hey everyone!! Here is what the updated Rankings look like right now. :eyes:
  3. RS are so so forgiving when attempting slap n pop. This should not be 89%! 97% is finger.
  4. I haven't played this song since it was charted. Rusty! Big Gun is rather tricky, needs a few plays to get familiar. Slapped an popped this, my slapping sounded pathetic, I'm surprised I got past 80% I can't even be arsed to practice this. I also think any finger-style attempt, none slap attempt, should be void.
  5. I was always told, any Bass path with slap and pop in it, is generally a 10. Which can probably stand for Can't Stop. If it was finger-style I'd count it as a 8. It's a hard one to grade and score as impossible to know who is genuinely playing it as intended. If I slap and popped this song I'd probably get 70% if I'm lucky :D
  6. Tough week for me. I don't like beg and Int songs, might try to improve Big Gun, but that's probably unlikely :D
  7. The don't work for me either, only link to work is Testman. My ad ublock,r blocks them, which isn't normal.
  8. It's on sucka! I'm loading up RS and grabbing my weapon!
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