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    GNR, Aerosmith
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  1. Hi All I love Foo Fighters songs also. Those guys are one of my favorite band. Here are my results: Inter Lead: Inter Rhythm: Br.: Balage
  2. Hi All today result: Inter Lead: Br.: Balage
  3. Little improvement. Inter Lead: Br.: Balage
  4. Hi All, this week results. Inter Lead: Inter Rhythm: Br.:Balage
  5. Hi All here are my results. Inter Lead: Inter Rhythm: Br.: Balage
  6. Hi All my results for this week: Inter Lead: Inter Rhythm: Br.: Balage
  7. Hi All this week results: Inter Lead: Inter Rhythm: Br.: Balage
  8. Hi All this week reults. Inter Lead: Inter Rhythm: Br.: Balage
  9. Hi All This week results: Inter Lead: Br. Balage
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