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Hello. I'm trying to make CDLC of Ben Has A Kid by TDWP for Rocksmith 2014. 

Basically I have all the programs required to make the tracks, but every tutorial I come across seem to only cover making the custom tracks with pre-made Guitar Pro tabs. The song I want to make does not have any GP tabs, so when it comes to the step of importing said file into EOF I can't move on because none of the tutorials cover my situation.
I have the bass tab for the song but it's in text format. What should I do?

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Yeah, provided that the text tab is pretty good (you can actually figure out the rhythm from it) you can get it into GP or EoF reasonably quickly for songs that aren't too complicated. If there seems to be no relation between the spacing in the tab and the rhythm in the song, then things can take longer. The best text tabs I've worked with I was able to get complete bass tabs in under half an hour of work. Guitar would naturally take longer (chords and solos), and bad tabs slow everything down even more.


I usually write things in GP since I find it easier to see the overall song structure in that format (so I can see what things to copy and paste), but I'll import into EoF pretty often to make sure things are matching up with the song.

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The fastest way to identify which tracks have notes in them is to get to the Song>Track menu. All the tracks with content have an asterisk * next to their names. When you are in a track, the difficulty levels that have notes in them will have an asterisk next to their name.

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Hey guys I've finally finished tabbing and syncing the song in EOF. I've followed the rest of the screenshot guide and went through Wwise. Now I'm at the last stage where I fill out the info and add a tone...


Now I'm stuck again. A friend of mine told me I can just use a tone already from the game by making slight adjustments then saving it, which I did. But now I don't know how to get that tone and import it into the Toolkit.

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Yes I just borrowed one from an existing song. I tried it just now and I think it's great!


This was a labor of love. My first CDLC ever. I'm not sure if I want to keep at it after this one lol


Thank you all for the help. I was completely green starting this yesterday and I have to thank you guys for putting up with my stream of questions  :P


I think it might be time to finally put this out in the wild, get some feedback and possibly make some corrections. 

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That's for tone saved in the tone designer inside the game.


You can always import tone from a psarc file too i think.


So I wanted to use the WarPigs tone. I couldn't find the psarc file in my DLC folder (even though ingame it says its DLC) and when I saved it as a custom tone with the tone designer (and went to the folder you said in the thread above) the Toolkit throws an error when I try to import it.


It only shows up as an Xbox 360 file so that could be the problem. Any ideas?


For now I'm using the High and Dry tone, but I've gotten feedback saying it's a little quiet.

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it's not an xbox file, it's just that you use the filter that have is named xbox file (the file actually have no extension at all).


I can't say anything without having a least a look at the error the toolkit gave you nor will be able the toolkit dev.


Also the DLC mark inside RS is added on top of every CDLC too, if you have subfolder you might wanna look in there too. Also if unsure you can always redownload the cdlc (cause war pigs is a cdlc) and use the file you just downloaded.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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He may also be using the "Add" button in the tones section, which is for saved tone XML files.


"Import" is the correct button to use for extracting tones from .psarc and/or profiles.




Also, he could be using the wrong .prflb file.  Usually, there is more than one in your profile folder, especially if you use more than one profile.


The correct .prflb is usually the largest one (biggest KB).

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@PC Plum I think the screen in the link was pretty clear  :)



True about the multiple profile though, since i'm using only one, i don't really have that issue in mind.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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I apologize for the lack of details. I'll show you guys what I mean.


This is where the profile is. I only have one profile in the game and this is the only tone I've saved.






I open the Toolkit and press the import button under Tones. I browse to the folder above. it only shows up when I change the filter to Xbox 360.





But when I click open this is the error the Toolkit gives me.






I'm using the latest release build of the Toolkit, so does that mean I'm doing something wrong or need the test build?

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You always need the test build, the stable build is abandonned for all i know and actual toolkit dev doesn't seems to care about it for now.


Let us know how it goes after updating the toolkit and we'll advise from here if there's a real issue in the toolkit or not ;)

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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