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How Do You Edit CDLC That Is Already Created?



Can anyone help me figure out how to open and edit cdlc that is already published? The tutorials I've seen jsut talk about cvreating cdlc from scratch.


I'd like to open some cdlc and add in sections for riff repeater and maybe even change some notes here and there to clean it up.


I tried unpacking it in toolkit but I have a ton of files and none are eof files.


Any tutorials already created about this?



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Hi Draxxus,


I am not aware of any tutorials on this. After all it's quite easy, but you have to know what to do :-)

You have to be familiar with the process of creating CDLC, though.


Even though there is also the "unpacker" in the Toolkit, I would give you the following advice:

  1. In the Toolkit (Tab "Creator"), hit the "Import Package" button.
  2. This will load everything into the Toolkit and now you could already alter stuff like tones, volume, CDLC name and just have to hit "Generate" to get the updated CDLC.
  3. If you want to edit the project in EOF, go to the folder "EOF" that was created. You won't find a ready-to-use .eof file there, but you can use those files to start a new project.
  4. Load the .ogg into a new EOF-project and then import the xml files from the same folder with "Rocksmith Import" (Watch out for what PC Plum said.. didn't know that)
  5. BAM! Now you have the complete project to manipulate as you like
  6. If you update the xmls in the EOF folder with the xmls that are produced when you hit save in EOF, then you just have to hit "Generate" in the toolkit to create the new CDLC

(0.) When the original CDLC contained Dynamic Difficulty, I sometimes experienced weird things in EOF with imported projects. E.g. the highest difficulty didn't contain all the notes, but they were instead split among the difficulty levels... It will help to remove DD with the DDC in the Toolkit, before you import (step 1) it.


Keep in mind:

  • Before thinking about altering the original authors work, leave a comment for him and ask him to improve his CDLC himself. Give him as detailed feedback/advice as possible. And have some patience.
  • Of course, never upload your edited work as a new entry and claim it is you own.
  • If you feel like your changes turned out really good though, show it to the original author and ask him if he wants to publish your updated version (so the rest of the community can benefit from your work, too)

I have done the last thing myself (I added vocals to a CDLC and gave the new file to the charter). I have also completely recreated an existing CDLC, because I knew the creator couldn't work on his version anymore and was ok with it. Nevertheless I think it's quite a pain when different versions of the same song appear in the search and not even reading the details/comments gives you an idea why someone had to make a second one and which is better.


All in all: Handle this with care ;-)




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Check out my easy tutorial on how to add a metronome to your CDLC: Mute the original music, play only with the metronome and find out how good you really sound! Also: Find CDLCs that have the metronome enabled!


Want a USB-Footswitch that you can use to control the tone selection and all the menus in Rocksmith? Check out Rodman's Tutorial and my additions to that!  Footswitch_Logo.png

My CDLCs: Devin Townsend - Life, Deep Peace, Ih-Ah!, Deadhead; Farin Urlaub - Ok

My ideas for new features in Ignition, e.g. filters for Multitrack CDLC and Metronome CDLC.

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Couple of issues...


Step 4 - Rocksmith import does not import any tech notes or link nexts, so if it's a complex chart it will change dramatically and have artifacts all over it, unless you manually input all tech notes (complex bends) and link nexts again.


I agree that DD makes a dog's dinner of the EoF project, so that should definitely come out before going near EoF.  Even customs with no DD are hard to find in EoF...  until you look in the "0" tab and not the "Amazing" tab.


The other thing to consider is that the purpose of the question is to add sections/phrases.  This will require the changing of arrangement numbers or Rocksmith will lock up when you try to play the new custom.  When you mess with sections/phrases you need to make Rocksmith think it's a completely different song, or it will get confused and lock up after tuning.


I suppose this will automatically happen if you are directing the toolkit to new versions of XMLs, but it is worth bearing in mind that if you crash after adding sections/phrase, it is worth building again while changing the DLC Name field and pull ALL (including vocals) arrangments into the toolkit again before hitting Generate.



Overall, a plethora of pitfalls.




Have fun :D

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I think the easiest way know for the eof chart is to create the GP file with the Rocksmith to Tab tool then import the GP into a new eof project which will import all tech note but won't import sections and phrases which are easier to redo.

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See if this thread here helps you.

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All bug reports and help requests please include your: OS, CPU, AV, .NET Framework versions along with a description of the issue (include screenshots of error if possible).  It should go without having to say ... make sure you are using the latest build before submitting bug reports or asking for help.


*  Remember to use your magic words (please and thank you) if you would like a response.  Don't use phrases like 'thanks anyhow' as it is demeaning.

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Would charters be up for a new option in the Toolkit to allow the creator to include the applicable EoF files in the .psarc archive? This would negate all the issues that PC Plum discusses above, and would make tweaking customs to your own personal tastes more of a breeze. It would also be beneficial to charters, who could get more accurate feedback/help around issues. Or just make it simpler to provide a missing bass arrangement to someone, or new bonus arrangements?

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All my customs can be found here :)

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@@UKLooney, nope, you'd better ask raynebc to implement rs2 import logic :P or share notes.eof as separate file with your custom as I did for One way or another by Blondie (never seen any new wersions from guy hwo asked about it..)

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@@UKLooneyor share notes.eof as separate file with your custom as I did for One way or another by Blondie

I do this sometimes too. But it would make life a bit easier if all I had to do was tick a box/select a file in the toolkit.


Is there a technical reason why this can't be done? Would it break the chart having some spurious files in the archive?

All my customs can be found here :)

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Can somebody help me?

I want to change only the music and maintain all the other parts on a CDLC, because is the same music, only difference is the language vocals

A dragon ball cdlc, I want to put a portuguese version over the original japanese.

The music, guitar and all, are the same, just the vocals change.

There is a way to do that ?

I'm  don't know how to do that, 

so if is not asking to much, its possible explain to me step by step


In advance, Thanks for your attention !

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Just like I explained above, first you import the package into the Toolkit.

In the new folder there will be a folder called "Toolkit" that contains two .wem files. Those are the audio files you need to replace (one for the whole song, one for the 30s preview).


Check this tutorial for information on how to create the .wem files:



The only major problem might be that the original file has leading silence added to it. You will have to add exactly the same leading silence to your own file.

First load the original files into EOF (see step 3 above) and then load you own file into EOF to check if the sync is ok. If not, you can adjust the leading silence with EOF. Work through the complete tutorial above to find out how that works.


After you have replaced the two files, hit "Generate" in the Toolkit and you should be done.



If you get stuck at some point... Basically: Try to make your own first custom from scratch, just follow the tutorial. This will teach you everything you need to know ;-)

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Check out my easy tutorial on how to add a metronome to your CDLC: Mute the original music, play only with the metronome and find out how good you really sound! Also: Find CDLCs that have the metronome enabled!


Want a USB-Footswitch that you can use to control the tone selection and all the menus in Rocksmith? Check out Rodman's Tutorial and my additions to that!  Footswitch_Logo.png

My CDLCs: Devin Townsend - Life, Deep Peace, Ih-Ah!, Deadhead; Farin Urlaub - Ok

My ideas for new features in Ignition, e.g. filters for Multitrack CDLC and Metronome CDLC.

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@@Salvatore  @Azrael

Greets.  Why not just edit the *_vocals.xml file (that will be produced by steps 1-2 above)?  Just change "lyric=" value from Japanese to Portuguese and then repackage.  This is assuming we are talking about instrumental music of course or if you want karaoke (closed captioning) of alternate language. ;)

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All bug reports and help requests please include your: OS, CPU, AV, .NET Framework versions along with a description of the issue (include screenshots of error if possible).  It should go without having to say ... make sure you are using the latest build before submitting bug reports or asking for help.


*  Remember to use your magic words (please and thank you) if you would like a response.  Don't use phrases like 'thanks anyhow' as it is demeaning.

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I have a stupid question.  I made a custom a few months back before my computer crapped out. Piece of your action by Motley crue.  how can I have someone fix this song for me.  ending is missing notes...tone isn't quite right?  the only thing I have is the psarc file.  I don't have my computer with all the software like before.

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Azreal's post was extremely helpful to me...a band i play in will play everything in e standard...so an example is guns n roses tunes in E flat i needed to change to E standard...after alot of googling and starting to try complicated stuff, just importing in the creator gave me access to the ogg file (which i transposed in adobe audition one semi tone up) and also i was able to change the instruments tuning....awesome, easy, and quick way to do it! can;t thank you enough because nobody else had an easy solution! sorry if i'm affecting the posted topic by replying here....i know nothing about forums and this is very well my first time ever posting...but if it helps someone else see this solution on google it might save them considerable time...now i just have to take the time to figure out how to edit the preset bass sounds to one consistent sound in every song i edit and i'll have a setlist to load up and practice with no interruptions!...again THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!

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@@buzz welcome newbie poster.  Just to let you know there is a really cool new feature in CFSM called 'Pitch Shift' which is accessed from the 'Song Manager' tab 'Custom Mods' toolstrip.  The tool will automatically change non-standard tuned songs to standard tuning. You can thank developer @@Lovroman for this cool feature.

Are you tired of AV False Positives???  Now accepting donations on my website (Click Here)  Your donation will be used towards buying a code signing certificate.   CGT is now compatible and safe to use with Rocksmith® 2014 Remastered ... 


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All bug reports and help requests please include your: OS, CPU, AV, .NET Framework versions along with a description of the issue (include screenshots of error if possible).  It should go without having to say ... make sure you are using the latest build before submitting bug reports or asking for help.


*  Remember to use your magic words (please and thank you) if you would like a response.  Don't use phrases like 'thanks anyhow' as it is demeaning.

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