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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2022 in all areas

  1. Mike Mills - one of the most underrated bass players in history. His bass lines are very tasteful: Not one of the more interesting bass parts for Billy Talent. It's fine but repetitive and a bit weak in difficulty, I'd almost go 5.5: Wild, epic song...really tricky but fun bass playing from Deac, who happens to be another highly underrated bassist:
    2 points
  2. This week songs this sounds more like rhythm than lead no way i can get more than 80%... 1st try as the best... consecutive tries were 75-78%... disaster... wors than better... serious recognition issues...
    2 points
  3. Not much time to play this week, busy with other stuff.
    1 point
  4. Please share it, I'd like to give a try!!
    1 point
  5. @ avastreg ah okay! I mean to be honest for the "loyal" aspect/ nitty picky things i wrote earlier I probably should've just commented on the cdlc post instead of here. As the one who might do something on that topic is the cdlc maker. Overall, I agree its a great song and im glad you and rodman choose it for the competition. Heck i even liked it so much I tried to do my own cdlc version but the version on here is definatley more suitable for the competition as its actually fcable. Meanwhile the version I have done i currently cant fc the guitars..not sure if its cause of eof skills, guitar skills, wacky recognition or a combination of all of those xD Still glad i gave it a shot though because I learnt a couple of interesting things (atleast for me)...like the song is in 3/4 and every phrase lasts 7 instead of an even number or that green day didnt use a click track because the bpm fluctuates a bit. and the solo kind of reminds me of the vocal melody to house of the rising sun
    1 point
  6. Pretty fun on bass. Guitar is a bit eh, too much waiting.
    1 point
  7. Just a note, that Beta code is case sensitive; JustInCaseWeNeedIt
    1 point
  8. I just use the file manager within multiman. Copy CDLC from usb stick to the folder listed all within multiman
    1 point
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