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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2016 in all areas

  1. I didn't play the 'tallica, 'cos I've just tuned my bass back up (d'oh!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKTUhjQm41VW13Zzg/view?usp=sharing I did surprisingly well on this, considering that last time I played it I got 85%: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKUlVhSTg5ZEFJbms/view?usp=sharing And this, I like it very much (never heard it before): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKYXcwejVIUF9Xbzg/view?usp=sharing Rocksmith had the nerve to level me down on my first go, so I had to play it again, and again, and again. :) I've lost out on first place twice in a row now on streak. This week I predict that I'm going to lose in a 100% score battle...
    7 points
  2. run #2 was a 94, now i got it http://i67.tinypic.com/30xeukg.jpg
    6 points
  3. I gave up a bit on the Clutch song - the full bends was not working for me. I do liked the crazy Japanese song - crazy fast and a lot of fun. Lead INT - 91.88% Bass MC - 99.5%
    6 points
  4. First Plays... Beg Bass: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623524768 Int Bass: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623524557 Adv Bass: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623524683 No Dream Theater just yet... will wait for the tweakage to be complete :)
    5 points
  5. @@albatross213 gotcha!!! :D http://up.picr.de/24576142eq.jpg but still not 100%http://up.picr.de/24576144pp.jpgtrying further
    5 points
  6. @ - I noticed you moved up on the leaderboards on Walk This Way. So I played it some more. http://i.imgur.com/P6SQgwf.jpg But that wasn't my best score: http://i.imgur.com/ipYdGfB.jpg :D Also finally some noticeable improvement on MC lead: http://i.imgur.com/MRqBEpN.jpg I still think I should be able to hit 95% or so, but I keep messing something up. Also, somehow I often get purple sections on the tapping despite the fact that I can usually get through both sections with at most 2-5 misses on lead and obviously could do it pretty well on the bass. Kind of weird.
    5 points
  7. Thanks for the new version @@Alex360. Although i'm now hot on the tails of @@Rodman & @Nuno, they should be able to pull another few % with the new version. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jwe1cnzx5h9d22b/221680_2016-02-13_00001.png?dl=0
    5 points
  8. An update on beginner lead. Probably my last update Beginner Lead - 97.65%
    5 points
  9. welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship - Week 121 - READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules Last weeks winners: Lead: Beginner: @@diddie17 Intermediate: @@Rodman Advanced: @@MaZtoR MasterClass: @@fiddlesticks Rhythm: Beginner: @@diddie17 Intermediate: N/A Advanced: @@NunoJBSilva.Guitarist Masterclass: @ Bass: Beginner: @@KJParsley Intermediate: @@kb10 Advanced: @@lduperval Masterclass: @@albatross213 Congrats to all the winners Honorably Mentions for scoring 100% to @@diddie17 and @@Vodka in Beginner Rhythm and @@albatross213 in MasterClass Bass. One by @@albatross213. This weeks songs are: It's Valentine's Day tomorrow, so you've got a bunch of love songs. Each for everyone - as you may spend that day in various ways ;) Lead Path: Beginner: Metallica - Die, Die My Darling (2) chosen by @@diddie17 Intermediate: Arctic Monkeys - You Seriously Didn't Expected Me To Write The Whole Title, Didn't Ya? (4) chosen by @@fiddlesticks Advanced: Iron Maiden - Running Free (7) chosen by @Mortalo Masterclass: Dream Theater - The Looking Glass (10) chosen by @@Brutus Erectus Rhythm Path: Beginner: N/A Intermediate: Arctic Monkeys - This Title Is Way Too Long, So I Won't Even Try To Write It (4) Advanced: N/A Masterclass: Iron Maiden - Running Free (8) Bass Path: Beginner: Metallica - Die, Die My Darling (2) Intermediate: Arctic Monkeys - You Probably Couldnt See For The Lights But You Were Looking Straight At Me (I did told ya that it's way too long, no more words) (3) Advanced: Iron Maiden - Running Free (4) Masterclass: Dream Theater - The Looking Glass (8) (B standard) (@albatross213's version) Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). Exercise Challenges: 1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle 2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths 3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the exercises scoreboards Da Capo Challenge this week is The Beatles - She Loves You from week 71 Honorable list Diehard Member: (draft - to be updated after CCL update) albatross213diddie17fiddlesticksfranfitGamutgenobadasskb10koffeinMaZtoRMetalocalypsemissis sumnerMonstaS4MortaloMotiveNacholedeRodmanSebastien92Tangothen3verendVodkaClassless, Fearless FreeBird Members: 2groggyfrippchenP.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists! let's get started now HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!
    4 points
  10. Really easy and fun int song this week. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/You%20probably%20coudnt%20see%20for%20the%20lights%209955_zpsqrkarhg5.jpg
    4 points
  11. one try ´tallica http://i65.tinypic.com/2h69150.jpg
    4 points
  12. first bass "half beast streak" http://i68.tinypic.com/wi6nw1.jpg
    4 points
  13. Fun song this week :)http://n54.imgup.net/2016-02-1125bc.jpg
    4 points
  14. Too hungover to play today, but i forgot to post last nights score. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Just%20allow%209323_zpszinxj2yt.jpg
    4 points
  15. Could it be any closer ?! http://s10.postimg.org/qhmamjrcp/oral_cigarettes_kyouran_hey_kids_lead.png
    4 points
  16. This was one of those Fridays where my sleep wasn't great, so my final push wasn't great either. Could only tie myself a lot on Hey Kids. :( Got a couple more percents in this, anyway: http://i.imgur.com/kmECTZ9.jpg
    4 points
  17. Damn you @@Rodman! I've got nothing left. I can no longer feel the tips of my fingers. Well played sir. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jpn7hnr8ibm9sob/221680_2016-02-13_00003.png?dl=0
    4 points
  18. @@diddie17 that is awesome! We are fighting and winning! But. I want to speak clear. Even with 100% my play is very dirty. I think I don't deserve this 100% and this 2kk points. I played dirty, didn't comply some pauses and didn't use the palm mutes. So I think you should be higher on the leader board.
    4 points
  19. Last update for the week on Int Lead too. Not competitive, but at least not embarrassing any more :) Int Lead - 84%
    4 points
  20. Getting there on MC lead, should be able to get a little more improvement tomorrow. http://s16.postimg.org/6gxkog99h/oral_cigarettes_kyouran_hey_kids_lead_1.png Int Lead http://s28.postimg.org/oi3mg4azx/clutch_lead.png @@Alex360 thanks for new tab, awesome work ! One small thing I noticed, the part just before the verse is tabbed all on the G string the first time: 0-17-15, but later in the song it changes to 17d-17g-15g. I suspect it's left over from the last version and was never changed. Makes no difference really, just thought I'd let you know.
    4 points
  21. @@Vodka - I did it too :) I'm a tiny bit behind you on the score, but I'm not going to chase that down. I'm just happy with the 100% Beginner Rhythm - 100%
    4 points
  22. finally we can play the new version http://up.picr.de/24569612yf.jpg thanks @@Alex360
    4 points
  23. Played DT so I can relay my advice for @@Nacholede - http://i.imgur.com/eSOfQbq.jpg Definitely missed the green laser beams of imperfectly charted 5-string bass charts (quick check in EoF - select all notes, then press the up arrow on the keyboard to move notes up a string. If they can't move, you have notes somewhere on the highest string, which is bad if you've imported a 5 or 6 string bass tab and want to export it as a bass chart), might have had one or two others. A few other suggestions: MORE SECTIONS FOR THE SOLO!!!!!!!! I didn't even play it on guitar yet, but come on, a minute long section is just ridiculous. I usually do ~every 4 measures. Yeah, it's harder to pass on SA hard, but there's a version without DD and you can actually practice it somewhat effectively. Remember our complaints about Countdown to Extinction's chorus? This is way more annoying.Poor fretboard logic. Yeah, you're putting a 5-string bass chart into 4 strings, so you have to make some compromises, but usually you can find somewhere (A, D, G notes, brief pauses, etc.) to incorporate shifts in to accomodate the new notes, rather than just putting them 7 frets above your current fret hand position. I mean, you can play it as a sweep-tapping arpeggio, but that's a ridiculously specialized technique for bass. There were also some other places that had weird fretboard logic (like play 4-6-7-9-7-6-4 on the same string rather than moving the middle note over a string.It would also be nice the have the actual 5-string bass arrangement. Rhythm track's free, right?If you want me to handle any of these, I should be able to do it. It would be easier if you have the source files, but the bass doesn't have any chords, so I could handle it by unpacking. Edit: And Running Free too: http://i.imgur.com/fafEA3N.jpg I'd probably rate this more as a hard 5 or a 6. There are some pretty tricky parts that require some quick shifting (and/or leaving the way the chart has you play things).
    3 points
  24. I start with the monkey guitars http://up.picr.de/24580192jo.jpg http://up.picr.de/24580196ss.jpg both guitars have one false and repeating chord. Starting in the Intro, those changes are here D5 F#5 D5, D5 F#5 D5. If you just listen, without playing!, you'd hear D5 F#5 C#5, D5 F#5 C#5. The guitar tones are very low (and for my taste too plain).
    3 points
  25. http://s7.postimg.org/anyeyrtwr/2016_02_12_00001.jpg http://s18.postimg.org/kcexpaly1/2016_02_13_00001.jpg Bass is really fun. And as I'm in B, I'm going to stay there and practice it. Running Free is from Iron Maiden's 1st album. I really love their stuff with Di'Anno, but more because of that unpolished frenzy on guitars :D
    3 points
  26. Dream Theater song that is only 5 minutes long? Yes, you're right, it wasn't picked by @@Nacholede :lol:
    3 points
  27. Yes, been there - that is the nature of RS and this competition. In contrast to learning a song on guitar where you practice piece by piece until it sounds right (what never worked out for me in pt1 of my guitar career 15 years ago) you here just play a tab all over as good as you can and sometimes in favour of a questionable rhythm pattern or even chord fingering that RS is willing to accept as "not missed". 10 - 30 plays dont make you master a song on beg/ low int level at least 4 sure not when it comes to make it sound right outside of RS. The good thing: you can ignore that and just go on. Every hour of practice will add to your techinique. The fingers get to know their chord-positions, the notes will begin coming "slower" with enough time for palm-muting and technotes, and the rhythm will fall in naturally. Just go back to a CS song you liked after another 100 playhours and feel the difference. A good tip if you wanna betray yourself a bit less in terms of making it sound right is to use a Y-Splitter box to go 1) to your PC with your RS cable and 2) to your amp, turn the guitar volume in RS to zero and play exclusively over the amp. At least that works out great for me and @@MonstaS4, too i think...
    3 points
  28. ADV Lead update. Am not sure if its on time :)
    3 points
  29. Last one eheh : http://i68.tinypic.com/mm51n9.jpg
    3 points
  30. @@missis sumner - Right, your streaks were mixed up... now all is ok FAIR PLAY AWARD of the WEEK!!! the right leaderboard is: http://i64.tinypic.com/mhfst5.jpg (also corrected up there in orig. post)
    3 points
  31. @@albatross213 I didn't get your highscore, but better accuracy so a few minutes left... trying to 100%ing now http://up.picr.de/24575965jo.jpg
    3 points
  32. I guess you've played the old version... try the new one, all bends in verses on A string are half step, much easier and sounds better. there is no reason for full step bends since one octave higher there are also halfsteps.
    3 points
  33. I know it sounds better to me than open G, I played it along and also discovered that Tim plays it like this live, but glad that this not a big deal to you :D PS. @ helped me a lot with it, Thank you, man, I really'd like to coop with some charting group :P
    3 points
  34. Hi, this is it for this week http://s22.postimg.org/warak2nb5/2016_02_12_00002.jpg http://s2.postimg.org/5xqmaojc9/2016_02_12_00003.jpg
    3 points
  35. It was requested by one of the toolkit developers. I'll probably have to change it to allow the sustain to be kept if the note also has other techniques that require sustain (like tremolo or slide).
    2 points
  36. Metallica: http://s23.postimg.org/x6uzncwnv/metallixa_die_my_darling_bass.png http://s12.postimg.org/g938i3iwd/metallixa_die_my_darling_lead.png Arctic Monkeys: http://s14.postimg.org/7n351surl/arctic_monkeys_lights_bass.png http://s30.postimg.org/9a3lt7n7l/arctic_monkeys_lights_lead.png Iron Maiden bass http://s27.postimg.org/l94d0rdhv/iron_maiden_running_free_bass.png Dream Theatre bass http://s9.postimg.org/km170w9hr/dream_theatre_the_looking_glass_bass.png
    2 points
  37. 1st try very cool, not known song those guys do straightforward music... i really like it http://i65.tinypic.com/2ytr0v4.jpg
    2 points
  38. The lb says same acc, and your streak being better. Is there an error? Yes, I'm sure we had the same % but my streak was worse.
    2 points
  39. @@albatross213, yep, I moved up on LB, but only scorewise. This run was under 99%. Now we've got the same accuracy AND the same streak, but your score is higher. I hope I'll find some time this afternoon to play a few more times to fight for the lead :)
    2 points
  40. Psymanski should have had 10 points last week, Rodders - he won, I came second. :)
    2 points
  41. finally... back home and "connected" again at a workable bitrate -= weekly leaderboard update =- players count: 105 (>!) no leader changes @albatross213 - insanely on fire with 99 pts in MC BASS http://i64.tinypic.com/mhfst5.jpg Great to see so many new hard contestants. Have some great hours till weekchange!
    2 points
  42. Love me like you do ;) Well played too, sire! I feared the new ver would be a lot easier to register and i would be smoked. Cannot be happier with the progress this week, even my pinkie has learned to bend... Cool thing.
    2 points
  43. @@diddie17 Man I did it! OMG. My left hand's fingers are stand bent now. http://i.imgur.com/6URMU0t.jpg Lead part is to fast for me =( That's now such hard actually. But too fast.
    2 points
  44. @@diddie17 I still can't get 100%. My fingers! http://i.imgur.com/37Ehk9X.jpg
    2 points
  45. Was a damn busy week, i'll give the MC song a few quick plays and i'll post a score P.S: I bought 4 tickets for Iron Maiden's show in Buenos Aires, can't wait until march :D
    2 points
  46. Alrighty then, here are my scores! The good old Maiden, i really like Paul's era, full of classics! (I had tons of recognition issues, must be me) http://i.imgur.com/nBRZdhd.jpgSaw Dream Theater 2 years ago, was an outstanding show! i loved this song, it's Limelight 2.0 http://i.imgur.com/q9hotox.jpg
    1 point
  47. Here's my version of The Looking Glass. I put the 5-string bass on rhythm guitar, and normal bass is still on the bass path. Played both bass paths and things are pretty good. On guitar some of the chords are pretty strange (the 466044 chord especially, but the 468 and 469 chords also seem like they could be played more easily), but other than that I think things look pretty good. Time signatures are also pretty out of wack because those don't import. Here's my best go so far on bass. http://i.imgur.com/PGWxKi2.jpg And after learning how to play the main riff, lead: http://i.imgur.com/5BO40oI.jpgI think I have just a bit of room for improvement on the solo.
    1 point
  48. @ - It looks like that also happens on the bass, so you might want to edit your post in the record thread to reflect that as well.
    1 point
  49. @@SA_JK - I think this is a (unintended?) consequence of the change in version 2-03-2016 to remove sustains from muted (palm or fret hand) notes. @@raynebc - Why exactly did this get updated? I know it doesn't usually make strict sense to have sustains on muted notes, but it also removes the possibility of doing some things in EoF (pick slides and tremolo picked palm muted notes come to mind).
    1 point
  50. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/Ripcord32/royo%20gallager%20test.jpgWow, It is insane It is definitely in sync, those Vocals must have been painful to chart. I couldn't understand a word he was saying. :D Only thing I noticed is In My Setup the tone volume is ear blistering high. Great work charting this.
    1 point
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