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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship!

-= Week 561 =-

=> How and Why join the Championships?
=> Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules

Previous' week Winners are:
- Beginner: @lowender (82)
- Intermediate: @jimmy655 (95.13)
- Advanced: @cacahuate51 (96.85)
- Masterclass: @johnal (93.12)
- God of Guitar: Leader after week 1 is @RaZrShReD (89.1), 1 week left... KEEP ROCKING!!!

- Beginner: @lowender (82)
- Intermediate: @direct3r (98.1)
- Advanced: @pedropmf (99.43)
- Masterclass: @cacahuate51 (88.42)

- Beginner: LOST TROPHY
- Intermediate: LOST TROPHY
- Intermediate Bonus: LOST TROPHY
- Advanced: @Mikson (100)
- Masterclass: @pedropmf (99.2)

Congrats to all winners. Well done!

This week's songs are:

Lead Path:
Beginner: Bowling For Soup - 1985 (3*) (E Standard) selected by Daz40
Intermediate: Johnny Cash - Heart Of Gold (5*) (E Standard) selected by Daz40
Advanced: Gojira - Backbone (7*) (D Standard) selected by Zoutje
Masterclass: Blind Guardian - Mirror, Mirror (8.5) (Eb Standard) selected by kayteck
God of Guitar: Afterglow - Easy Come , Easy Go (9.5) (Drop D) selected by Gamestab [Week 2 of 2] [not gog]

Rhythm Path:
Beginner: Bowling For Soup - 1985 (2) (E Standard) selected by Daz40
Intermediate: Blind Guardian - Mirror, Mirror (5*) (Eb Standard) selected by kayteck
Advanced: Gojira - Backbone (7*) (D Standard) selected by Zoutje
Masterclass: Gojira - Backbone (7) (D Standard) selected by Zoutje

Bass Path:
Beginner: Bowling For Soup - 1985 (3*) (E Standard) selected by Daz40
Intermediate: Blind Guardian - Mirror, Mirror (5*) (Eb Standard) selected by kayteck
Advanced: Johnny Cash - Heart Of Gold (6.5) (E Standard) selected by Daz40
Masterclass: Gojira - Backbone (7.5) (D Standard) selected by Zoutje

(N) - difficulty rating
(N*) - highest difficulty rating for the class (promotion to higher class possible)
(N^) - difficulty rating higher than the highest for the class (promotion possible)

Check current week Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard

You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here
NEW! - easly add songs even on your mobile!:
Add Song Suggestion

Song Suggestions List available to view here: Google Sheets Spreadsheet

Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).

Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggy

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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

I´ll start the week with a last weeks post that is important to me; have a blast of a week - all great songs and please be verbose about your diff rating impressions.



13 hours ago, aNDESmASAMUNE said:

By the way, I always have doubts rating songs, so I proposed in the past creating a thread to discuss ratings when you add a song to the SSL, but didn't get much support...

If I get ratings so wrong, I guess I shouldn't be hosting weeks anymore... I am not here to get scolded.   

M8, m8, m8, m8!

Stop it! There is no doing wrong in diff ratings!!!! To a point diff ratings are always some kind of subjective and more importantly NOT VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE COMPETITION!!!!!! because it´s absolutely ok to get harder or easier songs from time to time - and it´s the same for everyone!

YOU ARE DOING GREAT AND WE WON´T LET YOU BAIL!!! Thx for your work. All is great.

Discussions about diff ratings are never a personal offence but help to optimize the CS and CF world for everyone. Comments are a bit harsh from time to time - but most here are not native english speaking - that explains most of it. However we shall avoid using terms like WRONG or FALSE cause.... it´s offensive and truely speaking a rating +-1 is not wrong.


To improve the situation. There is something that has to be done for long time. C´mon let´s get it on and create a Compendium about the most possible objective diff rating criteria - you´ll see it´s straight forward - i´ll start a thread about that (update: did that) and please everyone, esp. @ Mikson  who is a prof. rater by now add your thoughts and add corrections with comments.

I am in contact and nagging to implement diff ratings into Ignition for quite some time. I wont stop. That will help.




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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



I like Gojira never actually seen them play or seen any charts or Rocksmith songs before, then I played it, HARD and of chugging/galloping on Lead very good fun though then when I got a break where it's just some simple octave notes and you get a break all you can see is "UURRRRRRRR" at the lyric's don't worry I'm not complaining had alot of fun with this one. My first time hearing it and first time playing it and I got 90.2%, I might of found my calling.

I'm wondering if I dare try "Masterclass" song - Edit I did and got 78.5%





Seems to be a big love for Bowling for Soup here 🙂 , though I think most of us want to go back to 1985 (for those whom are just that old here 🙂)


First scores of the week.

Btw this Johnny Cash song note detection is so bad, holy smokes. 

And my guitar playing is so strange, some of the harder are easy for me and vice versa, i have a lot of difficulties on some "easier" songs. Idk what my problem is, but i have one for sure.





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First results of the week (seems normal, besides my game not liking Blind Guardian - crashed twice, once in the middle and once before I got to the summary screen 🤣 )

Have to pay attention to the lyrics of Bowling for Soup as I saw some references to U2 and Madonna.






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honestly pretty surprised this was intermediate since youve put iron maiden on advanced/masterclass due to picking speeds...but i do agree its a decent intermediate song cause not much is going on just quick picking

decent advanced bass
I think this one is slightly harder than blind guardian but not hard enough to be masterclass. I use pick  for these types of songs even tho theres pick shamming here XD
if it sounds good then it doesnt matter what technique you used is my motto hehe 

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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)


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