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Everything posted by AndreCardoso

  1. Thanks! I'll try it that way. I'm always open to new methods of training/practicing I usually used the score to get back to songs that I haven't played for a while (and after a month I usually could see improvements, be it from better reading, more practice, etc). In the first weeks I had many songs in the 70% or 80%, but now only the harder ones are below 90%
  2. Hi, Is there a way to clear a score on Learn a Song? I did the whole Marillion song in practice at 50% and got 97% (I usually only do a couple of sections). And now I don't know if I'm improving or not (I strike at Score Attack)... And many thanks to @Mikson (and all the other organizers) for all the hard work with the Championship!
  3. First results: I missed a note (I think) Have to repeat the transition. I think I can improve it. Overall, this week seems I don't have issues in the songs, so I can only blame myself
  4. First results: Room for improvement. This feels very fast and the little slides and pull offs aren't being recognized (or I can't play them well ). Tried it a couple of times after riff repeat and got worst results... This one feels harder (more variations) but I think I can improve it.
  5. First results: There's a finger twister that I always miss... Don't know if it's the tuning but some notes don't get recognized (but not always on the same section). Let's see if I can improve during the week.
  6. First results (after replacing my vintage strings because one of them broke last week ) I tried the next one but couldn't keep up
  7. First results: I can tune my bass for drop D and it gets recognized I didn't understand this one. It didn't recognized some open strings (mostly D string) Coming along. I think I butchered some parts but they got recognized Ok. Or the first play gets some slack?
  8. I confirm that I've been competing for the intermediate level
  9. First results: This was a bit harder or faster than expected (for me) This was easier than I thought. OK. I can almost play it. I must improve those riffs on the 12th and 17th fret. And Happy easter for everyone!
  10. Still too difficult. But I could "tune" my bass so it recognizes most notes on the E string
  11. Improvements (and the right version of BsB ) I don't know if it's my resilience or some notes not getting recognized... But through the comments discovered and tried RSMods, so I'm using the mod to show the note played and see if it helps And many thanks to all the community for the hard work , dedication and good vibes
  12. Here are my first results: Had some trouble importing a few songs (my PC has had some issues but some songs always end up corrupted). Fortunately the new song from Pearl Jam imported Ok Hadn't heard from East 17 in more than 20 years. Really liked the piano from the songs.
  13. Improvement, but I keep missing the bends (at first I didn't notice them :)) or they don't register
  14. woohoo! I won But I really think the best part is trying new songs and having a goal, trying to improve Really glad that I found the Championship! I'll try to stick to it for as long as I can.
  15. Managed to improve And made it to the end without striking (the last part was pretty rough - on riff repeater couldn't keep up above 90% of the speed):
  16. My bass in Drop D (or anything with looser strings) has some tuning issues
  17. I think I can be assigned to intermediate. I tried the advanced, but couldn't keep up with it I have to spend some time figuring it out.
  18. Thanks! I think I was clicking on sharing and copying the link instead.
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