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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

welcome to the  CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship

-= Week 132 =-



READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships
Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules


Last weeks Winners:




Beginner:          @n0pers
Intermediate:    @
Advanced:        @DISTURBED82

MasterClass:    @@Idlev



Beginner:          @@Hughmonty

Intermediate:    @@koffein
Advanced:         @@Mortalo

Masterclass:      N/A


Beginner:          @klay
Intermediate:    @@covinhas87
Advanced:        @missis sumner

Masterclass:       @




Congrats to all the winners



Honorably Mentions for scoring any 100% to

@ in all 3 paths (!) and

@NoonyDeloony, @covinhas87, @missis sumner, @2groggy, @@Trevellyan82, @@Mortalo, @, @@genobadass, @@koffein, @@ghgeek20 on bass



This weeks songs are:


"... They´re gonna eat me alive ..."



Lead Path:

Beginner: Metric - Help, i´m alive (2) chosen by @Mortalo :tada: :metal:

Intermediate: Electric Six - High Voltage (5.5) chosen by @NoonyDeloony

Advanced: Megadeth - Lying In State (6.5) chosen by @@Nacholede

Masterclass: Mastodon - The Sparrow (8) chosen by @


God of Guitar: Iron Maiden - Empire Of The Clouds (10) chosen by @@Nacholede - 18 Mins, Masters - have fun!


Rhythm Path:
Beginner:  n/a
Intermediate: n/a

Advanced: Megadeth - Lying In State (6)

Masterclass: Mastodon - The Sparrow (8)

Bass Path:
Metric - Help, i´m alive (2)
Intermediate: Electric Six - High Voltage (3)

Advanced: Mastodon - The Sparrow (4)

Masterclass: Megadeth - Lying In State (6)


Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).






lets tribute Prince for another week !


sadly to say this days another great artist have passed away, with ony 57 years he left this world.

so let's revere him by playing one of his songs.


Prince - Little Red Corvette


Exercise Challenges:


1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle
2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths

3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major


Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the

exercises scoreboards, and if we get some more scores we'll add the next challenge



Honorable list Diehard Member:

(draft - to be updated)

Classless, Fearless FreeBird Member in his endless battle with the fb police:

P.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists!


let's mf go now!!!!



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-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

let´s get it on.


what a cool song with cool drive, already had that in my library, like any metric song... my return was a straight 100 :)

Still i´ll be back for sure within the week.




Cheers to you, Morti - rock on.

  • Like 8

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



Today is 2 years since I started to participate in Championship. It's also important to me, 'cause with that 1st week Championship introduced me to Metric, now my 2nd favorite band. Help I'm Alive was the song that made me fell in love with them. It's pretty straightforward but I don't care, it's awesome ^_^!

  • Like 8

Master of Rocksmith Championship
For Whom the Leaderboard Tolls
...And Song Selection List For All
Seek and Championship Class Lists

On 2/11/2015 at 3:42 PM, NoonyDeloony said:

@@Mortalo don't worry, you're a nice douche 🙂

T-Rex Interactive

  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

some to do in my own class...



  • Like 6

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer











  • Like 5

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

@@Brutus Erectus - that´s setting the bar ;) - great score!!!


Will be fun to watch ...

  • Like 1

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



This is shaping up to be a busy week, so I'll drop a couple of screen shots in here, but I might not work on improving these songs:


Help, I'm Alive on bass = 99%


Danger, High Voltage on bass = 97%

  • Like 5

"Like a bird on the wire, Like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my own way to be free" Leonard Cohen - RIP

Peek inside 2groggy's basement FreeBird Laboratory (not for the faint of heart)

Tobias Bass VI      SG shaped Bass VI     Hollow Acoustic Thunderbird 5     Hollow Archtop Bass VI

Harlequin Hollow Archtop Bass     Hollow Toby Bass VI     Starcaster Bass     A trio of hollow archtops (new)


Love both the beginners and intermediate songs this week.  The difference is perhaps that I can play the beginners.  The intermediate is going to be a struggle  :)


Love Metric and this song is one of their best


Beg Lead - 99.3%




Int Lead - 71%



  • Like 7
  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

@ @@joedoe - please clarify if you prefer to stay in INT lead or not. Else you are being upleveled to ADV "automatically"

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



Gonna warm up with the easy songs this week, both of which I'm well familiar with.




Not as good a score as my last attempt... but to be fair, I was singing too!




I love Electric Six. :D This was the song that got me into them, back when they were Wildbunch.

  • Like 7

Gamut now active again on Youtube!

Gamut on Twitch

Gamut on Twitter

Gamut Customs


Come join us in the Rocksmith Championship!

  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

-= weekly leaderboard update =-


leader changes:

@@Hughmonty - Beg Rhy

@ - Int Bass







Have a nice week!!!!!

  • Like 3

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

2nd try a lot better..


gr8 score already, @@MonstaS4 - hats off



  • Like 5

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

knock knock...



  • Like 6

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.



I <3 electric six... I'm glad @@MonstaS4 and @@Gamut like it too :D They're just fun and the video is hilarious although a little voyeuristic :D, similar feeling when I watched Borat, feels so wrong! Looking forward to having another play of it, it's been awhile! Comedy Rock! Cheers for choosing it for the champs Moddlerators!

  • Like 1

 Mortalo, on 11 Feb 2015 - 11:36 AM, said:

Ok, because of poor results and overall lack of skill @NoonyDeloony gets downgraded to Advanced. She would be forever remembered as shameful person... and then she'll make another charming video and we'll forget about that.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoonyDeloony/videos

Twitching bass unskillfully, here: https://www.twitch.tv/noonydeloony



I think this was a great sightread. Really fun song! Good workout on my fingers! :D I think an fc will be possible, but that will have to wait until tonight, I'm out all day ;) 



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My Workshop


I post metal content. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

dhm bass



  • Like 4

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

Playing Metric always reminds me of Muse and White Zombie - all 3 bands i did ignore until and love since first play at the Championships...


had to go for Muse this time




it´s a real pity we will never have that song in the contest and i was shocked that i can play it now.

  • Like 5

-= Building a Guitar from Scratch with Absolutely No Woodworking Experience =-
-= ROCK - Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =-

-= Use your DLC library on multiple PCs w. autoupdate =-
-= Build your own RS Toneswitch Fb =-

-= Join the Championship - cause the Championship is good for you =-
-= What´s my RANK again??? - check the 10-weeks Leaderboard and PLAYER Level =-
-= Put the Songs you want to be played into SONG SELECTION LIST =-


On 11/8/2016 at 8:32 PM, Vodka said:

I hated Royal Republic prev. time. I hate it this time too.

UPD: OK. I hate every song. I guess I need to stop.


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