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welcome to the  CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship

-= Week 127 =-



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Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules


Last weeks Winners:




Intermediate:    @koffein

Advanced:         @NunoJBSilva.Guitarist




Beginner:          NA

Intermediate:   @koffein
Advanced:       @NunoJBSilva.Guitarist



Beginner:          @klaw

Intermediate:    @TheDeathryder

Advanced:         @missis sumner



Congrats to all the winners


Honorably Mentions for triple win to  then scoring  100% to ,   @albatross213 on great fun bass line of  a song by Yum!Yum!Orange and @TheDeathryder on bass of a song "Nothing Else Matters"


This weeks songs are:


Lead Path:

Beginner:         The Shadows - Apache             (3+) chosen by  @

Intermediate:  Roxette - Listen to your heart      (5)  chosen by  @MaZtoR

Advanced:       Catamenia- Couldbound             (7) (Eb) chosen by  @@then3verend

Masterclass:    Vektor - Tetrastructural Minds  (10) chosen by  @@albatross213


Rhythm Path:
The Shadows - Apache               (3)
IntermediateRoxette - Listen to your heart      (4)

Advanced:      Catamenia- Couldbound             (5)

Masterclass:   Vektor - Tetrastructural Minds     (10)

Bass Path:
Roxette - Listen to your heart      (1)
Intermediate: Catamenia- Couldbound              (4) (Eb)

Advanced:       The Shadows - Apache               (5-)

Masterclass:   Vektor - Tetrastructural Minds      (9)

EXTRA bass for Advanced classJanelle Monae - Tightrope (5) chosen by  @@NoonyDeloony



Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).



Exercise Challenges:


1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle
2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths

3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major


Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the

exercises scoreboards, and if we get some more scores we'll add the next challenge


Honorable list Diehard Member:

(draft - to be updated)

Classless, Fearless FreeBird Member in his endless battle with the fb police:

P.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists!


let's get started now



  • Like 6

Oh boy. MC will be interesting this week. I'm interested to see how people handle the guitars. Not sure how much time I'll have to learn the guitars, but I hope I can find a few hours to sink into it.

My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!


Are we going to have Di Capo this week?


I decided to try for the first time that challenge this week but I don't see anymore, maybe this is not every week.


Thanks :)



Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer - Click on the image below

Poison - Talk Dirty To Me - Click on the image below



Hx5WMkJm.jpg   5Uw4FEgm.jpg



Europe - The Final Countdown (Guitar cover): Click here to watch


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/NunoJBSilvaGuitar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nunojbsilva.guitarist/
Fb profile: https://www.facebook.com/NunoJBSilva.Musician


I may have practiced this some in the process of making it:



Also, why does it say fingered? When I look in learn a song, it says picked (as it should be, hopefully obviously, and as I've checked it in the toolkit), but in score attack (both before and after) it says fingered. I think I also noticed this in the screenshots from last week, where I thought people might have other versions because it said fingered before I realized we were both in the same leaderboard and mine also said fingered after score attack.


Anyway, I noticed that the E std version somehow got a DLC name of only "Vektor" so to ward off potential problems I replaced it in the download folder with a more unique DLC name.


Lastly, here's my sightread of rhythm:

http://i.imgur.com/nBrCciH.jpgDem chords and arpeggios, man.

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My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
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@@Mortalo - They have different "DLC Key" names and should coexist (and do for me in Rocksmith).


I usually play the E versions since I have heavy-ish strings on my guitar and bass and don't want to mess with my strings or neck too much. The F version is there because that's how they actually play, but it's probably only really useful for people with tuning pedals or hardcore fans of the band, because there's not much other than Vektor that you can play in that tuning.

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I took a break last week so i couldn't play Nothing Else Matters!

So here i am! And damn...this song is really really hard

The Scroll Speed was fast, the chords were a goddamn challenge, the arpeggios were way too fast, but this is a nice challenge! http://i.imgur.com/e6hrX6b.jpg

  • Like 7



Love the beginner song, I tried to learn this with my Dad.....we were both shit but i love the song.... so this week is gonna be great.

If i can get 98 on Apache i'll be happy on rhythm , bass and lead.

and ill have a go at Roxette as well, hopefully i'll get a good score on bass at least.

  • Like 2


  • Like 4



Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer - Click on the image below

Poison - Talk Dirty To Me - Click on the image below



Hx5WMkJm.jpg   5Uw4FEgm.jpg



Europe - The Final Countdown (Guitar cover): Click here to watch


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/NunoJBSilvaGuitar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nunojbsilva.guitarist/
Fb profile: https://www.facebook.com/NunoJBSilva.Musician


And after some practice:




At this point I think the only thing that's out of my league with practice is the stuff under the clean part of the solo, where the picking pattern seems pretty random to me. Might look at the tab and break that down out of the game. Otherwise, things are fast, chords are mostly unusual, and your fingers are flying, but I can at least imagine myself playing it.


Also, the clean tone could probably use replacing, and maybe some of the others. @@Nacholede (or others), do you have any recommendations for that?


And a go on lead:


A few places where I mess up on things where I'm used to what's on the rhythm path (and/or haven't practiced the lead one, or if I have not nearly as much). Solo's tough but it should be something I can improve significantly on with enough practice.


I obviously screwed up an FHP placement in the solo, I'll fix that soon. Also not sure whether the harmonic in the solo should be natural or pinch. Might also be a few more places I add handshapes or arpeggios (not just in the solo).


For rhythm I think I also want to add palm mutes and change the later instances of the "chorus" riff which are different from the earlier ones.

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My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!

  • Moderator

And after some practice:




At this point I think the only thing that's out of my league with practice is the stuff under the clean part of the solo, where the picking pattern seems pretty random to me. Might look at the tab and break that down out of the game. Otherwise, things are fast, chords are mostly unusual, and your fingers are flying, but I can at least imagine myself playing it.


Also, the clean tone could probably use replacing, and maybe some of the others. @@Nacholede (or others), do you have any recommendations for that?

The clean tone was a bit loud, i can help you with it! 

  • Like 2



Added an update version of Tetrastructural Minds to the download folder. I'll wait for feedback before updating the record and making it official.


Clean tone was changed, I think it fits a little better and is less overpowering, but I'm still not entirely happy with it, so help is still welcome.


The riff after the clean section (it comes one time earlier in the song, but I guess that's the easiest way to identify it) I changed the slide a little bit to be more like how they play it and not just slide to some awkward place in the middle of the transition.


Also added a decent number of handshapes throughout the song. Fixed the bad FHP (where I guess I typed "1" instead of "11"), changed the harmonic to a pinch since it seems to get bent a little, and a few other miscellaneous fixes.


Lastly, made some progress on lead when testing it:


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My CDLC releases and my workshop 
My CDLC previews (Lots of bass only stuff)
Join us at the Rocksmith Championship!


I see now that bass won't count since i forgot to press "F12" before "Enter" :(http://i1175.photobucket.com/albums/r632/Amund_Filseth/20160327174957_1_zpskpe4l2de.jpghttp://i1175.photobucket.com/albums/r632/Amund_Filseth/20160327180539_1_zpsgzvjho0g.jpghttp://i1175.photobucket.com/albums/r632/Amund_Filseth/20160327175852_1_zpskxmxlthn.jpg

  • Like 9

This was a good runhttp://s22.postimg.org/unvtvzf8x/Cateminia_Rhythm_99_21.jpg

  • Like 9



Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer - Click on the image below

Poison - Talk Dirty To Me - Click on the image below



Hx5WMkJm.jpg   5Uw4FEgm.jpg



Europe - The Final Countdown (Guitar cover): Click here to watch


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/NunoJBSilvaGuitar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nunojbsilva.guitarist/
Fb profile: https://www.facebook.com/NunoJBSilva.Musician


I already had Apache on the Mac so i'd had a few goes at it a while ago but gave up as it was different to the one i learnt, so glad it is in the Championship because it gives me a chance to really nail it.ds7uselcccn65fi6g.jpgbut not just yet  :rolleyes:


i never really played the rhythm so thats a whole new challenge.......and pretty hard for the BC



The Rosette song i picked up pretty easily on bass.


fupgjy0ppu8nyp86g.jpgand i think i'll get a reasonable score on the Catamenia song, on Bass so long as i can get to the end before my fingers drop off......




  • Like 7

Easy enough:




I'd agree with (1).


I haven't tried the inter, because I don't want to retune my only bass here at the moment.


So… ahem...




Yep, I'd say (4).


Looks like I'm going to be doing some Blues Comping this week… unless you change the advanced bass song, that is. :D

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