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Hey there. Theres a few songs i'm dying to make in Rocksmith but theres no Guitar Pro Tabs for the songs I want to do. Does anybody know of a good in-depth tutorial on how to tab a song with TuxGuitar or something similar?

I'd really appreciate it. :) Thanks

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I tried to investigate in this, here  vvhat I found, maybe there is more other tools and tutorials avalible novv, but that vvas spot on by me :)



For now this will have to do until someone points me towards a good Guitar Pro Tabbing Tutorial. I just don't know when to use certain functions/notes etc. 


Thanks for this information though Alex! It is still helpful :)

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When I started with GP I actually had not much of a clue what I was doing but I just tried out all the functions, started to work on some actual songs and with some time and patience I figured out all the things that one needs. Even after you worked with it for a while you will still find new things that you didn't even know GP was capable of. ;)


So, all I can tell you: fuck tutorials and just start using it. Practice makes perfect as they say and you can't get familiar with a software just from looking at some tutorials, so there's seldom a better way to learn something other than just using it actively and with a specific purpose. Even if your music theory skills are not that great (mine weren't when I started) you will slowly get the hang of it and actually start understanding it from a practical perspective. Look at well made GP tabs from UG and try to see how things are set up there. Play around with those files and you'll definitely learn from that.

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@@Goofiestbee http://lmgtfy.com/?q=guitar+pro+6+tutorial


And if you are looking for some help on how to transcribe, experience is the biggest element and ear training will help a lot too. Trial and mostly error will be of the party!

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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@@Goofiestbee http://lmgtfy.com/?q=guitar+pro+6+tutorial


And if you are looking for some help on how to transcribe, experience is the biggest element and ear training will help a lot too. Trial and mostly error will be of the party!

 Haha very funny. though I did make searches and haven't found exactlyt what im looking for.. those tutorials are all about basic functions & navigating through the program. I was really hoping to find a tutorial with someone actually taking a song and tabbing it out in Guitar Pro for an In-Depth tutorial because I learn better after seeing someone do it.

Thanks for the response none-the-less.

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When I started with GP I actually had not much of a clue what I was doing but I just tried out all the functions, started to work on some actual songs and with some time and patience I figured out all the things that one needs. Even after you worked with it for a while you will still find new things that you didn't even know GP was capable of. ;)


So, all I can tell you: fuck tutorials and just start using it. Practice makes perfect as they say and you can't get familiar with a software just from looking at some tutorials, so there's seldom a better way to learn something other than just using it actively and with a specific purpose. Even if your music theory skills are not that great (mine weren't when I started) you will slowly get the hang of it and actually start understanding it from a practical perspective. Look at well made GP tabs from UG and try to see how things are set up there. Play around with those files and you'll definitely learn from that.

Thank you :) Great response & I will deffinately try this. 

really appreciate it

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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

exactly what Aludog said. Tabbing a song takes almost any or many hours, depends on the complexity of the song, so this would be a very long video.

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I feel like making a guitar pro first would be better..because i can then directly import them to rocksmith & upload them to Tablature sites... && I agree. Was just hoping there was some sort of instructional out there. Ill keep digging. Thanks for the responses everyone. I appreciate it

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If you already understand notation but don't know how to enter notes into the program, just press F1.  It brings up a very useful help guide.  I bet the answer to every question you got is in that guide.

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If you already understand notation but don't know how to enter notes into the program, just press F1.  It brings up a very useful help guide.  I bet the answer to every question you got is in that guide.

Thanks buddy, i'll check that out now :)

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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

Why not just EOF ;)

For me it is much easier and faster to tab with Guitar Pro. Of course if you are more familar with EOF it is maybe better.

For me GP6 stays the number one in tabbing, cause I work since years with it and it has more and clear options and is much easier to handle. EOF for me is much more complicated and inconvenient.

If you already understand notation but don't know how to enter notes into the program, just press F1.  It brings up a very useful help guide.  I bet the answer to every question you got is in that guide.

didn't knew this, and again something learned about GP  :)
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F1 will bring up the help that come with almost any software if they respect the convention when it comes to hotkey.


Also yes i was serious because i don't think you'll see many videos of people actually doing transcription because it's something that you do with your ear and guts and that at first you'll get wrong 50% of the time without even noticing it at first.


Having knowledge in music theory will help you for using GP, if you need you can also use any tools you want (paper/EOF/any DAW) and even a combination if you feel like it.


You didn't bring up any of your background in music related to transcription or what did you try to do exactly so i throw general information to what might help you use GP more efficiently.


Also keep in mind that GP isn't made as a transcription software but a tabbing one. It won't help you to figure out note/tempo/rhythm or anything else, it's just a place to enter what you found by yourself.

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Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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F1 will bring up the help that come with almost any software if they respect the convention when it comes to hotkey.


Also yes i was serious because i don't think you'll see many videos of people actually doing transcription because it's something that you do with your ear and guts and that at first you'll get wrong 50% of the time without even noticing it at first.


Having knowledge in music theory will help you for using GP, if you need you can also use any tools you want (paper/EOF/any DAW) and even a combination if you feel like it.


You didn't bring up any of your background in music related to transcription or what did you try to do exactly so i throw general information to what might help you use GP more efficiently.


Also keep in mind that GP isn't made as a transcription software but a tabbing one. It won't help you to figure out note/tempo/rhythm or anything else, it's just a place to enter what you found by yourself.

Thanks. Im starting to find my way around Guitar Pro 6 pretty good...what im trying to do is tab out songs which don't have guitar pro files so it is then easier for me to import them into Rocksmith, most of the songs i am attempting there are How-To-Play videos that im using or just normal Tabs..so not from scratch if thats what you were thinking. :P. I dont like using EoF that much and find this interface a little cleaner :)


Few things, how do I make a Sustain in Guitar Pro 6? Also how do I do Fret Hand muted notes/chords?

that would really help alot. They must be named something else that im just not familiar with. 


Thanks, really do appreciate the help guys.  :)

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