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Everything posted by ZagatoZee

  1. Actually, this is the first time I'm hearing about this (make sure to use our Tracker to report any bugs you find). Have you tried clearing your cookies? I fixed a bug today in Ignition that I think affected you. Can you try now and tell me if you get results on the first page load? Can confirm I was having the same issue previously - seems fixed now. Now if we could have it so clicking an artist name, sorts by that artist / shows only that artist, the same as "Old Search" does - and not open the entry's pop-up, that would be awesome. Clicking the song should open the pop-up (if we must insist on having it), while clicking artist name should then show only that artists tracks.
  2. Will be keeping an eye on this project, looks promising!
  3. Delete this thread - the latest build worked perfectly for me. I just thought it was an issue, since when I tried a newer build than was suggested previously, I couldn't get it working at all....
  4. I haven't tried making any CDLC since before Xmas and a computer re-format.... I went to complete a project today and discovered I don't have the WWise installer on my computer. I don't know how long this has been the case, but I tried to download WWise v2013.2.2 build 4828 today and discovered it was no longer listed in the drop downs on AudioKinetic page. Build 4856 is the oldest available and the direct links listed elsewhere on this site or in linked project pages - get an access denied error. Can build 4856 be used? If 4856 can't be used, does anyone else have the installer saved somewhere that they wouldn't mind sharing? (64 bit) Cheers.
  5. I can't actually get the WWise components you link to (Access denied using the links for web installer etc from the project page). Build 4828 no longer even appears in the drop downs from the web page. Later versions can't be used? (I've had to format my system since I last released CDLC, so don't have the version installed that I've previously used)
  6. OK, sorry for sucking, it was my first run through (first time I've ever actually heard that song). Getting the 18/20 notes is a bitch on my guitar, so I pretty much missed every-one of them. https://copy.com/KAIZlimaAvsOygH8 52.6 mb - 1080p screen grab of the track on lead.
  7. Feel free to try it on this track http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/he-man-woman-hater-incl-intro-r5132 I've had some feedback that the sync isn't amazing. That's likely due to my frustration / the insane bpm changes etc. If it's a candidate for improvement - awesome, if not, such is life.
  8. I had a play in PS this morning. The colours I chose are the same as the ingame colours for each path. http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr216/zagatozee/Album-Tags---animation_zpsq2fcungl.gif Please feel free to edit / butcher / use / ignore this psd as you like. It is just a suggestion. That GIF should be 1:1 for ingame. PSD Link- https://copy.com/UymyeKfYCCqNBqOp My thinking is that the toolkit could generate the album art based on what it sees. Each layer could be a tiny png that is added to the art... I don't know. Just throwing ideas out there. Maybe the toolkit can retrospectively add these to existing art, based on the way the CDLC renamer tool does? Edit #4 or so.... Alternatively, the entire arrow could be used per path and maybe add a White Stripe to denote a bonus is available for that path? Edit #5, I intentionally chose the Illusion II cover - as I knew it'd be quite close to the Bass colour... wanted to see fi it would be obvious against it or not. Edit #25.... Option 2, Full arrows are used for showing paths, Alternate options are shown with a center white stripe. http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr216/zagatozee/Album-Tags---Alternate---large-chevrons-gif_zps9vni8xs7.gif Alternate psd file should anyone want to mess with it - https://copy.com/2SpOQM6iYWEV47Dx
  9. I'm loving this idea - but would argue that there isn't really a need to show the existence of a vocals track. By skipping that, would that open up a bit more screen real-estate to better show things we care about? L/R/B//BL/BR/BB Suggestion, The top half of the arrow only is coloured if only a Lead / Rhythm / Bass path is there. The bottom half only gets coloured in if there is a bonus for that path.... That could permit something like this to exist... In this example, there is a Bonus Lead and Bonus Bass, but no bonus Rhythm. DLC \ \ \ \ / / / Doh, lead and rhythm colours are switched, but you get the idea.
  10. I don't actually see a rational reason for the number of levels in DD to be listed, since everyone except maybe a few very dedicated people use the toolkit to apply DD. It has DD, or it doesn't. Same goes for RR. If using the toolkit, RR is auto applied (some better than others admittedly) If it has DD - it has RR. All the DD or no DD flag tells me, is if I can save the file directly into my DLC folder, or if I have to save it to my "Needs DD added" folder first, then I open the toolkit and add DD myself. It takes about 10 seconds per track.
  11. It functions brilliantly and I´m sure several people have invested a ton of time and effort into it, but damn that colour scheme is nasty. I´d love the ability to hide columns I don´t care about to un-clutter the interface, or re-order the columns. Please ignore that, on playing with the settings I see that you can remove columns - nice! Can we make it so we can select if we want usernames included in the search results or not? It still returns some crazy / damned if I can work out why it includes them - search results. Search for ¨zee¨ for eg, It auto includes my entries - ideally I´d like to filter them out, but it also includes some randoms, that I can´t see a reason for being included, lie Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall part 2.
  12. We now seem to have all of Appetite available (except Izzy on My Michelle)... would anyone be keen for an entire Appetite for Destruction album as 1 CDLC? (like the "dark side of the moon" custom) Or should I forget it and just work on some more of the Illusion tracks? With the limitations on tone switches, can we get a decent enough sounding custom over all the tracks? I know Slash's amps are basically set the same way all the way through, but delays etc I'm worried about on Lead and there seems to be quite a few tone changes on Rhythm. Are any of the guys that have made the tracks already, willing to share their - Pre DD being added - project files to speed it up? Anyone willing to collaborate on it?
  13. If they are not TOO young - grab a kids size guitar or bass and another cable and terminator time becomes family time with Dad. You may need to add in a basic drum for the odd one out to bash on.
  14. is there another log file somewhere? the log in the root folder of the toolkit only shows this as it's contents. 2014-09-15 19:51:42.5954 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program.Main Version: 2014-09-15 19:51:42.5954 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program.Main OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 2014-09-15 19:51:42.5954 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program.Main Command: "Z:\Rocksmith Custom DLC\RocksmithCustomSongToolkit-v2.6.0.0-4174fc7b3141_PC\RocksmithToolkitGUI.exe" https://copy.com/rjo88TjKxQF9Dc9C - linky to files for building package
  15. I am tweaking someone else's custom for my own use - adding arpeggios etc where there are none in the original release - so I used DDC v2.5 to remove the DD. Unpacked using toolkit - updated to Rocksmith Import into EOF - edits done then saved as normal. I try to create the package and the toolkit drops the following error every time. I have tried saving templates and re-loading after restarting the toolkit, but get the same error each time. Any tips on where I have gone wrong? http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr216/zagatozee/shinedown_zpsdd3a3a5f.png
  16. May I suggest throwing them all on https://copy.com?r=VG44SE (referral link so I get some additional free space - as do you) I have a bunch from a friend (likely originally from a torrent) that is separated out in folders named a, b, c etc, then band names within that folder - just let users browse them. You can give a public share link to the root folder and let everyone search for tabs themselves. I only have 24,000 ish files - under 600 meg total - but the collection I have can be found at this link - should anyone want to browse them. https://copy.com/cCcCdUHMz9D4
  17. Born - Stirling Scotland. Grew up - Gosford NSW Australia Currently living - Bogota Colombia I wanted to learn guitar for ages, but had some of "those" mates in high school, that are just absolute musical maestros. They could pick up any instrument and given 5 minutes, be taking requests (flute, violin, guitar, saxophone - I'm not kidding). That was rather demoralising in school, so I stuck to piano then. Fast forward to my 32nd birthday. I now work from home and have adequate free time for learning the guitar. WIfey saw me checking out some Rocksmith videos on YouTube, asked why I never learnt to play a guitar - 5 minute conversation which results in her saying, "Well, I know what your birthday present is this year".
  18. Nothing beats a good cup of coffee, while getting a morning BJ.
  19. So I got another Nuno Bettencourt classic around about 98% done. 2 issues I could use help with if anyone has ideas. Issue #1 - 8 seconds of the song I just can not get sync'd up properly. Nuno goes from around 30 bpm to 150 bpm in 3 bars / 8 seconds and I just suck at getting the sync right there. (all on the purple string around the 5 minute mark) Issue #2 - RS doesn't seem to register the palm slap/mute that is required to play this song correctly. Any advice on how to correct that would be most appreciated. V0.01(first test build), no DD - but working so you can see what it's like currently (basic acoustic guitar tone applied) - https://copy.com/GJoGfs7UIMJ7 Folder containing the EOF files should you want to try fixing anything yourself - or just want a better look at it. - https://copy.com/DhpduvGSC4Rw Any help or advice on how to fix these would be most appreciated.
  20. My first "albums" were all tapes - listing together as they were all bought with birthday money in one trip to a record store. Poison - Open Up and Say AHHHHHHHHH Poison - Look what the cat dragged in Alice Cooper - Poison and Schools Out Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet Bon Jovi - New Jersey Pop Will Eat Itself - This Is The Day... This Is The Hour... This Is This! It was my 9th birthday. First CD's - once again, splashed out - this time from DoubleDay mail order music in Australia, Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe Fear Factory - Demanufacture - Remanufacture - Obsolete and Fear is the mindkiller (guess what my fav band was in 1998?) Michael Jackson - HIStory (pretty sure this was a $5 add on for spending a certain amount - but a great album anyway) Insane Clown Posse - The Great Milenko - Shutup, it's a great album! 2pac - All Eyez On Me First Concert - Fear Factory, Sydney Australia, Enmore Theater - probably December 2001
  21. You are so close to having it sorted. Save package is to save a preset of the dlc name and details - so if you need to update it later, you don't have to mess about entering all the info again.You want to hit the "generate" button to make the package with the correct details.
  22. Sorry, I thought masterclass was for quite good players that wanted a challenge. An hour with riff repeater and that track is perfectly playable fir someone that is already fairly proficient. It wasn't intended for beginners - but fir high level players.
  23. I'm also a big user of copy.com (for a lot more than just CDLC) Reasons? The convenience of Dropbox (folder on your computer that auto syncs over devices and to the net), with significantly better features. More free space for starters (15 gig) +5 gig additional per referral. If you have a 5 gig folder shared between 5 people, it only counts as 1 gig from each of your space allocations - unlike drop box where it counts as 5 gig for each person. Is it perfect, no. But it seems to be one of the better options available today. The referral system is just a little more clunky than it needs to be for eg and the iPad app is a little frustrating. Between the Anvil and here, I've had a bit over 2000 downloads of CDLC from copy and seen 1 complaint. https://copy.com?r=VG44SE - referral code/link should anyone want to claim a free 20 gig (15+5 bonus) account, I'll also gain an additional 5 gig from you using it.
  24. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/04/18/protests-continue-against-dropbox-after-appointing-condoleezza-rice-to-board/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0
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