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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2015 in all areas

  1. Advanced Rhythm - 95.71%, 105 streak Too fast on fretting fingers. The problem, @, is that I don't like White Limo. I'm done with it. I played it few more tries without achieving better score and I'm sick of it. I still believe that it's 6, but I won't argue if most will decide that it's 7. Limo no more! Anthrax!
    4 points
  2. Black Keys Lead: 95.53% http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/38618946940087603/1DE080D7C000D3A3D845D2E3D41ACFC54B4A115B/
    4 points
  3. It works in Chrome. I was accidentally in IE :blush: It serves me right.http://i.imgur.com/UPyJ4TE.jpg
    3 points
  4. Still continue improve score, but already close to border of skill. : http://i.imgur.com/xILjkFM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MU1x2yu.jpg
    2 points
  5. Hey guys, little Foo fighters bass here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=413755124 Just my two pence but with the song classes (can only speak for bass ^^) I found if a song isn't as challenging as I'd like just go a class above that works for me. Of course if your master-class could always go for that 100% MM ^^.
    2 points
  6. Updates I might try to MM this one at end of week http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541895566620126763/21F620BB38C2444EF0B975049DFE4346939672A4/ And the too fast for my fingers award goes to.... http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541895566620126561/011A65A5E39AA17DC8E434CC15263A5142436B4D/
    2 points
  7. @@Nacholede Anyway i like tune of the song, and will continue practice on lead. And think there is techniques which i want learn, good track for practice, seems i can to get there about 95%. And in the end week after a lot practice may be i change my rate for lead, especially if @@Mortalo posted there great video :lol: Update score, Advanced class, lead: http://i.imgur.com/6dRSTMV.jpg @@2groggy You can simply upload your screen to imgur.com (free and no registration), and post link there via button "image" in "post message" window. Right click on steam icon, in menu select screenshots, then press button "show on disk", and sort by date, drag your image to webbrowser with opened page imgur.com
    2 points
  8. With time and practice, this song turns easy :D The first time i played it i scored like 90%. But as i said before, this is definitely not an advanced song, even if it's hard for Intermediate, it's not Advanced Also, this will push the limits of all the people that are on that class haha :D And i think that's something cool
    2 points
  9. I decided not mess with ratings made by selectors, unless I have to completely dissagree with them. @ Target score is who's score? Nacho's? :P I feel that Limo is easier then Starstruck. I can get good sound in 90% speed in Limo, while with Rainbow I can't do so. Also Limo has less different sections then Rainbow. I'm not saying Limo is easy, it's difficult, but I'm here with Nacho, that it's not Advanced level. I would say that Underwear is not Advanced either. Still final rate is sum of all opinions, and I don't think that you can make a formula for it.
    2 points
  10. A bit nailed alternate picking there, but my bad muting and terrible string skipping ruining sounds , only improve score, not sounds: http://i.imgur.com/xCZMQnF.jpg
    2 points
  11. Can definitely play it better, my hand just keep dying after one play. I can't bend the first part of the solo and if I would mute the background music it would probably sound like shit :D I got the riff pretty much tho. Still think the skill level is very far from 4 no uta. http://i.imgur.com/UzByOMd.jpg
    2 points
  12. Lemon Song is great, but I'm having trouble working myself up to it -- it is really pushing the limits (lets face it, BEYOND the limits) of my skills. So in the meantime, here's a try at Beginner Lead: And another run on the really really fun Adv Bass song: That ^^^ took a full playthrough in RR at 85% speed before trying it on SA. In the slowed down playthrough, I missed 4 notes total and it easily could have been perfect. But at full speed, it was a mighty effort just to improve from 97.x to 98.16. Shit ton of fun though. B)
    2 points
  13. Hi, folks. I'll be using this thread to maintain the latest versions of EOF in one place. To start, download and extract EOF 1.8RC12: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ih70h6p67iy77ka/eof1.8RC12.zip You can keep that zip file handy to avoid downloading it more than once. When I release a new hotfix, all you have to do is replace the files from the above zip file with the ones from the hotfix. The latest hotfix (9-26-2020) is here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6xzg32k4a9gqwxs/eof_hotfix_%289-26-2020_4%29.zip/file *If you use a non QWERTY US English keyboard layout, and keyboard controls/shortcuts aren't working for you, please make a post describing what keyboard shortcuts aren't working, and what the Info panel says the "CODE" and "ASCII" values are after you use each of the keyboard controls in question. I can make Mac releases and will try to post one with each Windows release, but my ability to do so is sometimes limited. If I don't get around to releasing a Mac build you want, just remind me to do so. The latest Mac build (9-26-2020) is here: http://ignition.customsforge.com/eof/download/487 Unless you have oggenc and LAME installed (these don't come with the Mac build for licensing reasons), you won't be able to have EOF automatically convert from MP3 to OGG when you create a new chart. If you have trouble getting those set up on your system, here is a package that should get them installed and usable by EOF: http://www.t3-i.com/apps/eof/downloads/eof_utilities.pkg Please provide any and all feedback, including bugs and feature requests. If possible, also please review the included documentation (manual, tutorials) and let me know if you find any room for improvement there. Eventually I plan to add a Rocksmith authoring section to the pro guitar tutorial, but the community's knowledge of the Rocksmith songs' makeup changes pretty quickly so it's hard to know when particular features are considered fully known. For any features that ARE fully known (like anchors), please feel free to remind me if they aren't incorporated into EOF yet, in case I missed any information being passed around on this forum or the Google group. Note: If you are reporting a bug, please specify which hotfix (date) you're using. I release hotfixes on a somewhat random schedule, sometimes more than once per day, so the issue being reported may have been fixed in a release you haven't tried yet.
    1 point
  14. So fun! http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541896205293406407/73CEE044BF7B24E8C75AD67782174E0FD4778880/
    1 point
  15. Not a good song for me this weeks for Lead. I'm bad at tremolos and bad at this kind of chords, but anyway here it is: http://i.imgur.com/CvUrC6S.jpg I'll keep trying but I doubt I can improve it.
    1 point
  16. It's really hard to tell, there is so many hard songs, but if I have to choose one I would go with JerryC - Canon Rock. That's pretty much insane on both lead and rhythm. Though especially rhythm is worth noting, as it's pure rhythm with no solo's, which can bump difficulty as it's not typical for rhythm. I noticed that Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt.1 is only song in Rocksmith Championship history rated 10 (for difficulty) in each path, though I don't remember it and we started to rate songs just few weeks prior to that song.
    1 point
  17. in other words you say: you charted a custom dlc for RS2014 and you'd like to have a feedback and suggestions on improving fingering\tab maybe tones too, song is working for you and you'd like to share. Fish out some real charter who'll adopt your work and post it here( not me, I have lots of WIPs already.)
    1 point
  18. @Nacholede I know. I have the entire folder of Alestorm songs without solo's. I'm still looking for someone to help me fill those in.
    1 point
  19. @@firekorn, I can extend this auto preview generator based on sections, like get first chorus section and start cut preview from there or if there is no chorus or it out of bounds use first "non count*" section etc, I hope I can find small fade function to get previews more like ODLC. but as for now I'd suggest to avoid this auto preview things and I'm not sure if it'll pick preview if an already in place but with name "preview.wav". I'm merging cozy's tuning fix to master right now. @@cozy1, read above^
    1 point
  20. Arrrh! the Fooies are still kickin' my arse! I can manage OK at 90-95% speed and get 90+% accuracy but at full speed i go all unco....it's just too fast for my 40yo brain to comprehend. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/p64efmojg4n30ja/221680_2015-03-25_00001.png?dl=0
    1 point
  21. Fixes for tuning, including bass tuning are here. Edit: now available in binary release (*.exe).
    1 point
  22. 1. This is a problem that won't be corrected in EOF until the next hotfix. 2. The results are the same, although it's best not to generate them if you're still working on the track because if you make changes to the tab the generated FHPs may no longer reflect the tablature. 3. FHPs can't be moved in the way notes can be. You can mark them with "Track>Rocksmith>Fret hand positiosn>Set" (or use the SHIFT+F shortcut). In order to see where they are you can open File>Preferences and set the top of the 2D pane to show hand positions.
    1 point
  23. + lead http://i61.tinypic.com/2lutiya.jpg
    1 point
  24. I think this song sounds like a lawnmower. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/White%20limo%2086_zps5stsgwxe.jpg now back to the good song. :D http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Starstruck%209361_zpsdvdegmgt.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Starstruck%20Rhythm%209616_zpsnenzik9r.jpg
    1 point
  25. bass scores! White Limo Bass, 99,88% Missed one or two notes... White Limo Bass MM, 95,96% Just for fun and to see how good i memorized it, and despite the score, it was only subpar in my opinion Starstruck Bass Lemon Song Bass Cant really handle the Starstruck Bass lick where it goes B-A-F#-D-B and other variations... too fast and the string skipping on top, my fingers cant handle that yet. The Lemon Song was quite awesome to play, but still, fingers too slow. Good Ol' John is rocking that bass I hope i will get to my guitar next time...bass is sooo much fun ;D cheers!
    1 point
  26. Bass - Int - 96,85% - 196 streak: http://i.imgur.com/sbBe3iT.jpg I was kind of scared for the change class but I think I can handle the Int class. I'll post the Beg-lead when I figure out how to play correctly that fucking chords. xD
    1 point
  27. some first scores. Black Keys Too Afraid to Love You, 100% Bass Chill song, i think i could go to Intermediate soon ;P White Limo 99% Bass That was exhausting! I really need to practice my right hand on picking lots of consecutive notes. But still, proves its Intermediate Bass time for me White Limo Lead, 77% Lead That was...confusing for me, hahaha. But all in all not that difficult if you got the picking down Rainbow Starstruck 90% Lead Awesome song, but maybe would have changed this one with White Limo for the classes. Lemon Song, 84% Lead Love it. need to get those bends and all those solos down cheers!
    1 point
  28. I gave up on finally getting 100% on the beginner bass song. I always make a stupid mistake in a random place, so 99.66% was as close as I could get. ;) http://i.imgur.com/45N8nLu.jpg I also tried the intermediate and was happy to get 94.2% on it my first play through. http://i.imgur.com/O6BeBf5.jpg
    1 point
  29. Early tries. Love the Foo song! http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541895566616339308/E4A42A5FEC3A2A319B239FF2CE0DEEEAC2FA0E60/ Rainbow hurts http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541895566616339480/5F6887FD7B01CB70A05229BD8736A970F934CD49/
    1 point
  30. This is one of my all time favorite songs. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Starstruck%209292_zpsqwuctrel.jpg http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/Starstruck%20Rhythm%2096_zpsyer54wv8.jpg Its not that complicated but i feel its just to fast for intermediate.
    1 point
  31. Intermediate Lead - 94.43%, 128 streak Yes, it is Intermediate. Ok, solo is impossible in Rocksmith to register. It's really fast, you're skipping strings, but you're not moving much fingers while skipping. On the other hand, Starstruck has not only string skipping but also you have to move that finger on D string. Tricky. And intro is a killer, and this A,D,G fillers are also scary. Proof: Advanced Lead - 90%, 150 streak
    1 point
  32. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=412700472 Really enjoy playing this one so used up my practice time on it to try perfect it. Began committing it to memory so might try a MM video later but having little time sucks giant donkey cojones. I'll have probably forgotten it by the evening. Will do Rainbow later, I feel that particular tune deserves much more than the duration of the song... was thinking earlier about the amount of times I've booted up RS and wondered how many minutes I've wasted just waiting around to get to LAS or SA. I think once a game's booted up for the first time, you should never have to go through all that R...o...c...k...s...m...i...t...h... twen-ty,,, fourrrr-teeeeen, shenanniganary. Days.... DAYS of time I've lost waiting for that to go do one so I can play... I could have leant all that time to learning Rainbow! (first world problems eh...) ;)
    1 point
  33. -= weekly leaderboard update =- players listed: 117 (!) leader changes: @@Blazikiller Adv Rhy on fire: @@Jambi 70Pts Beg Lead @@genobadass 83Pts Adv Bass CONGRATULATIONS! no players falling off the boards http://i62.tinypic.com/29kqp1s.jpg Nice week everyone!
    1 point
  34. And so he should be arrested, handing out karaoke versions of Kylie Minogue, Carly Rae Jepsen and that fkn Frozen song :D
    1 point
  35. 2007 Gibson Les Paul Studio Vintage Mahogany Worn Brown, Silver Toggle and Toggle Plate, Roller Bridge, Silver Speed Knobs, Mirror Pick-guard http://i.imgur.com/qyYvPKP.jpg?1
    1 point
  36. Newest addition to the family... http://i57.tinypic.com/21kxox0.jpg Fender MIM Tele Standard in Lake Placid Blue. Better pics possibly to be added tomorrow.
    1 point
  37. ">http://http://i59.tinypic.com/20hsm5j.jpg"> Playing 91 usa strat plus,all gold lace sensors,sweetest sounds ever though not through rs2014
    1 point
  38. Welcome to the community. If or when you want to learn the notes on the neck of the guitar you can install a custom guitar inlay with notes into the game. You can find a tutorial and program here for making inlays. You can also generate a custom inlay with note names from CST.
    1 point
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