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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2014 in all areas

  1. Here we go... http://i62.tinypic.com/2vi37so.png
    7 points
  2. was just going for a longer streak...oops http://s11.postimg.org/7cgmp8gvn/2014_12_17_00002.jpg
    3 points
  3. Well gave it a try on We Got The Beat, but the @ version and got this score http://s15.postimg.org/kj926mz9n/rocksmith.jpg Seems even funnier to play this version :D Good Job @ ;)
    3 points
  4. You convert audio, import gp tabs, sync, make sections+phrases, lyrics, make tones, adjust, export and upload it and share the link here, BUT you CANNOT be bothered to use the extra few minutes tocheck if your own creation works....WTF?!
    2 points
  5. Finally got back my 94% and small bonus :) http://i.imgur.com/1WLnNJG.jpg
    2 points
  6. Most of the above comments are done by charters, & it's not suposed to hurt anybody, doing custom is a long process (even with the amazing tools we got), if the charter is very experienced, skipping the test phase isn't a major problem (even if i personnaly don't agree). Testing the song makes you sure: There's no freeze/crash The guitar/bass & song volume match the others official customs There's no sync issues The song appears in the list with it's label ..... How could you spend hour(s) on polishing one custom & let this kind of problem happends ? While you just need 5 min to test a song you like ? As said by Teinashu, if you need a pause, (test the custom & publish it) later, it's not a race, it's a gift to the community. I don't said the customs have to be perfect, but the above points are easy to fix if you try your releases before publishing them.
    2 points
  7. http://i.imgur.com/O3DcdX8.jpg That was a way better number than I was expecting after all the silly combo drops in the chorus and verse. Made up for it in the solos, I guess!
    2 points
  8. Small improvment on rythm B) http://s1.postimg.org/i0evjphe7/Rocksmith_rhythm.jpg
    2 points
  9. http://fs2.directupload.net/images/141216/net3a2hd.jpg got the neverend with my streak :P
    2 points
  10. At first glance at this song i thought to myself, this is wayyyyy above my skill level. But after playing it a few times it seems a lot easier and it is really fun to play. Never heard the song or even Billy Cobham, but is sounds nice. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/RedBaron88_zps3896f514.jpg
    2 points
  11. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k228/maztor42/Rocksmith%20championship%202014/TheJack93_zps6aa5da2e.jpg All the bends in the solo are out of my skill level. So i do not think i will score any higher than this. Might give it a few tries in score attack later in the week tho.
    2 points
  12. Someone who don't test his custom before publishing it, takes the risk to create inacurate or unsync or volume problems customs. It takes a lot of time to create a clean custom, publishing a "crap" one have a direct sentence: Someone else will do it better/fixed & you'll lost your invested time & give a bad opinion of your upcoming work. Testing our customs is the best& easiest way to enhance the overall quality, it just takes 10 minutes & you'll won't be desapointed by the awaited comments saying you're custom is unsync etc...
    2 points
  13. How to Use Custom DLC (CDLC) on Mac (2023 Update) The following instructions are for Rocksmith 2014 Remastered, with the latest update installed. These instructions may not work for older versions or pirated versions of the game, and I will provide no support for pirated versions. Please buy the game and support the developer. Without the game, we would have nothing to play customs with anyway. Download the patch here : https://github.com/aik002/RSBypass/releases/download/1.8pre2/RSBypass.zip Video instruction : To convert PC customs to Mac version : https://github.com/glebb/rocksmithconvert/releases/download/2.2.0/RSConvert_GUI-2.2.zip Here are all the steps (read them carefully) : Your user account needs to be an Administrator account. Download the Rocksmith Patch: https://github.com/aik002/RSBypass/releases/download/1.8pre2/RSBypass.zip Unzip the patch file and double-click on "RUN_PATCH_RS.command" to run the patch. This will patch the Rocksmith 2014 app file to allow cDLC's to work. **If you encounter a permissions error, see the note below** Download the customs you want. Make sure they end in "_m.psarc". If they end in "_p.psarc" they are PC only versions and will need to be converted with the Toolkit. I'll put instructions for that down below. Place the customs in the dlc folder. The location is: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Rocksmith2014 It is a hidden folder, so the easiest way to find it is to open Finder, and using the "Go" menu, select "Go To Folder" and paste the location in there. You can then drag the dlc folder to your sidebar to create a permanent link. You can also find the folder by opening Steam and going to your games library and right-clicking on Rocksmith 2014, and choosing "Properties". Select the "Local Files" tab and click on "Browse Local Files" Launch Rocksmith 2014 by either opening Steam and running it from "Library", or launch it from the Mac Launchpad by clicking on "Rocksmith 2014" Say goodbye to your family, friends, and free time. You won't be seeing any of them for a while. **If you encounter a permissions error while running the patch: Right-click on the patch and select "Get Info" Under "Sharing & Permissions", make sure that all users listed have "Read & Write" permissions. If they do not, click the small lock icon in the bottom right corner to allow the permissions to be changed, and enter your Admin password. Then select each user that needs to be changed and alter the permissions. Repeat for the other two files needed for the patch ("insert_dylib" and "libRYBypass.dylib") Updated 2023/11/01, confirmed to work until Sonoma OS.
    1 point
  14. I am pleased to announce that new Rocksmith Custom Song Toolkit. All thanks to the developers involved in the project that made this feasible possibility in so little time. DEVS: * me; * Snakez; * Maveth; * Raynebc; * Dreddfoxx; * Alex360 (L0fka); * Shrubbery (otaznik); * Cozy1; * Zephyrix; * Xavatar (PowerSlinky); * Chlipouni; * Cgeorge; TESTERS (consoles): * Acid6D94 (XBox 360); * Redeyed (PS3); * Kim666 (PS3); And among others for PC/Mac. DOWNLOAD: http://www.rscustom.net/ NOW WITH A RELEASE FOR MONO (CAN BE USED ON MAC) !!! ANY ISSUE? TRY TO DOWNLOAD THE LAST BUILD: http://www.rscustom.net/builds IF PROBLEM PERSISTS, OPEN AN ISSUE IN THE PROJECT ON GITHUB: https://github.com/rscustom/rocksmith-custom-song-toolkit/issues NEW VERSION INCLUDE: NEW IN* New auto-update feature (shows changes from your version and allow update with one click);* Added InlayCreator (new package type to customize your guitar) [all credits to Cozy1 and Baoulletes for this feature];* Added config screen that you can pre-define some fields in toolkit;* Added song preview volume box to make preview independant of song volume;* Added structured project import option;* Added package author (charter name) inside the package (can be setup on config screen, default value is "Custom Song Creator", but you can define your name if you want);* Added background worker with progress bar for most toolkit features (Generate package, unpacker, update appid, etc);* Added option to use acronym in file names when generate packages;* Fixed DLCConverter CLI issues;* Fixed packer for mod purposes;* SNG 2 XML general issues fixed;* Enhanced package validation;* Toolkit random hangs fixed;* Package random crashes fixed;* Fixed auto-tone load with ToneC and ToneD in some cases;* Fixed Import Template from package (tuning frequency and some minor issues);* Fixed some existent appIds and added new ones;* DDC updated to 2.2;* Fixed packer for larger than 100mb files;* Minor issue fixes. Note: RS2014 CDLC support almost all new features like new techniques, custom tunings, Tuning Pitch (frequency), Mac platform, etc. This new version of toolkit require lastest version of Editor-on-Fire (EoF) 1.8RC8(r1281) or above. To play custom songs on PC and Mac platform is required a patch to bypass song signature that will be released in a tutorial in smithyanvil. (for consoles is not required). ============================================== CHANGE LOG:
    1 point
  15. Nice to see you back. I look forward to seeing what you've got to upload :)
    1 point
  16. coming closer http://fs2.directupload.net/images/141218/4v3vywb4.jpg
    1 point
  17. Another slight improvement. (94.28%, World on Fire, Bass) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKZERaZUVfQ2J4dEU/view?usp=sharing Got to admit, I am slightly addicted to it on RR... I've got to stop now though, because I can feel bruising in one of my plucking fingers, and playing my other favourites after, I can even feel bruising in my fretting hand. Plus, it is improving my speed, I've no doubt, but it does nothing for my technique. :lol:
    1 point
  18. There's no easy way. The conversion from RS1 to RS2014 for a cdlc is like recreating the cdlc itself.
    1 point
  19. @@Rodman It is not recharted version, some update, simple improve beat, and easy changing in chart. In a solo i shifted a few notes, when tested it on slow speed in EOF. And deleted a lot tech notes on short notes with complicated bends. i think no sense for them mark time start and release. It only ruined recognition in RS. So all thanks to @@Kaijin and @. I glad that you like improved version. Thanks.
    1 point
  20. Hey another person in another thread helped me out and it worked! I just downloaded an earlier version of the toolkit build (the one that said fixed converter error message)
    1 point
  21. A small update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Qq-EFnmrKRDJySWJXVHFfckk/view?usp=sharing (World on Fire, 93.67% bass. I hope the "easy" score attack counts.)
    1 point
  22. @ omg, crazy score! Today i cant get my 97 on bass an 94 on lead :( But now i have fantastic sounds with pedal amt-ss20 - (easy tube overdrive) + my new chorus MXR on this a song. Feel like play on real guitar, beautiful feelings. Nice sounds in mix with Billy, only i play wrong notes :D
    1 point
  23. No problem at all, I just didn't had time to play your version. As far as note sync there might have been notes out of sync, I didn't spend much time in the bass arrangement, but as for the unnecessary notes, I have to play your version and see which notes weren't supposed to be there.... I shouldn't need the EoF files, I can just unpack your file and use the .xml for the bass arrangement to create a new file with your version. I had the help of @ on the lead arrangement, so I would like to hear what he has to say about the tech notes on the bends. In my case, I haven't noticed any problems with the bends registering, but the solo is fast and I can't play all the notes ofc, so that's why I might not see any bends not registering (meaning that the misses that I see, I really miss the notes and they are not all bends). I think the whole solo is ok, the right notes in the right positions, maybe a litte fine tune could be done as @ said, delete note after release bend, also sounds more natural. I played it again and in the solo I earned about 10 missed notes. http://fs2.directupload.net/images/141216/o7ob365x.jpg
    1 point
  24. Today I gave it a try on rythm ahah http://s28.postimg.org/ph4yn1kwt/Rocksmith_rhythm.jpg Not bad at all but could be better <_<
    1 point
  25. :D I`m too yesterday break 4th string at guitar with D standard, from set 12-56. Simple play a song, nothing unusual and oops. Today when go in shop for strings and buy yet one pedal - chorus MXR "Black label", cool sounds with amt ss-20. :P @Kaijin I hope you're not offended for update your cdlc and found for himself some improvement :) If you want i send you all files eof for update your topic. But there need yet work with solo, i think need delete yet a few tech notes, and replace to standard bends some of them for good recognition in RS. Anyway there very fast solo, and no one can not playing all short notes with tech notes right way.
    1 point
  26. An important set of points which needs attention. When I download a custom (the rare occasion I play others' customs) I always look for a comment from people who have actually played it, instead of the "Thanks!! Great tune". As a charter I like "Thank You"s, I'm not bashing them at all, but I do agree that they can make a crap custom look awesome. It is worth remembering though, that making customs is very difficult. It's a lot of new information to take in and a lot of new programs to use. There is lots that can go wrong and cause all kinds of errors, so first and foremost ALL charters deserve a pat on the back for effort. One new charters "make" their first custom(s) they just want to get them out because it has been an absolute power of work up to that point. I think that the biggest problem with customs though, is that you actually need to be a pretty competent musician to make good customs. I would consider myself an experienced guitar player and I found it daunting when I first tried to use GP files - so much so that I ended up making songs I knew really well from scratch for my first few customs. There is a tendency to "trust" the GP file, even when it is wrong (even in parts), you need to know the song kinda well enough to know where that G chords goes... Then testing, if you can barely play the song yourself then how the hell can you verify good/bad tabs and a decent sync? There has been much discussion on this subject, a way of knowing in the database which customs are good (technically), which are playable and which are just awful. How it is implemented I don't know... But yeah, thanks for bringing the point up again and hopefully we can discuss enough to find a feasible way forward :) Cause there is some complete tat in the database, and I rarely download customs any more because I have been disappointed so often. Then I think, if I don't try then I may be missing out on some total gems by great new charters...
    1 point
  27. Bass inlay :https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzwrZsjBtcJEdHVBYTlqUGE5dkk/view?usp=sharing guitar inlay: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzwrZsjBtcJETTVKTXFEZEhZVlk/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  28. I use the "Thank-You" button to show gratitude and the "Like" button to say that I think the CDLC is good quality. I like your idea TomSawyer of inspecting your playthroughs. Only problem is that recording software, from my limited experience, introduces lag. I turn a negative into a positive: The tedious restarting of the game to test a change makes me consider my changes very carefully. Then there is that euphoria when your solution work like a charm. Here's hoping others are inspired by the pleasure of testing plus think of it: you know a secret the world is about to discover -that your labour of love is precious and fun. Plus better to have one author catch his blunder in 5 minutes than to gobble up 5 minutes of 500 people's time and risk no one downloading your follow-on CDLD. I know I was frightened to waste you, my friends', time. Then one reward is when people like your song, they tend to kindly send you a playthrough's and your work resides affectionately on YouTube. Priceless!
    1 point
  29. I guess we're all free to decide what our name means. I sometimes download songs I dislike from respected charters just because I know it is quality and then luckily I even learn to appreciate the song because it taught me things. That's the power of a name. I must admit the temptation to post is strong when working so hard to perfect. I know I just couldn't wait to share my work. But I think I made more friends by withholding and testing every single aspect of the custom. Plus I spend 6 hours per month revisiting every single forum post of my 1500 downloaded CDLC in case an author revised his version of a song. Knowing I must be in the minority in doing this so painstakingly, my goal is that a song be as perfect as possible at version 1.0 since it often will be the only version downloaded by a CF member.
    1 point
  30. I never implied that making testing mandatory is a good idea, I just wanted to imply the importance of testing from my personal experience and philosophy. :) I think I made my point and it was received, so there you go.
    1 point
  31. I test every change I make, so that's certainly not the issue here and of course everyone has their own approach to doing things and that's ok. I'm not saying you should go beyond your abilities or capacities when making customs, just that it can never be as good as it could be if you don't approach it with the necessary mind set. I'm also not saying that you can't make good customs if you don't care about the songs because with the right approach and enough experience the technical aspects should guarantee a usable result. If you can live with the fact that at least a part of your custom will never reach the level it could have if cared for and tested thouroughly on all levels then that's ok as well. Also, I can understand if you don't test 5-string bass arangements if you don't own a 5-string bass; I can also understand if you don't test an arrangement that you can't manage because of it's difficulty, but imo it's not the ideal thing to leave it untested just because of that. If nothing else, then you should maybe find a reliable tester for those circumstances, so you can make at least sure it's on a level that's playable. It won't make up for testing it yourself but it's a compromise. I personally don't work above my level anymore, so I can always make sure that every arrangement is playable and feels intuitive to play because if it's not than what good is it? What would my custom be teaching those that rely on RS as a learning tool? As a custom creator I'm in a unique position to define a persons aproach to a certain piece of music that they may have heard a hundred times before but never actually seen from a players perspective. My approach therefore is the one that defines their new found way of seeing the music and if that one is distorted by my own inability to see through the musical concept that lies behind the track than I'm the one to blame for misleading all those that want to actually get into the music and learn from it. That sounds very philosophical but that's how I see it, sorry. You don't have to agree with me but I hope you can at least understand my point of view and therefore the reason I was saying what I was saying in my first post.
    1 point
  32. Not testing a custom means not finishing it. It's as easy as that. It doesn't matter how much time you invest in the custom creation process, if you don't test it afterwards you'll never know if everything works as expected. For me personally, most of the time, the real work starts after I've created the first test file in the toolkit and start up RS. Correcting all the chart issues that are still present (even after a thorough work process in GP and EoF) and working out correct volume levels and tone setups can take me up to 5 hours. I can understand of course why some charters tend to skip the process but the result is usually the same. It just doesn't work in one way or another. Releasing a custom in that state can only be called a WIP release and is therefore not a finished creation that can satisfy any player serious about using RS for it's intended purpose. This topic leads me to a much bigger question, btw: Why in the world would you make a custom that you don't even intend to play? Because the first thing I would want to do, is play the damn thing myself. Then I could check all the remaining issues as well. That's why I'm creating them in the first place and that's why I bother at all. And if it's not fun for me, how can I expect it to be fun for anyone else? So my advice would be, to start caring about your customs. Only create stuff that interests you and that you intend to play for yourself, because that's the only reliable method for creating something that's even worth the effort, no matter if it's you or someone else. Don't waste your energy on something that you have no further use of if instead you could use it on something that gives back the effort you invested a hundredfold. I've learned so much more from making customs than from playing them that I never regret a single minute I spend on improving every aspect of my creation. Don't get me wrong, it's still tiresome as hell and extremely time consuming but never boring or routine. Every custom needs an individual approach because every one is fundamentally different. That's something you'll only come to understand if you care enough, so caring is the key to a successful custom and that's why I care.
    1 point
  33. @ firekorn I have about thirty cDLC I did which are not released. Some are hard to do, I'm not satisfied with the notes, some parts are good, but too many are not. When I don't like to play, why share them ? There is a quality requirement, and that is self-criticism I'm just waiting to get more experience in charting. In fact I feel I need more ear training, achievable by youtube teaching lessons. Sometimes working too long on a song blows your mind, requiring some distance. But 2 month should be enough to check back with new ambition. Riffrepeator, DD, tone volumes, acoustic tone, merging lead and rhythm notes are easy corrections to do No one asks for difficult corrections : like tabbing notes yourself if they can't be found. Of course, I sometimes use private messages for songs I care. That's exactly why I came to the conclusion of an "autofollow" flag for charters. And Test play is required : 90% of charts are not right, notes are not positioned on the right strings, slides have unplayed notes, fret hand positions are not correct, arpeggio's or ghost notes are missing, finger positions change when they can stay in position...
    1 point
  34. I can't agree more. It's easy to loose sight of the last 5-10 cDLC downloaded, you play 2-3, and then, some weeks later you stumble upon the forgotten. It shouldn't be possible to thank, unless you have played it once. But who can resist first enthusiasm? But why are so many charters ignoring important corrections? Some seem to be in a kind of altered state, where releasing more becomes obsessionnal. I overcame this addiction. B) They don't like to spoil time with past releases. More seriously, I think they forget to follow their own release, they don't get the messages. I would recommend the site administrators to add an "autofollow" for each Charter to his submitted cDLC.
    1 point
  35. I'm not here to criticise anyone or anything so don't get me wrong but I have found numerous problems in several CDLC's that I have downloaded here in the last several months. I'll partly take the blame because I don't always give feedback, but when I do it seems to go mostly goes unanswered (maybe 'cause of my junior status). I can't tell you how many times I've gone to a song and read all the thank you's and great job's done and so on, just to download the song and have issues mainly with tones and volumes. And yes, I've fiddled with the mixer in-game to no avail. There seems to be a large variation in peoples tone and song volumes from one CDLC to another, at least in all the songs I download. But I've also had all kinds of issues with my game that have been on my end. I'm happy that people take the time to do this, but yes some people need to do a better job with their CDLC. Uncle
    1 point
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