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fabianosan belongs to the Staff group.

fabianosan last won the day on February 23 2014

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About fabianosan

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    Tech, music and games
  • Guitar
    Gibson Les Paul Studio Faded / Epiphone Les Paul Standard with Seymour Duncan pickups
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    Handmade with Bartolini pickups

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  1. It's only a collaboration platform to make song cover, to record some tracks and to fun.Isn't to make new friends or to create new bands, for it, has another platform that do this better: bandmix.com About your question, I did the same question to bandhub staff few weeks ago: Question: How exactly does the YouTube algorithm work? Who will I "invite automatically"? Bandhub staff answer: If you opted-in for this, Bandhub searches for people covering bands/artists you like and invite them to collaborate with you. If you don't want this to occur, you can disable it from the account settings page. Just to know, you can disable it in the privacy configuration. Yes Cozy, I really wrote this post and all my accounts are safe :)I just found a interesting tool, I did a test and I liked it and decided to share it with you, since there are only "musicians" here, playing songs covers. I'm always here, reading some posts of my interest, downloading some customs songs, just stoped to create new customs, because are a lot of good custom song creators here. And because you and Alex has doing a very good job on toolkit and I'm following everything you've done, each commit on github. When it necessary, I'll appear again to contribute. You know! Calm down, it's just a tool to have fun, record some tracks and yes, has problems, is not completely done. You need to know: All sites get your IP, all record your location and the only thing that is displayed in the profile is your city, but you can hide or change it if you want on your profile/privacy configuration.Here for example, record IP from everyone that do a post in each thread and it is not configurable. Here is your last IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. What is your concern? The site is integrated with youtube, all they publications are made on youtube, your profile is created from youtube. About the privacy policy, the site is really not perfect and has a lot to improve, but it is an interesting tool for those who like to play, to cover songs. About the support, there is a link to talk with them, yes, I contacted the support recently to get some questions and they answered me.
  2. Hi guys, Do you know BandHub.com ? I recorded a song with this platform, see result: This is the project in bandhub: https://bandhub.com/s/5872ce97da5f8ce73f718ca5 I liked it.
  3. Yep, agree too. Choose what is the best for you rayne. I beloeve that a date time os enough. Thanks. Enviado de meu D6633 usando Tapatalk
  4. Pay attention to java version. The toolkit doesn't accept x64 Java version, only x86.
  5. Hi @@raynebc, I believe this is not an issue. You can write the date time or virtual version on file and we can read and parse this value. About a virtual versioning definition, you can use something like "yyDDDhh", where "yy" is the year, "DDD" is the day of the year (0 until 365) and "hh" is the hour of the compilation. This resulting in a version like: 1524021
  6. Kaijin, how are you. Fine? You need. Net x32. Toolkit is not compatible with. Net x64 anymore, sorry.
  7. Please, atach log file here.
  8. New stable version will be released soon.
  9. You can do this in simple way using "RocksmithToolkitLib", all info and methods are in this DLL and can use. If you can do it on RSToolkit will be good. You can open a "issue" on github to do this feature too, maybe some devs with more free time than me can do it. For now, I'm very out of time. It's a good idea.
  10. Need to scroll down, because we want that users read the info and not only download the file.
  11. I did analysis on toolkit code for SNG generation and vibrato's value it reads from XML and writen on SNG file for single notes, but not for chord notes (notes inside a chord). I played the iron maiden song that have different values of vibrato and not seen vibrato with zig-zag like the user reported.Maybe the vibrato value is not to make it more or less zig-zag, but to change the vibrato speed, faster or slow. I really have not sure about this, but is an idea, I'll keep researching.
  12. Ill take a look, anyone can provide more than one xml?
  13. 1st. Json file is not used in the playing mode only on menus and song info, so, any changes on json file will be affect only this sections, not during playing. 2nd. Chords and Techniques fields in json are not discovered by the toolkit team until this time and how we can generate this values for rs2024 cdlcs, but don't worry, it will be affect only chord and technique list on song information screen and any custom song have this sections. 3rd. Playing a song is affected only by .sng binary file that's generated by .xml file from EoF. Is simple, if xml have fret 0 on first string in a chord, it will write this value on the .sng file, so if you need different fret on a chord with capo, I believe that this frets need to be modified on xml (by the EoF). You can try to do the changes manually to test.
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